Welcome to my Guestbook!

Jan - 11/26/00 20:58:20
My URL:http://home.hetnet.nl/~fleury2/index.html
My Email:janvanpolen@yahoo.com
from: Cisamstelia, The Netherlands
your pet?: none
fav person: King Cornelius
pet peeve: none
hobby: history
how long have you been online: since January

Beautiful site you have. Greetings from Jan.

Harry - 09/12/00 17:54:09
My URL:http://www.doug-kirton.de

Greetings from Germany - Harry's Home & Doug Kirton - www.Doug-Kirton.de

Ana - 08/05/00 15:30:47
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/earthteam2000/smilecan/index.html
My Email:smilecan@talkcity.com
from: Canada
your pet?: Sheba
fav person: Not only one:my family
pet peeve: My budgies trying to eat from my plate
hobby: do crafts with my kids
how long have you been online: 5 years

I really enjoyed going trough your page, and I'll be back again to see if you added more things:)

Mike Sargent - 08/03/00 01:54:28
My URL:http://www.christiancomputerconnection.com
My Email:webmaster@christiancomputerconnection.com
from: Ward Ar.
your pet?: None
fav person: My Wife
pet peeve: power surges
hobby: Computers
how long have you been online: 3 + years

I really enjoyed your page! It's GREAT to see God at work on the internet!

Christian Computer Connection

Sarah - 07/06/00 03:32:50
My URL:http://cometpride03.tripod.com
My Email:S0ccerG10@excite.com
from: PA
fav person: Mark Madsen
hobby: playing sports
how long have you been online: since '93

I really enjoyed looking at your page! Please come to mine sometime :) Keep up the nice work on your page.

Dan Bridge - 05/18/00 23:25:55
My URL:http://www. geocities.com/danbridge


Hello there! This is a mighty fine homepage y'all got here. I especially enjoyed viewing the graphics. Feel free to stop by my place sometime. You are always welcome. Thanks.

Kim Flowers (or silly) - 05/16/00 19:51:29
My URL:/CollegePark/Square/4038
My Email:silly_1979@hotmail.com
from: Michigan
fav person: My Mentor (she's also a VERY SPECIAL friend).8-)

TOTALLY AWESOME and REALLY KEWL web page!!!!!8-)

Emily - 04/26/00 14:50:16
My URL:http://only.at/OurPage
My Email:emmykj@hotmail.com
from: Portland, Oregon USA
your pet?: 3 kitties, 1 dog, 1 fish, a bird and 2 rats
fav person: The love of my life, my Michael
how long have you been online: about 17 months



I have been surfing around your site and I have to say, I really really love it! I love the graphics, the stories and the love that emits from every page!

I want to personally invite you to submit your Internet love story to the "our Page" monthly contest... "The Most Unique Internet Love Story". There are prizes to be won and friends to be made!

Our Page
Contest Main Page
My Personal Internet Love Story

Also, you are cordially invited to join our Top 50 Romance Sites!

If you are not interested in either of these things, I still invite you to go check out "Our Page"... there are tons of pages to see and guaranteed something for everyone to enjoy!

I wish you and your loved one all the best in life!


howard thomas - 04/10/00 18:41:25
My Email:hkthom@bwsys.net
from: peoria,illinois
your pet?: .none
fav person: my parents
pet peeve: honesty
hobby: kids hockey
how long have you been online: 1 yr.


Peter & Anne Harder - 02/02/00 21:26:50
My URL:http://www.datacomm.ch/pavharder
My Email:pavharder@datacomm.ch
from: Switzerland
your pet?: lovebirds
hobby: collecting shells
how long have you been online: 10 min.

Hi luanne, very cool Page you have here. I realy like it. I will be back anytime I can regards Peter & Anne

Dan Bridge - 02/01/00 05:46:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/danbridge
My Email:danbridge@hotmail.com
from: Azusa CA
your pet?: a chow dog
fav person: Jesus Christ
pet peeve: rude drivers
hobby: signing guestbooks
how long have you been online: since 95

Hey there! This is a mighty fine homepage y'all got here. I really enjoyed my visit. I am hereby jealous that you got over 77 thousand hits on your page LOL. OK take care and come visit me sometime. Thanks :)

jane - 01/24/00 10:47:25
My URL:http://users.cnmnetwork.com/~mink/jez.html
My Email:mink@cnmnetwork.com
from: usa
your pet?: sock monkey
fav person: Jesus
how long have you been online: how old is the net?

come by :) jane

Marga - 12/13/99 23:05:09
My URL:http://sites.netscape.net/mgbakarbessy/welcome
My Email:A.W.Bakarbessy@cable.A2000.nl
from: Netherlands
your pet?: Red Cat "Garfield"
fav person: My husband and two sons
pet peeve: rude people
hobby: My computer and my homepage
how long have you been online: 10 months

Love your site ! It's awesome !! God bless you ...

Donna Hardigree - 12/01/99 16:34:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/1606/
My Email:kc5ift@webtv.net
from: San Antonio,Tex
your pet?: Precious cat
fav person: Jesus
pet peeve: unclean house
hobby: ham radio
how long have you been online: 5years

your site isgreat

James & Judy - 10/28/99 15:15:00
My Email:jamesga@mindspring.com
from: Columbus Ga
your pet?: my computer
fav person: My Wife
pet peeve: mean people
hobby: computers
how long have you been online: 4 years

you signed my guestbook long ago on one of my music pages......about time I sign yours sorry it took so long

"Deer From My BackYard"

"Judys Y'ALL Stop By"

"Great Homepage"

Christa - 10/14/99 13:53:18
from: ohio
your pet?: 2 dogs
fav person: my mom
pet peeve: rude people
hobby: internet
how long have you been online: about 6 months


Sara - 10/12/99 01:00:01
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/mywigwam
My Email:APACHE@centurytel.net
from: Caro, Mi
your pet?: Too many to name
fav person: Joe..My other half
pet peeve: Rude people
hobby: Lots of those too
how long have you been online: Since April, 1999

Love your story of the love you and Anders share. Hope things work out for you soon so you can be together. Also love your site...Am still in process of wading through IQ tests...don't know why..I don't have one..but I pretend anyway. Keep up great work!!

