Eagle One~ You are the greatest! ! ! ! You have done such an AWESOME job on my homepage! ! ! Let me know if I can ever help you out. Good luck in your business.*S*
SmuthBear~ Your are a very important person in my life. You have brought joy and knowledge to those
you know. You are my most favorite piggy! *S*
Silver Dragoness~ What can I say about you girl. You are just the most. If I didn't know better I would say we were twins. Stay out of trouble!
You are one of my closest friends.
CyberGhoul~ The Man! You are a very special friend. We talk about things that no one should ever
hear! It's a good thing we can both keep our secrets.
afterSHOCK~ Hey there sexy! ! Don't work too hard on that restuaraunt. Any one for room-service??
Alpine3~ The only chat friend I know that lives in the same state and
is not a RT friend . We need to fix that. *S*
Bearhugs~ Thanks for all the great huggs. Who ever heard of dancing on the ceiling or on the windows?? Gotta love those rainstorms. *W*
Beauty & The Beast~ I am so glad that we met and started talking. You are wonderful! Thanks for allowing me into your lives and especially for educating me about Dylan. Can't wait 'til I get to hug and kiss and tickle him real time.
BIG STICK~ AKA the man of many handles. *LOL* What can I say but "hiya sexy" you may run but you cannot hide! !
Bubbles~Hey there girl! You take care of my favorite "aussie" for me. Can't believe I didn't get to meet you when you came to the states. Huggs.
Capt. Ron~ Hey there handsome. I am still waiting for that massage ! ! *EWG*
dcguy~ Never sugar coat anything hun. Chocolate coating--now that might be different. One of these days your dreams WILL come true. *huggs*
fren-z~ You are probably the youngest one on my page but you tell me how young I look, you deserve to be here. *s*
GHOST RIDER~ Singing in the rain. Just singing in the rain. Hey want to go for a walk up the coast? *S* Take care of your Lady! huggs.
gibbie~ My very favorite "aussie"! ! What would I do without you to teach me all I know?
HUNK 18~I can't believe you demoted me on your page. *LOL* But you did make me these awesome drawings. You are great fun to talk to and a special friend. *S* Do I hear something? hhhmmmmmmmmmm. . . . . . . . guess not!
Jman~ You are the one who always tells me how gorgeous I am. Not that it is true but it keeps my ego
going. Thanks! It is the inside beauty that counts and we have that.
mike69~ We have not known each other long but since you are a fellow Utahn you get to be here sooner than most. *W*
Mitch~ A great looking man and great friend. Those DAMN JEANS! ! ! Gotta do something about that. *S*
Mung~ You have got to be one of my favorite to get a massage from and your stories are the greatest.
Cann't wait for you to come out my way again. We loved having you at our place. Maybe then I will ACTUALLY get those massages that you have promised. *W*
nettnut~ OH My Hoochie Babe. What can I say?? You are the greatest and you know what you mean to me.
Petedriver~ So when you going to bring that rig out my way and teach me to drive ( the truck hun the truck). You take care of ALL of your women across the country. *S*
SDogg~ Hey, just remember to always say hello nice and clear and I will always know who you are
regardless of the handle. Remember that I loved you before I saw your picture. *SSS*
Shutterman~ I don't get to talk to you often enough but love hearing from ya. Keep taking those great pictures. Cumming to SLC any time soon???
Snow Angel~ You are such a neat lady. We could get into some REAL trouble together. Take care of the men in your life *W*
SteveVeeee~You are such a sweety. I love talking to you and enjoy your company. Quit changing things on the computer that you know nothing about *giggle*
susant~ If you would stay out of the tool box, you would avoid alot of trouble. *LOL* Then again
maybe that is why you don't.
TEXAN~ Maybe one day I will get a real picture of you so I can quit showing that half naked one of you. That is a great picture of ya though *L*
tobuku4u~ My only regret is that we took so long to start to get to know each other better. You are a special person and the COOLEST DAD! Keep that boy of yours in line. Keep track of your little red socks. ;-}~
Trainman~ TOOT! TOOOOOOOT! One of these days we will go on that roller coaster ride together.
You are a great friend to talk to.
WildCat~ What else can I say...you are the wildest. Kiss that beautiful baby for me.
White Lace~One of these days we will have to meet the world would never be the same. Best of luck overseas..
zoe and pete~ You two are great. Pete be sure to warn me when it is you on ICQ. Wouldn't want to embarass ya.
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