Rebecca S. Wissler - 03/14/00 21:53:20 My Where do you live?: Gratis, Ohio How did you find us?: recommended by friends | Comments: I love the site. Especially the music. I am a member of the church and any time I hear a hymn my soul seems to sing and my cares depart. Thanks, Becky |
anne comer - 05/15/99 21:29:56 My Where do you live?: Nibley, Utah How did you find us?: DeseretMail LDS link | Comments: Hi. I just stopped in, hoping to find some links to geneology websites. I'm just starting my family's history research-- the only member of my family who's LDS-- and running into all sorts of obstacles. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Thank y u. |
Dianne Liebes - 02/24/99 16:29:25 My Where do you live?: Richmond, UT How did you find us?: on the Deseretonline | Comments: Haven't read all of your page yet, but I'm new at this online stuff. Nice to meet nice LDS people. Thanks for the introduction. My husband and I are also LDS and were married in the Los Angeles Temple way back in 1964. We have six children and 13 gran children. |
Audrey Moran - 11/07/98 06:20:12 My URL:/Heartland/Village/3233 My Where do you live?: Colorado How did you find us?: webring | Comments: I know just how you feel. I wonder if I am the only one visiting my site sometimes too. My page is solely on genealogy. I am also LDS that is why I joined the ring. I am a stake missionary and now that we have a new ward mission leader I should get busy again. From what I have seen you have a nice sight. Thanks, Audrey Moran |
massimo - 10/30/98 14:03:38 My URL: My Where do you live?: Arizona How did you find us?: by chance | Comments: Very well done page. Congratulation, i invite you to take a look at mine and let me know your impressions. Bye Massimo. |
Alan R. Buchko - 10/26/98 04:52:32 | Comments: |
Delyle Nielsen - 10/18/98 22:49:28 My Where do you live?: Layton, Utah How did you find us?: LDS Hymns web page | Comments: I like your page. I'm going to be doing one of my own in the near future. Mine will be for commercial purposes, however. Keep up the good work. Good luck in School. Delyle |
Sus. Burdette - 09/19/98 03:41:12 My Where do you live?: Panama City Fl. How did you find us?: surfing L.D.S sites | Comments: We enjoyed your page.My children and I are just beginning our own pages with L.D.S. links. We are new to the computer.Any suggestions on how to download some songs from primary? Write us at Thanks and God Bless your family. Sister Burdett and Chris[12] Matt[10]Katy[8]and Brianna[7]. |
Mark Barker - 08/29/98 04:55:52 My Where do you live?: New Jerusalem! How did you find us?: Geneology Look up | Comments: I just got this darn computer working. I have all these extra cords and stuff, I don't know who to believe, My wife, me and the kids are far from our native Utah, but were here to build the new Jerusalem in the Last days. I liked your site and put it o my favorite list. I will stop back again. I am working on my Geneology and matching stuff. It takes a great deal of prayer and keeping your alertness. I forget how the darn program works sometimes and get so frustrated when I get so many of the same eople from swaping Ged com files. We should have lines dating back as far as anyone in the world if I can just put it together. Rich reletives have spent a bundle getting the wifes side worked on. Then there is me. Poor, but the family did some work. We are pleased to make your aquaintance and would always like to chat to someone. We were married in SLC Temple also. We have Two boys, 2 and 1. What a handful of diapers and fun...... By for now. |
- 08/27/98 12:35:26 Where do you live?: SOUTH TEXAS How did you find us?: CIVIL WAR MAIL | Comments: NICE PAGE I was IN NAVY 1968-1972 was boatswainsmate BM3 PETTY OFFICER USS DALE DLG-19 MISSILE FRIGATE DESTROYER and after a year shore duty in MILITARY POLICE in DA NANG VIET NAM was put on USS J.P. KENNEDY DD-850, KENNEDY family rescued the old gir when she was strikken from naval active ships in 1973 now she has a permenant home in MASS. as a NATIONAL HISTORICAL SITE in harb. with USS MASS. also is a MUSEUM now makes me feel real young knowing my old ship is a museum I e-mailed you so rest of in o you should have |
Melissa Sherry - 08/25/98 23:59:57 My Where do you live?: Fife, WA How did you find us?: Greg Anderson's ICQ of LDS members | Comments: Greetings from WA! I enjoyed your website.... |
Greg A. Anderson (ByondF1) - 08/21/98 01:36:52 My URL: My Where do you live?: Modesto, CA, USA How did you find us?: You joined my list. | Comments: Thanx for joining our LDS Members on the Internet - ICQ List. ![]() ![]() |
Lisa Ottenberg - 08/07/98 01:49:47 My Email:using library computer Where do you live?: Springfield, MO How did you find us?: LDS webring | Comments: Hi brother & sister Nelson. My little girl Violet was born 2-27-96 and sounds like she'd get along great with MacKe: Pooh, L.B. and Blue's Clues get more airtime than a 747 in our house! Bye! |