Lynn - 10/11/99 17:46:48
My URL:/heartland/estates/7841
My Email:smidgit@netscape.net
from: Maine
your pet?: Boston Terrier
fav person: my hubby
hobby: counted cross stitching
how long have you been online: 5 years

Truly an enjoyable visit here at your home on the Web. Fantastic job. Please visit my home on the web and sign my guestbook please while you are there so I know you were there. God is so Good all the time. I am glad that I know Jesus as my Savior. I m glad you allowed me the priviledge of visiting your site today. Keep up the great work for Jesus. May God richly and abundantly Bless every aspect of your life.

Thomas Leary - 10/06/99 00:50:49
My URL:http://www.muledog.com/magazine
My Email:muledog@execpc.com
how long have you been online: Since 1996

Howdy, Thanks again for signing the Mule Dog guestbook a while back. I wanted to let all my friends know that today Mule Dog Magazine is announcing the release of our fall issue at : http://www.muledog.com/magazine/ featuring reviews of CD's by Paul Mateki, Dianne Rhodes and "Steadman". Also in this issue software reviews of vTuner and DSTUNER as well as articles on the chart party held in the virtual reality realm called Active Worlds and regular features. Thanks, Thomas Leary, Mule Dog Records and Magazine http://www.muledog.com/magazine/

Kelvin - 09/25/99 11:36:28
My URL:http://www.kelvinsmith.net
My Email:kelvinsmith@clara.co.uk
from: UK
your pet?: Dog
hobby: Reading and Computers
how long have you been online: 3 years

Nice page you have here i enjoyed mt visit....

Don Merrill - 09/24/99 22:53:30
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~merrydon
My Email:merrydon@mailcity.com
from: Port Orange Florida
your pet?: cat
hobby: see my home page
how long have you been online: 2 yrs

Hi Luann - I was just revisiting your wonderful home pages and thought I would sign your guest book. Don

Ewa J. - 09/23/99 22:53:00
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mo/tejmforever
My Email:badgirl911t@hotmail.com
from: Vancouver BC
your pet?: Maltese Dog named Puszek (means "Fluffy")
hobby: Designing webpages
how long have you been online: Approximately half a year

Hey there...stumbled across your site and I'm glad I did. Beautiful job, please visit my site sometime and let me know how I did. Meet my family, boyfriend, dog, and neighbourhood. There's lots of stuff to visit and read. Enjoy, and while you're there ..please sign my guestbook. Thanks! And yes, I have to admit as well, I am addicted to the internet!!! AHH!...But to all the people out there, it isn't a bad quality to have. People can make a good living off the internet and its resources. Us internet addicts, could surprise you!

smidgit - 09/22/99 16:31:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/estates/7841
My Email:smidgit@netscape.net
from: Maine
your pet?: Caspah my Boston Terrier
fav person: My husband
pet peeve: being awakened
hobby: counted cross-stitch
how long have you been online: 8 years

May God bless all your endeavors

Judy - 09/17/99 14:43:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/2237/
My Email:gsivley@pacifier.com
from: Oregon

I believe I have been here before but do not see where I have signed your book so came by again and enjoyed the visit just as much as before!!!

- 09/13/99 20:45:39


Lynne Pope - 08/27/99 18:56:46
My Email:sister1@webtv.net
from: New Mexico
your pet?: Little Rock-St. bernard
fav person: don't have one
pet peeve: insecure husbands
hobby: cooking
how long have you been online: 4 months

I envy your ability to get out of the awful marriage you were in. Maybe someday I will do the same. I love my husband but he drives me crazy to the point that I can't stand to be around him sometimes.

Lynne Pope - 08/27/99 18:54:23
My Email:sister1@webtv.net
from: New Mexico
your pet?: Little Rock-St. bernard
fav person: don't have one
pet peeve: insecure husbands
hobby: cooking
how long have you been online: 4 months

I envy your ability to get out of the awful marriage you were in. Maybe someday I will do the same. I love my husband but he drives me crazy to the point that I can't stand to be around him sometimes.

Lynne Pope - 08/27/99 18:53:38
My Email:sister1@webtv.net
from: New Mexico
your pet?: Little Rock-St. bernard
fav person: don't have one
pet peeve: insecure husbands
hobby: cooking
how long have you been online: 4 months

I envy your ability to get out of the awful marriage you were in. Maybe someday I will do the same. I love my husband but he drives me crazy to the point that I can't stand to be around him sometimes.

Lynne Pope - 08/27/99 18:49:34
My Email:sister1@webtv.net
from: New Mexico
your pet?: Little Rock-St. bernard
fav person: don't have one
pet peeve: insecure husbands
hobby: cooking
how long have you been online: 4 months

I envy your ability to get out of the awful marriage you were in. Maybe someday I will do the same. I love my husband but he drives me crazy to the point that I can't stand to be around him sometimes.

Sari - 08/01/99 07:27:13
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/pp/klaasje/index.html
My Email:klaasje@ivillage.com
from: the Netherlands
your pet?: 3 cats
fav person: my hubby
pet peeve: flee
hobby: internet/homepages
how long have you been online: 2 years

I hope your romance goes on for ages!!!! It sounds wonderful!

