(Inc. 1903)

The newly formed Holly Historical Society welcomes you. The purpose of this site is to provide local as well as historical information for the town of Holly, Colorado. Holly, as well as much of the Eastern Plains of Colorado, is a gold mine of historical information from the start of the cattle drives and ranches and the arrival of the railroad.

With this in mind, the HHS is wanting to obtain historical artifacts for preservation. It is important for, not only our generation, but for generations to come to know our history, to remember how far we have come. Won't you help? Before you throw it away, did your ancestors use it in their everyday life? does it record some important event? If you have any items you want to preserve, please consider donating to the HHS. You may send an email to me by clicking on the tug-o-war horses at the bottom of this page.

We would also like to encourage you to be a part of this group. See Community Events for the next meeting.

Thanks for visiting!


John Golden
Bill Davis
Vicky Eads
Wes Campbell
Pat Campbell
Father William Doll
Leon Glover
Kathy Leigh

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