Jenny Surprenant - 12/07/00 23:35:56
My Email:jmsurf@mediaone.net
Home town: Chicago
State: IL
Age: 23
Favorite MLB team: none in particular
Favorite web site: none in particular
Favorite food: Gyros

Hi, Dad!

Chrisk - 09/08/00 00:39:20
My URL:/crsjk19
My Email:sidbruskin@mailcity.com
Home town: Romeoville ILL
State: ILLinois
Age: 20
Favorite MLB team: White Sox
Favorite web site: www.mike.srvnet.com
Favorite food: gyros

Nice Page here It looks professional

April - 07/07/00 00:45:06
My URL:http://expage.com/jesusfreak4him
State: S.C.
Age: 15
Favorite web site: hotmail(i can e-mail)
Favorite food: chick-fil-a

ok...i don't really understand this website, or whose it is, but i think it's kind a neat?!?!?!

Paul Israel Surprenant - 07/04/00 16:00:00
My Email:pcsurp@rcn.com
Home town: Hampton
State: N.H.
Age: 70

I've reviewed your Web page on Jean Supernon decendents. VERY good search. I have few date corrections as well as additions to the families of your number 74 Jean Baptiste Surprenant's ten children and their decendents. I would like to give you this information, but how would these be identified using your system of numbers? I have been working on our Surprenant geneology for a number of years. Your records differ slightly by dates. I can show you my source of records and make the comparison. You number 74 is my Father's father. I have the names of all my fathers brothers and sisters and their children, grand children, etc. In many of the decendents of your number 1 Jean Supernon, I have the names of the wives and their lineage. I was not able to download your mailing address, so at the present time all I can do is contact you by E-mail. Where do you come in on Number 74's lineage? Paul Israel Surprenant PO Box 2272 Hampton, N.H. 03842-2272 Tel (603) 926-0239

Janet Wheat Robinson - 12/22/99 06:08:01
My Email:JLWheat5@aol.com
Home town: Belleville
State: Illinois
Age: 41
Favorite MLB team: Go Cards

Hi Don I just wanted to tell you your web site is great and I love the picture of Aunt Helen and Uncle Russell Your cousin Janet

LeRoy E House - 10/20/99 12:03:39
My Email:lehouse852@hotmail.com
Home town: Chicago
State: IL

Great site! Lotsa information and links LeRoy

darlene - 04/04/99 12:35:13
My Email:dragonrider35@mediaone.net
Home town: romeoville
State: il
Age: 38

Hi! It's your sister! Pretty fancy!

John Stolberg - 03/27/99 02:42:59
My URL:http://www.flash.net/~qout/
My Email:qout@flash.net
Home town: Bolingbrook
State: Illinois
Age: thirtysomething

Fantastic web site! I found it on AltaVista while researching candidates for April's election. You've accomplished much of what I have in mind for my own web site. But compared to you I've only gotten started.

Aline Boucher Kaplan - 01/28/99 15:46:43
My Email:kaplana@netscout.com
Home town: Sudbury
State: MA
Age: 51
Favorite MLB team: Boston Red Sox
Favorite web site: thrillride.com
Favorite food: Popcorn

My paternal grandmother was Elmina Surprenant (1882-1954). Her parents were Charles and Mathilde (Simard) Surprenant. Next generation was Charles and Mathilda (Labreque) Surprenant. I thought I had a match in your family tree but the dates are off. Th family lived in Fall River, MA but several of my father's cousins moved to Minnesota or Wisconsin, he was never too sure. Daughters married into Forand, Poyant, Phaneuf. Let me know if you want to swap data.

calvin - 10/11/98 04:27:32

Please accept my apologies for my previous comments.It was totally out of line.I actually enjoyed the first 25 years or so I spent in Romeoville.I guess it was those last couple of years that got to me,but that's no excuse for what I wrote. From now on I' l try to remember the those early years.Peace and may God bless you and your family. P.S. You really do have a nice web page!

calvin - 10/11/98 03:53:45

Wow! Your page sure brought back some memories of my thirty years I lived in Romeoville.It makes me homesick....just kidding.I haven't lived their for over 10 years now so I'm a little out of touch.Is it true that the only people left there are a bunch of inbred hillbillys living in trailers?

10/04/98 20:50:45
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Donald Roy Surprenant - 05/13/98 12:49:55
My Email:don.surprenant@ssa.gov
Home town: Nashua
State: New Hampshire
Age: 53
Favorite MLB team: Red Sox
Favorite web site: none
Favorite food: fried clams

Very nice, you've done a good job.

Amethyst - 03/27/98 19:54:53
My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/6243
My Email:eileenlowe@pagosasprings.net
State: Colorado

Just dropped in to say Hi! neighbor and to wish you a Happy Birthday

Bill Engel - 03/22/98 07:47:21
My Email:WPEngel@aol.com
Home town: Orlando
State: FL
Age: 47
Favorite MLB team: White Sox

Graduated from Lockport West (now Romeoville) HS in 1968. Looking for possible 30 year reunion information.

Glenn - 01/19/98 13:24:35
My Email:glgibson@andrews.edu
Home town: Milw.
State: WI
Age: 23


Donald R. Surprenant - 01/18/98 15:58:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/7518/family_tree.html
My Email:don_surf@geocities.com
Home town: Romeoville
State: Illinois
Age: 40
Favorite MLB team: Chicago Cubs
Favorite web site: this one
Favorite food: Olive Garden

Please visit my genealogy page http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/7518/family_tree.html

Donald R. Surprenant - 01/18/98 15:57:56
My URL:http://this page
My Email:don_surf@geocities.com
Home town: Romeoville
State: Illinois
Age: 40
Favorite MLB team: Chicago Cubs
Favorite web site: this one
Favorite food: Olive Garden

Please visit my genealogy page http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/7518/family_tree.html

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