Stuart the Maniac - 07/27/99 16:37:44
My URL:http://stumaniac.music.webjump.com
My Email:maniac@io.com
from: Austin, Texas
your pet?: slime mold named "Smelvis"
hobby: clutching at straws
how long have you been online: forever

Heya! Cool page you have here! Drop by my Web Jukebox if ya like at http://stumaniac.music.webjump.com and sign my g'book! See ya! :-)

tony ciccariello - 07/23/99 01:03:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Gallery/6648/index.html
My Email:ajc3.geo@yahoo.com
from: jackson, nj. usa
your pet?: none
fav person: annabel chong or keanna
pet peeve: people
hobby: many now dormant
how long have you been online: or how long was the last line i did, long, back in 91

liked the page, hate the midi's// tony

Peter - 06/30/99 01:23:54
My Email:presfrench@aol.com
from: dallas
your pet?: otis
pet peeve: men in sandals


Jan - 06/29/99 21:39:52
My Email:vansfarm@oceana.net
from: Hart, MI
your pet?: cat - Belle
how long have you been online: 3months

I love your site...it's cool!

Duane Bailey - 06/18/99 00:14:09
My URL:http://www.freemall.com/bailey/
My Email:dkbailey@earthlink.net

you were one of the first to sign my guestbook about a year ago so I thought I'de re-visit... Your site is

Ali - 06/14/99 01:59:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Gallery/8778/home.html
My Email:ali1000@zdnetmail.com
from: RAOK
how long have you been online: Too long! :)


Wonderful Site!

This is a random act of kindness

Doug and Angie - 06/12/99 21:57:56
My URL:http://gumbyandpokey.cjb.net
My Email:gumby_and_pokey@hotmail.com
from: Kirkland Wa, Aurora Co
your pet?: Herman, Lilkittyy, Junior, Charleyy
fav person: Doug
pet peeve: people who don't believe in Love
hobby: having fun!
how long have you been online: long long time

Great Page
We met on the net as well...and we FINALLY got our page finished!
(Oh and we linked your page to ours, hope you don't mind!)
Doug and Angie

JJ - 06/12/99 11:32:15
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/2sweetamI/
My Email:JLong62444@aol.com
from: Texas
fav person: my mom was
hobby: writing
how long have you been online: 14 months

hi there. thanks for visiting my page. yours is good. Goodluck in your love.

winterstorm - 06/10/99 03:54:06
My URL:http://millennium.fortunecity.com/briarwood/605/index.html
My Email:winterstorm1@earthlink.net
from: south florida
your pet?: my yorkies Echo and P J
fav person: husband and daughter
pet peeve: competeing noises
hobby: computer, reading, poetry composing
how long have you been online: less than 4 months

wonderful site, enjoyed my visit winterstorm
Kimmy Smith - 06/07/99 13:48:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~kimmy322
My Email:kimmy322@yahoo.com
from: Louisiana
your pet?: my dog Dodger
fav person: my hubby
pet peeve: mean people
how long have you been online: today or all total

Great page. I love your guestbook questions.

Elizabeth - 06/05/99 15:52:49
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca2/wedachawkins/index.html
My Email:wehawkins@earthlink.net
from: Lakewood, CA
your pet?: none
fav person: my husband
pet peeve: red lights
hobby: web surfing
how long have you been online: i dunno

just wandering through . . . you have a nice page!

Elizabeth - 06/05/99 15:51:56
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca2/wedachawkins/index.html
My Email:wehawkins@earthlink.net
fav person: my husband
pet peeve: red lights
hobby: web surfing
how long have you been online: i dunno

just wandering through . . . you have a nice page!

GrannyDancer - 06/04/99 03:27:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/7711
My Email:grannydancer@geocities.com
from: Delaware

I have enjoyed reading about your "virtual romance"...and have enjoyed visiting your site...

Jim Roberts - 06/01/99 13:51:48
My URL:/Heartland/7123
My Email:jimmyroberts@mindspring.com
from: South Carolina
your pet?: Dog - Angel
hobby: Computers
how long have you been online: 9 years

Returning your visit. Nice page.

Connie - 05/24/99 11:17:00
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~cjgainok/index.html
My Email:cjkelly@axom.com
from: central ohio
your pet?: Buttercup...a sweet cat
fav person: my son, Daniel
pet peeve: people with no common courtesy for others
hobby: internet!!
how long have you been online: 3 years

Thanks for visiting my page and giving me the opportunity to visit yours!!! I love what you have done with your website. Someday I hope to fancy mine up a bit and add more info! Good luck with Anders!! He sounds so special!!!!

Gary - 05/21/99 11:42:32
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members7/gjt
from: Lincoln in sunny ol' England
fav person: Kerry (My Girlfriend)
hobby: Watching, Collecting and Making Movies
how long have you been online: Since September

You've got such a great site, keep up the hard work. And good luck with Anders...

Lee - 05/16/99 08:04:03
My Email:SLLathrop@aol.com
from: Metro Philly
your pet?: Cats, Ozzie and Penny
fav person: John Lennon
pet peeve: Money
hobby: Breathing
how long have you been online: Months

Your page has about the coolest music I have heard.