Mo - 07/18/98 20:22:56 My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/1608/ My How did you find us?: Heartland birthday list | Comments: Hi... you were on the Heartland birthday list...thought I would stop by and say.... ![]() |
Janie Daddow - 07/06/98 09:25:47 My Where do you live?: Gridley, Ca How did you find us?: Deseret's Best sites under geneology | Comments: |
Marie - 05/20/98 01:44:26 My URL: My Where do you live?: N. C. How did you find us?: from another guestbook | Comments: Enjoyed your site and stories. |
Brad Olson - 05/16/98 14:49:29 My URL: My Where do you live?: Phoenix, AZ How did you find us?: From another guest book | Comments: Nice site! You can meet us at: The Olson Family Album. |
Ted Davis - 05/13/98 09:49:09 My URL: My Where do you live?: Arkansas How did you find us?: LDS webring surfing | Comments: Nice site. I am a web newbie and looking for ideas and inspiration. Your site gives both. Thanks |
Lacinda - 04/25/98 06:19:39 My URL: My Where do you live?: Illinois How did you find us?: Surfing | Comments: You really have a great site here :) |
Gerry Benner - 04/19/98 21:17:20 My URL:http://dittoyours/7391 My Where do you live?: Colorado How did you find us?: visiting the neighborhood | Comments: Great page!!! |
Roxanne - 04/07/98 07:54:33 My URL: My How did you find us?: entry in my guestbook | Comments: Beautiful site :).. Thanks for signing my book and pointing me to it. |
Minnie - 04/06/98 16:16:36 My URL: My Where do you live?: USA How did you find us?: surfing through my guestbook..:) | Comments: What a nice page you have here. I enjoyed my visit. Thanks for inviting me..:) Take care! |
Paul - 03/28/98 14:17:12 My URL: My Where do you live?: Jacksonville | Comments: Hi, Your page really looks nice. If you are indeed beginners, you have a talent for building an attractive site. My wishes go with you. Keep up the fine work. Paul |
Teri Hvidsten - 02/27/98 06:05:24 My Where do you live?: Arizona | Comments: I just like to read about other members. This is easier for me than picking up the scriptures. I'm always sure I'll learn something from what someone has to say. Thanks! |
JenniferD - 01/16/98 17:17:37 My URL: My Where do you live?: Orlando | Comments: Hello and what a great webpage you have... Just wanted to say i was here checking out your uplifiting site for one of my teddy bear awards... I am mormon as well.. i do not go to church anymore because i found out after i was married that my husband was very anti-mormon....:( but i have faith that one day he will go to church... Thankyou Jennifer |
Melanie Tate - 01/14/98 21:51:57 My URL:/~thetatefamily My Where do you live?: Misawa AB, Japan | Comments:![]() |
Kathy & Neil - 01/13/98 06:32:10 My URL:/Heartland/Hills/3789 My Where do you live?: Adelaide...South Australia | Comments: Hi John, Lori Ann, & MacKe.. lovely to meet you all.. I just loved the way you have done the Family memories.. sounds like you have had some wonderful experiences like we have from time to time..*G* BTW.. do you think you can narrate Independence Day to u now..*LOL* Lots of love to you all.. ![]() Bye for now..Kathy & Neil |
Brent Mashburn - 01/04/98 02:13:49 My URL: My Where do you live?: Bremerton, WA | Comments: I love your site so far. Especially since it is basically new. Keep up the good work. And I noticed that you are a seattle native. As you can see I live in Bremerton and have lived here all my life. If you want to know anything about the area that yo came from just let me know at my e-mail address show here. Thanks. Brent |
Lori - 12/10/97 07:00:57 My URL: My Where do you live?: Michigan | Comments: Your site is really nice.....I took the time to look at all of it and I've bookmarked it so I can keep coming back! :) |
Susan Cooper - 12/09/97 16:06:17 My URL:/Heartland/Meadows/7348 My Where do you live?: Florida | Comments:![]() |
Grandma George aka SC - 12/09/97 05:17:33 My URL: My Where do you live?: So Calif | Comments:![]() |
Nancy Matherley - 12/09/97 00:11:24 My URL: My Where do you live?: Virginia | Comments: Hi John, Great site, I think! I enjoyed the visit here very much. Thank you for visiting my page. Merry Christmas
Smom - 12/04/97 18:32:56 My URL: My Where do you live?: NJ | Comments: Very nice site! I really enjoyed my visit! Be looking for my review in the mail!! |
The other Nelsons - 11/19/97 20:52:47 My URL: My Where do you live?: Utah | Comments: Nice page I like the layout come visit ours were not done yet but we're getting there. |
Lajeunesse Family - 11/18/97 08:53:01 My URL: My Where do you live?: TURKEY | Comments: I really like your HP!! We are not stationed at Incirlik, we are up in Ankara and love it here! Good luck! Thanks for visiting our home on the web! The Lajeunesse Family! |