You just browsed into my yard... ie "Lipe's Yard". And...
a big and warm welcome to you. It's good to have you around... and it's good to be back.
I've always wanted to reshape my yard, but never found the time.
Well, now I've redesigned my yard (some of you will find it simplier, others less crowded (gdsh)) and I hope you guys out there will like it.
Ghana is doing relatively great. Times are hard, but with God on our side...
University students are on a 'mobrowa' struggle, fighting for a school fee decrease. Also new in Ghana are graduates Nikoe and Lipe (oops... Nikoe left Ghana, Lipe however persists!).
The pop-up cartoon was one made of me whilst I was a student. To judge it on a 0 - 100 scale in terms of true representation, I will say.... errrmm....... 0! What about you? What will you say? My picture is somewhere on the site for those of you who do not know me: I'd really love to hear what everyone has to say.
Please browse through my site, and enjoy yourselves. Don't forget to sign my guest book.
Stay Blessed.