Dee - 05/15/99 23:17:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Lights/4292
My Email:SinglesCafe@hotmail.com
from: Texas
your pet?: Do kids count as pets? lol
fav person: My children
hobby: designing web sites
how long have you been online: 3 years

WOW!! You have done so much to your web site. Your doing a great job. Thanks for visiting my web site again. Both the personal site and the Singles Cafe site are under major renevations... but then, aren't all web sites that way? hehehe Stop past on mIRC, Dal Net, channel #30+SinglesCafe some time, would love to chat again. I've met someone on line. Was Cyber Wed on Feb. 28, 1999. He has been in Texas with us for a month. We even decided to get married IRL... this Monday (May 17, 1999). ill tell you more later :) :)

Christy - 05/07/99 23:44:19
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~clsmith/clsmith.html
My Email:clsmith8@bellsouth.net
from: Memphis
your pet?: Ms. Kitty Bell
fav person: myself,myhusband, mykids
pet peeve: Talk too much
hobby: Music
how long have you been online: 2years

Nice page, I really enjoyed myself....

Tom and Diane - 04/28/99 02:49:20
My URL:http://www3.stratos.net/diatom
My Email:diatom@stratos.net
from: Auburn Twp., Ohio about 30 miles east of Cleveland
your pet?: Equine
how long have you been online: 2 years


Hi! We had some time to surf today, and we really enjoyed visiting your page.

Ray & Erika - 04/27/99 20:37:20
My URL:http://www.rayerika.com
My Email:erika@rayerika.com
from: Beverly Hills, CA 90212!
your pet?: Dog, Benny
how long have you been online: 10 years

You Have Done A WONDERFUL, FANTASTIC, PHENOMENAL, EXTRAORDINARY, REMARKABLE Job On Your Website! Very Bright And Cheerful And Informative. It Looks Like You Put A Lot Of Time And Effort Into Everything. I Especially Love The Backgrounds And The Words You hose. If You Get A Moment, Please Stop By Ours. Please Let Me Know Of Any Updates To Your Site. I Will Definitely Return. Keep Up The Good Work. - Erika (ICQ: 36219502)

not a pretty girl - 04/17/99 19:28:47
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me/shutmeup
My Email:mroberts@cyberbeach.net
from: under your skin
your pet?: monkeys should have to wear sunglasses, so that they cant hypnotize you
fav person: ani difranco
pet peeve: i used to have an uncle named uncle caveman. we'd all go play at uncle caveman's cave every day after school. sure he'd eat a few of us every now and then, but he was a good guy. it wasnt until later that i realized that uncle cavema was really a bear.
hobby: crying wolf
how long have you been online: 5 years

i guess i kind of lost it when i ran up on stage and lit the evil puppet villain on fire...oh wait..i never did that..i just wanted to demonstrate a human emotion, which is freaking out..another human emotion would be generocity, like when you pay someone double what he paid for his stupid puppet.

Karen Lyster - 04/15/99 00:32:41
My URL:/CapitolHill/Congress/2301/
My Email:zblue@ihug.co.nz
from: New Zealand
your pet?: Sasha
pet peeve: Stupid People ;)
hobby: UFO Research
how long have you been online: 1 1/2 years

Hi, great site, I saw your entry in another guestbook so decided to pay your lovely site a visit. Karen

Judy and Doug Bird - 04/14/99 17:18:46
My URL:http://www.angefire.com/fl/fleabug/index.html
My Email:cbird@zoomnet.net
from: OHIO
your pet?: White Min. Schazer
fav person: God
hobby: chatting on icq
how long have you been online: 1 year

Yes we are additced too and we are always online with our good frinds on icq. We have even met some of them in person too. We love to met new people and learning new things as long as they are clean. Nice page you have and good work hope to see more an keep up the good work. Thanks for signing my guestbook. Hope you are having a good day.

Thy Good Witch - 04/11/99 09:56:03
My URL:http://rivendell.fortunecity.com/meridian/835
My Email:goodwitch_1@yahoo.com
from: Excalibur
your pet?: varied
hobby: computer
how long have you been online: 6 years

Thanks for visiting and signing the Guestbook...people that take that little bit of time are tops to me!

Marsha - 04/11/99 09:33:17
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/GardenWay/sierrawolf
My Email:mljsierrra@yahoo.com
from: North Carolina

Hi. Luann, thanks for visiting my page and inviting me to yours. I have really enjoyed my visit and love your pages.

Sunshine - 04/11/99 04:29:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Garage/4337/index.html
My Email:sunisthe1@hotmail.com
from: New Jersey
your pet?: 'S' 2 dogs and a hamster
fav person: My son
pet peeve: Violence
hobby: Talking....'S'
how long have you been online: year and a half

You have a nice site....Lots of interests...Btw, like you guestbook....'S'

Mike - 04/10/99 21:03:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/7146
My Email:j_bourne@hotmail.com
from: Arkansas
your pet?: My Computer
fav person: My wife Susan
pet peeve: Running out of coffee
hobby: Anything to do with computers
how long have you been online: Today? Too long


Gayla - 04/03/99 07:11:23
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi/MyLilGirl/index.html
My Email:RuzasMom@aol.com
from: Colorado
your pet?: none
fav person: Daughter
pet peeve: Squeezing toothpaste tube in the middle
hobby: crafts
how long have you been online: 3 yearsf

I loved your web page, and that is a catchy little toon you have playing. Thanks for sharing. Visit us when you get a chance.

susan - 04/02/99 23:36:05
your pet?: Yellow lab
how long have you been online: Not long

Opened your page just to see what it was - cute I'm just getting started on the internet thing. We have a cat, a dog, a rabbit, and two fish, two teenagers too. We live in Prince Edward Island, Canada - home of Anne of Green Gables and potatoes among other things.

