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John &
Lori Ann Nelson's Home Page
Hi, welcome to our page. While you're here, sign our new guestbook
and let us know you've stopped in. We'd really like to know if anyone is visiting besides ourselves. If you're only interested in seeing who's visited, just step in. If you want to see our 1997-98 guestbook, go here.
For a little introduction...I'm John. I'm the technoweenie in the family, so I'm the one working over this page. I'm a native Seattle-ite, but it's been a long time since I've called it home. After serving 20 years in the Air Force, I'm now doing the civilian contractor thing in the DC area. I have a page listed below running down my travels and who I've worked for assignment-wise.
Lori Ann is a native of the Provo, UT area. She served a church mission during the very early 80's in the Argentina Bahia Blanca mission. She graduated from BYU with a degree in Spanish Translation. She's really rather reserved and doesn't like her "personal" details passed around, so I guess you'll just have to wait for more info on her. One thing I can tell is she was the designer of the ornaments on the Utah state tree at the Pageant of Peace around the National Christmas tree in 1997.
We have one little boy, MacKenzie (also known as MacKe). He's an 11-year-old bundle of charm and flirtatiousness. He's a big Bionicle and Harry Potter fanatic, is learning Tae Kwon Do (a red belt as of December 2005), taking piano lessons, and is enjoying life as a Boy Scout.
For those of you wondering...yes, that is the LDS Temple in Salt Lake City, UT. We are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and we were married at the Salt Lake Temple. Since that temple is Lori's favorite, I figured it should be pictured on our page. For those who may be interested, there are links to other LDS related pages in the LDS Links page listed below.
Our Weather
Here are the weather reports for our homes: Seattle, where I'm from; Salt Lake City, near Provo, where Lori's from; and Reston, near Sterling, where we live now...
If you
have any ideas or comments on the page, feel free to e-mail me.
The following
pages are projected or frequently under construction: LDS Links
John's Air Force Career Page
Our Family Memories
Our Awards and Recognitions
The Seattle Sports Connection
Tips for the Beginning Genealogist
The Nelson Geneology Page - Courtesy of Family Tree Maker and Broderbund Software.
We are listed at and at . In addition, I can be reached on ICQ through this lovely little box...
I'd like to thank Doran Anderson for putting together the "Called to Serve" midi file. Other church music in midi format can be found at Doran's website.
The background, banner, bars, and buttons on this page were created by Roxanne at the 
The weather information is provided courtesy of Yahoo! Geocities - Weather.
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