Grand County, Colorado
Surname List

For an Effective Query, please use the following guidelines:

pine tree In the subject line write Grand County
pine tree In the body of the e-mail is where all other information should be written, such as:

pine tree Who were the people you are looking for, their full names, their maiden names (if known).

pine tree When did they live and die, when did they come here, etc. (It is better to give estimated dates than nothing, but please state it as being an estimate)
pine tree Where did they live or where was the general area.
pine tree What is the information you are requesting.
pine tree Finally, give contact information (i.e. e-mail or snail mail address).

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Attention:  It saddens me to have to write this note.  Be warned, there are people answering these queries who have no personal interest.  They are trying to drum up business for themselves and will charge for services rendered.  When contacted by someone offering info on your surnames make sure there are no charges attached unless you specifically request it.  These pages are provided for the usefulness and help they can provide other people and are not for profit or other monetary gains.  It is unfortunate there are people who will abuse such services.
I am looking for any information on Dan WHITEHEAD living in Tabernash, Co, in 1916.  I believe he is a brother of my grandfather, John Underwood WHITEHEAD.  I have found a newspaper excerpt where Dan had taken out an ad asking his brother John in IA to write him.  Dan would have been born in TN in the mid-1800's.  One of John's daughters, Evalyn or Bertha, married a C. D. PETTIT and moved to Denver and was living there in 1926 when John died.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.    Sandra Whitehead Wood

I'm looking for information about Louis Adolph and Eliza Lida LARSEN.  They lived in Tabernash, Fraser, Granby and Phippsburg all between 1906 and 1924.  They had 6 possibly 7 children during this period of time.  I believe there is a baby buried in the Fraser cemetery, but can't find any records of that child.  Louis was an engineer for the Moffat line and took the first train through the Moffat Tunnel.  Prior to that he was on the old line, up over Rollins Pass.  Anyone with information, please contact

I'm looking for any info on the PENNA's, arrived in Grand County from Kansas around 1900.  My Great Grandfather Frank Pryor PENNA lived and died in Kremmling and know very little about his father Samuel PENNA.  Please Contact    Bill Penna

Looking for information on George R. FLEMING and Inez (HESTON) DOCKERTY who were married in Parshall, Colorado October 31, 1915.  Please Contact    Arden Malsbury

Looking for Calla WILLIAMS family.  Calla was born in Minnesota in 1892.  Had relatives named Alice Madigan CONNER and an uncle, Patrick MADIGAN who died in Routt County in 1922.  Please Contact    I.K. Palmer

Seeking information about Harvey J. WARNER, born 1876 in Wisconsin.  Moved after 1910 from Metaline Falls, Washington to Colorado.  Married Maude J. BALDWIN.  Settled with Maude and her daughter, Alice in Parshall, Grand County, Colorado in June of 1932.  Harvey died approx. 1967, place unknown.  I would appreciate any help, please contact   Sheila (Warner) Maynor

Looking for information on Newton H. COFFEY and his wife, Mary (TRAYLOR?) COFFEY.  They were listed on the 1885 Grand County Census, and homesteaded near Selak in 1891.  The information I get is that they took their horses to summer pasture and never were seen again.  They are on the 1890 census, but are lacking sorely on the 1900 census.  I would appreciate any help.  Please contact   Jess Markle

Looking for information on Clarissa HULLETT and William H. DEAN who married on 4 April 1885 in Grand County, CO.  Did they divorce??  Were there any children?  Also looking for information on James Luke DEAN, William's brother.  Can not find him after Dec. 1889 when he took office as Road Overseer, Pct. 3, of Grand County.  I would appreciate any help.  Please contact   Dee Yeager

Looking for information on the SELEK and SIMPSON families that lived in Grand County.  Frank SELEK died in 1912, but his wife Rose SIMPSON (SELEK) lived until 1971.  Rose's father was Benjamin SIMPSON.  He and his family had come from Caribou, CO in the 1880's through Buckhannon Pass.  (Where is Buckhannon Pass?)  I would like to learn a little more about these families and would appreciate any help.  Please contact   Sally

I am looking for help from anyone connected with Doc Susie.  Her Grandparents were John and Susan Tilbury ANDERSON.  John is the son of Hugh and Catherine Drake ANDERSON.  Hugh and Catherine had 12 children and John was one of them, as was my direct line Jacob ANDERSON.  Would be interested to share info with anyone from this line or know anything about Doc Susie.   Please contact   Linda Wall

I am looking for information about Robert William STEWART (my great-grandfather).  He and his wife, Rhoda Pearl HANCOCK, lived on a ranch in Kremmling in 1918.  His parents names are William & Belle.  I believe he was born about 1889 in Indiana.  By 1920, Rhoda was remarried and living in Kansas.  Please contact