Yerkin (nick Yerkules) - 03/31/99 13:14:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Platform/6664
My Email:yerkin_s@hotmail.com
from: Kazakhstan
your pet?: Tiranosaurus Rexus
fav person: One girl - you donno'er
pet peeve: What is this peee-peee?
hobby: Swimming for long distances
how long have you been online: Since we've got ISPs (2.5 years or so)

Hey, you've got a very nice page. Especially I liked your background color - relaxing. And the links are meaningful too. Thanks for visiting my home-page: in fact you were my first visitor since I opened it (on Xoom.com) in February '99. We'll celebrate it. Meanwhile visit the old mirror-site: CODES & PASSWORDSvisit me

wave - 03/29/99 13:51:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/1228
My Email:breakwater@geocities.com
from: Rhode Island

Great pages! Very interesting information and well organized. Thank you for visiting my site, too. :-)

Susie - 03/29/99 04:22:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/prairie/7156
from: The PNW
your pet?: Gold fish? *lol*
fav person: My hubby
pet peeve: I have too many!
hobby: Making graphics, cross stitch, crocheting... etc!
how long have you been online: 3+

Hi! Thanks for taking the time to sign our GB!!! =) You have some really interesting links... I'll have to check more of them out! Thanks!
I used to be a nurse, once upon a time... a long time ago... *S*
Please stop by again someday, we'd love to have you over! -Susie

Ginger - 03/29/99 03:53:19
My URL:http://www.widomaker.com
My Email:delta@widomaker.com
from: Va
your pet?: dog,tropical fish, birds
fav person: husband
pet peeve: inconsiderate people
hobby: the Net, etc.....
how long have you been online: 5 years

Thanks so much for signing my guestbook. I have so much enjoyed your wonderful story and wish you continued happiness. Your website is filled with info and helpful links. Great job.

Teman - 03/28/99 22:13:27
My URL:http://www.elite.net/~tjohnson
My Email:tjohnson@elite.net
from: Merced, California
your pet?: Toy Cocker Spaniel
fav person: Wife
pet peeve: Spam Mail
hobby: Fly fishing, Gardening
how long have you been online: Since February, 1998

Thank you so much for dropping by my web site and leaving the nice note in the guest book. I enjoyed your web site, and the links I found most helpful were pets, midis, and travel. My son has a golden lab, nd she is the greatest dog. Best wishes to you on your move and in your relationship.

Henry J. - 03/28/99 19:05:39
My Email:relfix@webtv.net
from: Houston,TX.
your pet?: none

You sure have a great site. I have had a great visit.

Henry J. - 03/28/99 19:04:32
My Email:relfix@webtv.net
from: Houston,TX.
your pet?: none

You sure have a great site. I have had a great visit.

Henry J. - 03/28/99 19:02:58
My Email:relfix@webtv.net
from: Houston,TX.
your pet?: none

You sure have a great site. I have had a great visit.

Catwoman - 03/28/99 10:09:49
My URL:http://www.oxemail.com.au/~catwoman1
My Email:catwoman1@ozemail.com.au
from: Bundaberg Qld Australia
your pet?: Cat
fav person: My Husband
pet peeve: Naughty Children
hobby: sewing
how long have you been online: 18 months

Great site you have here, if your down my way sometime drop by.

Jennifer Main - 03/28/99 05:36:25
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca2/jmain
My Email:mainfive@caltel.com
from: California, USA
your pet?: I don't currently have one... though we are fixing to adopt a baby lobster from a friend.
fav person: My kids!!
pet peeve: Highly opinionated people who force their views down my throat.
hobby: Web design.
how long have you been online: a little over a year.

Hi LuAnn... What a great site you have here. Thanks for visiting my site and signing my guestbook. I've bookmarked your page and will visit often to see what you've updated. Keep a smile on your face and an open heart... ~Jen~

Colleen - 03/28/99 04:01:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hollow/3434
from: Canada
your pet?: Tiki...Lhasa Apsos
fav person: my husband
pet peeve: Mondays
hobby: computers, gardening,
how long have you been online: 2 years

Hi Luann, Thank you so much for visiting my site, signing my guestbook and allowing me to return the favour. You have a great site here with many useful links. I have enjoyed my visit very much.

Julie - 03/27/99 21:30:21
My URL:http://members.aol.com/jluddin443/home.html
My Email:jluddin443@aol.com
from: New Mexico at the moment (military family)
your pet?: My cute little mini schnauzer-Baron
fav person: My best friend Dorie
pet peeve: people who don't use turning signals before pulling in front of you!
hobby: surfing the web, and building my own site.
how long have you been online: about 2 years

Thanks for inviting me to your site! And thanks for visiting mine. You have a lot of great original things on here, and I will be sure to come back! Hope to see you at my site often. ~Julie

Nezar Al-Moosawi - 03/21/99 12:13:21
My URL:http://comp.uark.edu/~nalmoos/
My Email:nalmoos@comp.uark.edu
from: United Arab Emirates

Nice Homepage

George Vos - 03/19/99 17:15:17
My URL:http://meltingpot.fortunecity.com/ghana/738/home.html
My Email:shima@ducksfan.com
from: Holland (europe)
your pet?: 2 cats
fav person: ME!!
hobby: Playing soccer
how long have you been online: Don't know!

christine gragg - 03/14/99 07:37:41
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/odyssey2001
My Email:odyssey2001@xoommail.com
from: kansas City
your pet?: witty (cat)
fav person: n/a
pet peeve: n/a
hobby: n/a
how long have you been online: 2 yrs.

please come by and see us sometime...christine

Ali - 03/13/99 15:39:56
My URL:/Area51/Dreamworld/6505/
My Email:ali1000@zdnetmail.com
from: Israel
your pet?: My brother...
fav person: My Angel
pet peeve: :-)
hobby: Hmmm...
how long have you been online: 2 hours?

