Jesus Christ
Most people have heard the name
Then came Jesus.
Jesus Christ
before. Some of you may never
have heard it as anything except
a cuss word,
though. Some of you only associate
it with religious fanatics and religion
in general. Some of you have been hurt
by people you knew were supposed
to love him.
So I want to tell you what I think about,
when I think about
that name.
When I hear the name of Jesus,
I think of someone
who loved me
more than I could ever love anyone.
I think of an innocent
being slaughtered to be a sacrifice
for someone else's sins.
you ever thought about that?
In the days before Jesus, if you wanted
be in right standing with God,
you had to kill an innocent animal.
hardly seems fair,
especially if you are the innocent one.
But that is exactly
what happened.
All those sacrifices were
no longer neccesary.
The ultimate lamb had been slaughtered.
Yes, slaughtered.
It doesn't sound very pretty,does it?
Now think for a minute about that.
Would you be willing to give your life for
your neighbor? Maybe your co-worker?
Your best friend? It would be hard,
wouldn't it? I know I wouldn't give
my life for very many people, especially
not a murder or rapist!
But Jesus
He must have loved the world an awful lot.
If you have never had the opportunity
to ask
Jesus into your heart,
don't wait a week, a day,
or even and hour.
don't have to be in a church
to talk to him. All you have to do
is tell
him that you want him to
come into your heart and be the
king in your life.
Thank him for dying for you.
Believe that he is the son of God ,
came to
earth to die for our sins
and that after being hung on a cross and dying,
he rose to life again.
He is sitting in heaven right now
praying for you
and me.
Isn't that wonderful?
If you made the decision to let Jesus
your life as Lord and Savior,
please e-mail me and let me know.
I would
be thrilled
to think that this page has affected
just one persons life.