(Run your mouse over Shadow and change the water pattern)
I was one of the first breeders to import Bengals into the UK in 1991. I only breed a few kittens at a time, as handling and lots of attention are so important to any kittens' development and will effect the rest of their lives. When choosing a kitten do make sure you see the entire litter and where they are being raised. Ensure that the conditions are not overcrowded, and there are not too many kittens for the breeder to care for properly. I am a small breeder and have never made a profit from my cats but have reinvested in heated accommodation as well as inside and outside runs for my Bengal complex, so my cats never have to be cold. I have introduced many new lines from the USA and EEC to strengthen and improve the breed in the UK. I have always put Quality before Quantity. Although small I was the FIRST UK & EEC breeder to breed the;- 1st International Champion Bengal in the EEC and UK 1st Great International Champion Bengal in EEC/UK 95/6 1st European Champion Bengal in the EEC/UK 96/7 (this entailed 16 wins including 8 x 'Best in Show' & 2 x 'Best of Best' in 4 countries) 1st Snow Marble Champion in the UK 2000 (CA) 'Best Kitten' in Show OBCC 2000 and sired 'Best Adult' at the first USA Bengal Congress. I have been to the USA and brought back new and rare lines to the UK including the 'Abu' line which was started by Bob Torquato of San Diego. I played a major role in developing this line to F4 status. I sent the first active F4 boy from this line back to the USA in 2001 to help them progress thus securing this new ALC line for the future of the breed. I am breeding for a wilder head type, and appearance, long sleek bodies, small ears, Golden Glittered coats with black Rosettes/Spots, whitened tummies and tri-coloured Marbles with flowing patterns outlined in black, both giving stunning definition. My babies are raised in my home, to ensure I obtain the best temperaments. Many hours are spent playing, socializing and getting to know each kitten individually. I will sell studs to caring breeders here and abroad. My prices are reasonable. I am situated 10 mins. from Junction 23 of the M5. Within easy reach of the South of England, London and the Midlands. Bristol airport is only 40 mins. away.
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