Great page! I loved the horoscope page (I have one my self :-)) and the indians were great!!! I'm sooo glad I came. Be back again for sure! *smile*

Gayle - 03/12/99 00:49:24
My URL:http://www.latrobe.net.au/pearce/ourstory.html
My Email:pearce@latrobe.net.au
from: Australia
fav person: My wonderful man, Rick :-)
pet peeve: People who are narrowminded about the internet, and media stories only focussing on the bad side of the net.
hobby: Computers, reading, music.
how long have you been online: Three years

Hi Luann, thanks for visiting our home page and signing our book. Best wishes to you and Anders for a happy future together.

Dan & Carrie - 03/11/99 20:10:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Falls/5505/
My Email:dbartzy@hotmail.com
from: Alberta
your pet?: shep
hobby: fishing
how long have you been online: 5 months

nice page. thanks for visiting ours

TLynn - 03/10/99 19:18:12
My URL:http://www.wixnet.com/~tlynn
My Email:TLynn@wixnet.com
from: AZ
your pet?: bird
fav person: not going to tell:)
pet peeve: Noise
hobby: writing
how long have you been online: 4 mos 1day

I enjoyed visiting your site. Thank you for the welcome.

Erika - 03/10/99 19:03:38
My URL:http://www.colba.net/~heyerika
from: Canada
hobby: Web page designing
how long have you been online: 4 yrs...

Hello Luann!! Nice page and you have some interesting links..It's a real pleasure visiting here and keep up the great work...Thanks for your lovely comments in my GB..Take care.

Stuart the Maniac - 03/09/99 21:09:35
My URL:http://www.io.com/~maniac
My Email:maniac@io.com
from: Austin, Texas, USA, Earth, Milky Way, Infinite Space, Speck of Dust, Austin, etc.
your pet?: Smelvis the slime mold
fav person: anyone who is nice to me
pet peeve: fascists
hobby: self-abuse
how long have you been online: since the late 80's on BBSs

Hi! Nice page ya got here! Have fun! :-)

Stuart the Maniac - 03/09/99 21:07:27
My URL:http://www.io.com/~maniac
My Email:maniac@io.com
from: Austin, Texas, USA, Earth, Milky Way, Infinite Space, Speck of Dust, Austin, etc.
your pet?: Smelvis the slime mold
fav person: anyone who is nice to me
pet peeve: fascists
hobby: self-abuse
how long have you been online: since the late 80's on BBSs

Hi! Nice page ya got here! Have fun! :-)

Anna Belle - 03/09/99 19:12:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/9662
My Email:annabelle@canada.com
from: Vancouver Canada
your pet?: My cat "BEAR"
fav person: Me, if I am no good to myself, I am no good to anyone
pet peeve: Unkind people
hobby: camping, biking, gardening, computers
how long have you been online: one whole year

Hi There: Great site you have here. I love the picture of the tiger on the first page. Really enjoyed my visit. Great work.

Bea Mitts (~aka~ starbright) - 03/08/99 16:37:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~starbright
My Email:starbright@geocities.com
from: USA - Pacific Northwest
your pet?: None, pet recently pasted on.
fav person: No favorites... love everyone! :)
pet peeve: Server disconnecting when downloading files.. lol
hobby: Web Page Design, Image Manipulation
how long have you been online: about 3 years

Thank you for stopping by and signing my guestbook. You have some really cool things to check out! :) Keep up the great job you are doing.

Paul - 03/08/99 14:29:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Shores/3395
My Email:pj.hewitt@bigpond.com
from: Australia
your pet?: Max... a brown dog
fav person: My wife Pam
pet peeve: Mornings
hobby: Bass Guitar
how long have you been online: 10 minutes tonight

Good luck with the relationship. It's worth it!

Ziggy - 03/07/99 17:20:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Orchard/6002
from: Wisconsin
your pet?: lab dalmation cross
fav person: Mel Gibson
pet peeve: bad manners
hobby: chatting! ~*S*~
how long have you been online: 1 /12 yr

Hi! Thanks for visiting my page and signing my book. I enjoyed my visit here and will be back often to see what you are up to! *S*

SYI - 03/06/99 05:09:00
My URL:http://www.htmlds.com/syi
My Email:syi@htmlds.com
from: Canada
your pet?: Golden Retriever
fav person: the Volume
pet peeve: tooth paste tubes squeezed in the middle!
hobby: living
how long have you been online: too long

All righty then lets get down to business. By now you've probably heard all the rumors and gossip , well let us be the first to tell you that most of them are true. Yes we here at SYI central are recieving head from anyone who is offering. No it's not a SEX thing!!! We are looking for some photos of your HEAD, so if you have some free time stop by and visit with SYI. Come and see "what the people are saying". Don't forget to leave your tag in our guestbook. It's Rock at its Swinest! Undeniable the most fun you can have with your clothes on! SYI, Atlantic Canada's best kept secret.

"SYI, Live, Loud & not too Proud!"
Copyright © 1999 Steaming DilBrt Productions, Dartmouth, N.S. , Canada eh!

Andrea - 03/04/99 02:21:42
My URL:http://members.aol.com/ANNE719/ANNES.html
My Email:Anne719@aol.com
from: Delaware!!
your pet?: Max, Beau, Alley and Storm
fav person: :) Sergio
pet peeve: I love to be around a man in Uniform ((sergio))
hobby: Bird Watching
how long have you been online: ooooh about....3 years

Hi!!! Great page....I will book mark and visit it often.....Love the pet area....Keep love in your heart and a smile on your face then life will always be lived.......Tata, Andrea

Dana - 03/03/99 08:36:57


Patti - 02/28/99 22:39:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/paris/leftbank/7746
from: Heart Beat
your pet?: lots of them...four dogs, two minature goats and five birds *L*
fav person: hummmmm first my son and then Antonio Banderas
pet peeve: people who always say the right thing!
hobby: playing with my pets
how long have you been online: two years


Tammy - 02/25/99 22:11:48
My URL:http://homepages.infoseek.com/~tam7968/index1.html
My Email:wtammy@usa.net
from: Ohio
your pet?: Pongo
fav person: My children...and Scott.
pet peeve: people that are close minded...racist...homophobic....
hobby: Hmmm....
how long have you been online: 3 years

Hi there. =) Thanks for signing my guestbook...and sorry it took me so long to make it to your page. It's great! I'm going to go check it out more thoroughly after I sign this...I like pages like yours...they give me something to do when I'm bored! Links! Yay! *L* Well, my page has been redone since the last time you've been there so if you ever get bored enough, stop by...it's still under construction. (isn't that always? *L*) I have to work on putting some interesting links on mine...I just haven't gotte motivated enough. Okay, I think I rambled enough...take care!

