Benner Family Research and Genealogy Homepage
This web page is dedicated to documenting Benner genealogy, primarily focusing on Eastern Pennsylvania, but also providing information on Benner families in the United States, and throughout the world.
My goal is document the early Benner families that started in Franconia Township in Montgomery County, and specifically document the ancestry of my great grandfather, Nathaniel Conver Benner who descends from these Benner families in Franconia Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. I hope that this will be beneficial for all of his descendents who have left or remain in Bucks or Montgomery county Pennsylvania.
Benner Ancestry information:
Nathaniel descends from Johannes Benner through: Abraham, Christian, and
Tobias Benner. Many Benner families originated from these Franconia Township roots.
Johannes, Sebastian, and Ludwig Benner were the first Benner families from this area. Both Johannes and Sebastian had many boys, however, Ludwig only had girls so the Benner surname (except possibly one boy found in a later census) was not passed on through Ludwig. These families started in the mid 1700's.
Organization of this web page
I have put many pages together such as "nathaniel.html" all with a first name to name the web page. So if you follow the hyperlinks, you should run across my grandfather allen whose web page is at "allen.html". Also below you will find pages with information on the Benner families of Ohio, for example. Those web page are named "ohio.html" etc. Note: They are all primarily lower case and always must have the front part of the URL through 7391/
If anyone has an old picture of a Benner ancestor, please scan it and email it to me to display on this web site.
My email address is or you can snail mail them to me at:
Gerry Benner
13007 Clayton Ct.
Thornton, CO 80241-2010
I promise to return the photos as quickly as I can.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Information on other Benner Lines throughout the U.S.
- Benner families of Canada
- Benner families of Minnesota
- Benner families of Ohio
- Benner Families of Licking Co., Ohio NEW - Feb 2006
- Benner families of Baltimore
- Benner families of Lebanon Co.
- Benner families of Iowa, Nebraska, Rocky Ford
- Benner families of Chester Co.
- Benner families of Centre C.
- Benner families of Tennessee
- Benner families of Germantown - info added to Chester Co. web page
- Nothing yet on the Benner families of Oregon, but congratulations to Greg and Kelly. They were married on October 24, 1998
- Benner families of Washington
- Benner families of South Dakota and Michigan
- Or click here to see who has been putting entries into my address book. If you have a Benner genealogy web page, let us know about it.
- Also many Benner families descended from others who came later to the United States, such as Christian BENNER b. 1 Nov 1826 in Enspel, Hessen-Nassau, Germany and settled in Indiana. Alan Benner has information about this lineage. Michael Kloft provides a bit more about this family, stating: "Christian and Elisabeth bought a farm in Richland Township at Earl Park, Indiana in 1869. They retired in 1888 and lived now in Kentland, Indiana. They lived there until Christian died on Dec. 16th, 1890. Elisabeth stayed in Kentland. Then she lived in the home of her daughter Mrs. John Hasser, where she died on Jan. 11th, 1905 due to a four year lasting period of sickness. The Benners were one of the first settlers in Richland Township. As one of the first they went to the St. Anthony's church of Dehners. Both were buried there.
- Benner family of Provo, Utah coming to this site soon. Congratulations to Nic and Natasha. Wedding bells rang on August 7, 1999.
- Benner families of Juniata Co., PA Preliminary information available.
- Benner families of Warrenton, Virginia
- Benner families of New York
- Benner families of Detroit
- Benner families of North Western Pennsylvania
- Benner families of Montana (and Russia)
- Benner families of Missouri and Maryland
- Benner families of Ireland and Canada (more later)
- Benner families of Jackson Township (not active yet)
- Benner families of Synder Co., PA
- Benner families of Warren Co., New Jersey
- Benner families of Texas
Other Web Sites of Interest
Bucks and Montgomery county genealogy links
Heckler History and Genealogy
Benner History and Genealogy
The following individuals are also doing genealogy research on specific surnames as follows (not sure if addresses are still valid).
- Benner -
Benner (Maine and Massachusetts) Research - (Mark)
- Long -
- Freed -
- Conver - (Susan H.)
As I get more information, I will display as many ancesters and descendents as possible. Please e-mail old photos and information. I will be glad to update this page with your input. I am also researching the line back to Europe along with these other surnames.
Email me at, and I'll do my best to have as complete a Benner Family History website as possible.
Thanks for visiting. Hopefully this page will grow into a well documented history of the Benner line as many left by ship from Rotterdam and settled in Eastern Pennsylvania.
1850 census records of Franconia Township show Christian Benner age 58 married to Sarah age 55. Christian's profession is listed as a Farmer. Isaac age 21 is a Carpenter and Tobias age 19 is a Labourer. Mary Benner age 60 and Catharine age 57 are both living in the home as well. I believe these to be Christian's sister although the ages are a few years younger than my records.
1870 census records of Franconia Township show Tobias Benner age 38 as a Farmer with wife Mary age 34. Nathaniel age 13, Catharine age 10, Samuel age 7, and Josiah age 1 are shown as children. Isaac Benner is the next entry (neighbor) who I assume is Tobias's older brother, age 40. His wife is Sarah age 37, and children are listed as Esther 11, Isaac 7, Sarah Ann 4, and William 2.
Norm Benner's Web Page with various Benner ancestrial links.
If you wish to support our family research, please buy books, Cds, and DVDs via my web page at:
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