Jerry's Hispanic Family History              

Welcome to my hubbies homepage.  I've done all of the research by myself by using all kinds of different resouces from interviews to the Censuses, but it has been differcult at times because I have never learned how to read in Spanish..  I  went to college a couple of years ago and took a course in Spanish, but the only thing I learned was that it was impossible  for a New England born girl like myself to learn a foreign language.  Check out my homepage and if you are looking for the Miranda's or the Verdugo's check out my leaflets that are available now.

Surnames & Leaflets for Sale
Surnames Index

Miranda Surname

 Descendants of Blas VERDUGO  

  Descendants of Francisco MIRANDA from Baviacora, Sonora, Mexico  




My Genealogy Databases

Ancestors of Eduardo P. Verdugo

Ancestors of Celerino Joromat

Other Websites mine  too

 (My ancestors from New England)

Favorite Hispanic Research Sites

 Tempe Historical Society


Mexico/Arizona Biographical Database  

 Garcia Verdugo Homepage   

 Cyndi's List  



 HGC: Home Pages

                         E-mail  me if you are related to my husbands family.

Thanks for stopping by and come back again.

                                                 UPDATED:   October 14, 2008

Website Owned & Maintained by Gail Joromat @1999-2008