Kirsi - 02/25/99 13:04:35
My URL:http://personal.inet.fi/koti/kirsi
My Email:koo98@yahoo.com
from: Finland
hobby: handicrafts, web-designing
how long have you been online: 2 yrs

Nice pages with lots of information. I'll be back!

Karia - 02/24/99 23:29:25
My URL:http://members.tipod.com/sarah_world
My Email:nissa17@hotmail.com
from: TX, USA
fav person: Hmmm....me =)
hobby: anime, reading
how long have you been online: for over a year

You have a great site!!

Jammie Sue - 02/24/99 17:50:42
My Email:jschmid@doniphanr1.semo.net
from: Doniphan Mo
your pet?: Geroge
fav person: Tyler and Mama Luann
pet peeve: sisters whom will not let you get off the phone
hobby: Hobby? Doesn't that require that mythological thing called free time?
how long have you been online: 3 years

Luann, Love your website it's pretty nifty. But I am a little hurt you can mention Tyler and Keith but Jo and I aren't important. (Just Joking)

Tyler Previe - 02/24/99 06:53:37
My Email:TyrantTy@aol.com (but dont send mail there mommy forgot the password)
from: Ca
your pet?: Kitty Kitty and Fishy and Fishy
fav person: Blue
pet peeve: When Blue is over and Mommy wont let me play my videos
hobby: Bugging Mommy And Daddy
how long have you been online: 3 years

Dear Nanna, I Love you're web Page. You have a very cute Grandson!!(HaHa) Thank you for the Pictures of Blue and The Tellie Tubbies. I Love them. I Told everyone to go look at you're page!! I Love and Miss you too Love Prince Tyler

Connie Gauthier - 02/24/99 02:48:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/7078
My Email:67hghway@semo.net
from: PB
your pet?: a pair of mean cats
fav person: my husband
pet peeve: being ignored when talking
hobby: sewing
how long have you been online: 2.5 years

Hi Lu, good job on this page. You totally amaze me as to how much you change it for the better. One of these days I will learn how to do it. Love you, girlfriend, Connie

Vanessa Brown - 02/23/99 20:35:50
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Vanessa5/index.htm
My Email:vanessa5@gte.net
from: Gentry, Arkansas
your pet?: cat....Abigail
fav person: my hubby....Jim.....of course!
pet peeve: Rude people.
hobby: Reading while listening to music by candlelight wearing sweats and curled up on the couch with a blanket and my hubby rubbing my feet. LOL
how long have you been online: For almost 1 year. And it was a whole new experience but I admitt it I'm addicted to the web.

I like you site and do please come and visit mine....and don't forget to sign my guestbook. Smile and have a very nice day!

Jim Roberts - 02/23/99 13:57:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/7123
My Email:jimmyroberts@mindspring.com
from: South Carolina
your pet?: Angel (dog)
hobby: Computers
how long have you been online: Since the early days of AOL

Returning your visit to my page. Sorry it took so long.

Sherre - 02/23/99 06:00:16
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi/sherre/index.html
My Email:sherres_@yahoo.com
from: Louisville,Kentucky
your pet?: Bird
fav person: My children
hobby: The net
how long have you been online: All day!!!:)

Hi great page!!!I just love it all.you have done a really great job.Keep up the good work,god bless you sweetheart.Love Sherre

Louise - 02/22/99 20:10:04
My URL:http://members.tripod.com~KimbaLouise/
My Email:LJohnsonEvans@webtv.net
from: Florida
your pet?: cat - tabby markng - muted calico coloring
fav person: husband
pet peeve: commercial interrupting nice music in grocery store
hobby: webtv and plastic canvas projects.
how long have you been online: over 1 year

You have a very nice website. I especially enjoyed the travel information and the cyber cards. I do love cybr cards.

Louise - 02/22/99 20:05:52
My URL:http://members.tripod.com~KimbaLouise/
My Email:LJohnsonEvans@webtv.net
from: Florida
your pet?: cat - tabby markng - muted calico coloring
fav person: husband
pet peeve: commercial interrupting nice music in grocery store
hobby: webtv and plastic canvas projects.
how long have you been online: over 1 year

You have a very nice website. I especially enjoyed the travel information and the cyber cards. I do love cybr cards.

Pink Panther - 02/22/99 09:07:36
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/PPanther/
My Email:pinkpanther1970@yahoo.com
from: Belgium
your pet?: cat (used to be 2)
fav person: my girlfriend
hobby: music
how long have you been online: 6 months

Thanks for the invitation. You have a beautiful page. Loved surfing it. Keep the spirit going.

