A little about me
I am a 32 year old single mother of three. I have one son, Roger, 18, and two girls, Cynthia, 13 and Ashley, 11. I am a Senior in college, double majoring in Human Services/Psychology. I hope to work with abused children. I am a Christian. I am also a ex-mormon. I LOVE to do genealogy. I have even considered doing it professionally. I like to collect movies, I now have over 500. I like all types of music and have a good collection of that too. I also collect plates and bunnies. 
That's me.
That's Cynthia on top, my nephew Joshua in the middle, and Ashley on the bottom.
I'm a GRANDMA!!!!!!!!
CHRISTIAN RYAN born June 4, 2000. 6 lbs. 15 oz. 19 1/2 in.
My son Roger and his girlfriend Danielle. Christian's Mom and Dad.
In Loving Memory of Edward Loder Jr.
Click on the tree and climb my Family Tree

Enjoy some of my favorite movie quotes!!
- While You Were Sleeping " Have you ever been so lonely that you spend the night confusing a guy in a coma?"
- Jerry McGuire He says after tallking for about five minutes to his wife " You complete me" Then she answers "Shut up, you had me on hello."
- Fools Rush In "Your everything I never knew I always wanted."
- Jaws " We're gonna need a bigger boat."
- Daylight After a wild adventure in a flooded tunnel: " O.K. but we have to take the bridge."
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