Looking for information on Charles F. FREE, born Zurich Switzerland, 16 October,1873.  Came to Canada with parents but emigrated to the U.S. around 1890.  He went to Denver and spent is his 18th birthday at 'Spruce Lodge'.  Employed by George BUNTE on the Amos Horn Ranch.  After leaving that ranch he was employed by J.R. GODSMARK who had the only grocery store in Hot Sulphur Springs.  He freighted from Hot Sulphur Springs to Georgetown and Denver.  In the spring of 1899 he left the Blue River Route and was again employed to drive a stage from Georgetown to Hot Sulphur Springs.  Married Elizabeth A. JONES in 1900 and they spent their early married life on the Jones Ranch two miles east of Hot Sulphur Springs.  Later they moved to LaJunta, Otero County where he followed railroading until the death of a son.  They returned to Hot Sulphur Springs in 1906 where he went into the hotel and livery business for 10 years.  He retired in 1943 moving to Hot Sulphur Springs after spending 28 years ranching on the Sheephorn.  He was the first president of the Middle Park Bank in Granby, 1948 to 1952.  He had two daughters Mary (THOMPSON) and Ada (ANDERSON) and a son Charles F. FREE, Jr.  He died in 1955 and was buried at Hot Sulphur Springs.  Please contact   Adrian and Linda

Help, please.  I am looking for the name of any newspaper that might have been in publication in Hot Sulpher Springs in 1935, and of anyone who might have access to the archives of that paper.  I need an article regarding the death of ERNEST THRASHER on September 15, 1935.  The story the family got was that he committed suicide.  But that was never truly accepted.  Conversations with him immediately prior to the incident left no reason to suspect such a thing.  And he was found shot on the porch of his girlfriends house.  He had been concerned about one of her ex-boyfriend's.  It was never pursued by the family as they just didn't have the money to come from Georgia to look into it.  I would appreciate any help anyone can offer.  And if anyone has any access to old police reports that would be great too.  Surely there are some frustrated Nancy Drew's or Joe Hardy's or budding Magnum PI's and VI Warshawski's out there who can come to the aide of a poor old Georgia girl?????  Please contact   Stephanie Bradley    or: 524 Shannon Way,  Lawrenceville, GA  30044

I am searching for info on Bolemus Augustus BURTCHER also called by his nickname of Beem or Beam BURTCHER.  He never married that I know, of course he could have and we just didn't know!  He was born about 1861 in Osage Co, MO.  He was in Grand Co, CO for the 1910 and 1920 census, I have copies of the records.  I have not been able to find a 1900 or earlier census record to check.  I do have copies of letters he wrote from Hot Sulphur Springs 1892--1895.  Will be glad to share family information.  Please contact   Patricia Sulzer

MURRAY, Jack killed 2 November 1962 in a shooting at the Balmain Lumber Mill west of Kremmling, Colorado.  He was my Uncle, seeking any information related to this incident or name of newspaper that may have carried the story.  All the information so far is from this excerpt from a paper titled "The Middle Park Times and Kremmling Record" Kremmling, Grand County, Colorado.  Vol 82, No. 25. Thursday November 8, 1962.  JACK MURRAY DIES IN SHOOTING HERE.  Jack Murray of Antlers, Oklahoma died as the result of a shooting at the Balmain Lumber Mill west of Kremmling last Friday evening, November 2.  Grand County Sheriff C. H. Van Pelt and Dr. E. G. Ceriani of Kremmling were called to the scene but Murray was dead upon their arrival.  A coroner's inquest has been set for 2:30 p.m. Friday, November 9.  Murray had been employed at the sawmill as a mechanic for the past two months.   Morris Halliburton

We are seeking information regarding John/Jack and Katherine/Kate BURNS.  We are also seeking their children Bertha (m. Ed BLACK), Robert (m. Nettie COFFMAN), Fanny (m. ? ROBINSON), Ella (m. Joseph METHERD), Kitty, Willie, Minnie (DU BOS), and Gertrude.  Their mother Katherine/Kate was a runaway on a wagon train and gave various maiden names: SUSAN, SUSANE, DE SOUSA, SOUSA and COUSINS.  We would appreciate any information on any of the above surnames.   Dan Asimus    or: 251 Washington St.,  Golden, CO  80403

Calvin and Phoebe (STARR) KINNEY and their children Louis, Calvin Luther, Margaret and Harriet came to Grand County before the 1880 census.  Previously they were in Jefferson County for the 1870 census.  They moved to Grand Junction, Mesa County by 1900.  They originally came from Toronto via Iowa.  I believe there still may be descendents in Grand, Jefferson or Mesa Counties.  Any information concerning Calvin and Pheobe, their parents and siblings will be greatly appreciated.  Also Calvin Luther KINNEY married Mabel PRATT from Gold Hill.  Any information concerning PRATTs is also important.   Glenn Kinney

Thomas J. DEAN b. 22 May 1826 Canandaigua, Ontario Co, New York; d. 17 Jul 1883, Grand Lake, Grand Co, Colorado.  He was the son of Luther DEAN and Ruth BRUNDAGE.  In Aug 1848 he married Nancy Emily McKINNEY b. 9 Dec 1826; d. 19 Aug 1881 in Hot Sulphur Springs, Grand Co, Colorado.  Their children: James Luke, Elvina Antoinette "Nettie", Ida Rose, William H.,and Fred W.  I am seeking any descendants to share information with.   Troy Schmidt

The 1880 census indicates one Othello OSTRANDER living in Vasquez Fork, Grand County.   This could be an old mining town near the Clear Creek county line, as his wife and boys lived in Georgetown at this time.   I am trying to find where is/was Vasquez Fork.   Any information or know of any old maps that shows where this community is/was would be helpful.    Terence Kelley

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