Sam - 02/22/99 00:24:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Villa/6415
My Email:littless@webtv.net
from: Indiana
your pet?: Husky/chow mixed
fav person: David-the LOVE of my life
pet peeve: cruelity towards children
hobby: webtv
how long have you been online: 7 July '98

Welcome to the Love and Laughter Network:)
You have a really nice homepage and I loved the story about you and Anders. That is so sweet.
Please feel free to visit my homepage sometime

Hugs and Prayers

Isleifur Gislason - 02/21/99 14:53:10
My URL:http://www.slim-line.com
My Email:isleifur@slim-line.com
from: Iceland
your pet?: None now
fav person: My wife
hobby: Outdoors
how long have you been online: 3 months

I had a nice visit with you. Please take a thoughtful look at my site, you can click on my picture to find out about me and my country.

Find out how to become an Independent Herbalife Distributor

Isleifur Gislason
Independent Herbalife Distributor
(ID N° 23051059)
Want to find out how to become a Herbalife Distributor?
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Find out how to become an Independent Herbalife Distributor

Virginia - 02/21/99 04:13:07
My URL:http://www.logicsouth.com/~vroach
My Email:vroach@logicsouth.com
from: South Carolina
your pet?: Gone after 15 years
fav person: My Hubby
pet peeve: not enough time on puter
hobby: surfin'
how long have you been online: 3 years

Great page Luann. Truly enjoyed my visit. Your story of you and Andres, was fascinating!! The true test of real faith and love is commitment! I pray that if this is what you both want, make it happen! Vee

tink - 02/20/99 17:41:05
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~tinkrs/index-2.html
My Email:lfwelch@sydcom.net
from: texas
your pet?: a mixed terrier
fav person: walt disney
pet peeve: ignorant ppl
hobby: being online
how long have you been online: 3 years


a few words about your page :) warm-beautiful-fuzzy-worth while- thanks so for visting my page and leaving a link

Griffin!!! - 02/20/99 06:35:52
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/md/griffin
My Email:mkgriffin@erols.com
from: Deen!!!
your pet?: Dog!!!
fav person: My mom, (brilliant women)!!!
pet peeve: Jealousy!!!
hobby: Everything!!!
how long have you been online: 3 years!!!

Kewl site!!! I enjoyed myself a lot!!! You got some good link's, keep up the good work!!! Everything and Nothing or 22,000 hit's a day

julie - 02/20/99 05:42:36
My URL:http://www.geociites.com/Heartland/Hollow/1765
My Email:julie_iluvtexas@hotmail.com
from: Houston
your pet?: none
fav person: kathryn Grace
pet peeve: oh..so many!
hobby: puters!
how long have you been online: 1 year

Wonderful! thanks for signing my Guestbook!

Charmaine - 02/20/99 05:17:26
My URL:/BourbonStreet/6750/index8.htm
My Email:charmie@geocities.com
from: Nova Scotia, Canada
your pet?: Chocolate Labrador Retriever, tabby cat, bunny,hamster and two goats.
fav person: my whole family !
pet peeve: internet plagurists
hobby: tole painting, drawing & watercolours,singing & playing the harmonica, writing poetry & shortstories, the computer.
how long have you been online: 2 and a half years.


This is a GREAT page !! I've very much enjoyed my visit here !! J Pleas come visit me any time !!

Galigirl - 02/20/99 03:23:14
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~galigirl/cover
My Email:galigirl@bigfoot.com
from: ILL
your pet?: Several
how long have you been online: 4 months

Great website....I really enjoyed my visit...Thanks for stopping by and signing my guestbook

Stephen Carr - 02/20/99 03:02:10
My URL:http://www.stephencarr.com
My Email:stc60@yahoo.com
from: So Cal
your pet?: A Fat Cat
fav person: Paul McCartney
pet peeve: taxes
hobby: Car Audio
how long have you been online: 2 years

Nice site...please visit me, sign the guestbook!


JustMe (Allie) - 02/20/99 02:24:29
My URL:/Paris/Bistro/2691
My Email:justmef@gisco.net
from: NY state
your pet?: 3 cats and 1 dog
fav person: my husband
pet peeve: people who take advantage of kids
hobby: computers
how long have you been online: 4 years

Hi, great homepage! You have done a great job! Thanks for signing my guestbook. Keep the Romance flowing......

Cyber Wives - 02/19/99 18:31:08
My URL:http://www.cyberwives.freeserve.co.uk
from: All around the world

nice page, seems we have a lot in common, come join us!

Nikki - 02/19/99 17:05:16
My URL:/SunsetStrip/Birdland/2112/
My Email:nikkidqt@yahoo.com
from: Phils.
your pet?: Dog & Cat
fav person: ???
pet peeve: Peeve? Whazzat?
hobby: Drawing, internet, computer,...
how long have you been online: 1 year, I think


Cool site! I really enjoyed my stay here! Will be back again when I have the time to surf ALL of it!
Keep up rhe good work & thanks for signing my Guestbook! Bye!
Nikki ^_^
img src="/SunsetStrip/Birdland/2112/bird-emailwebsite.gif" width="115" height="68" usemap="#bird-emailwebsite" border="0">

E-mail me! Visit my website!

Gin Donahaid - 02/19/99 14:51:16
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok/bodsoot
My Email:bodsoot@rocketmail.com
from: Scotland
your pet?: I've got enough trouble with the weans
fav person: apart from me? ;-D
pet peeve: people who insit on "saving me".
hobby: Soccer, Motorcyles & PC.
how long have you been online: about 1 year

Luann, excellent site, although I really need to go & follow more links (I thought I'd sign first incase I got lost). Your guestbook questions are also a bit more interesting than the usual. Well I really must be going now, take care, Slainte, Gin.

Moira Ismay - 02/19/99 08:16:30
My URL:http://www.lisp.com.au/~mmay
My Email:mmay@lisp.com.au
from: Australia

Found you while surfing the net. Best wishes, Moira.

Stan Haws - 02/19/99 03:06:55
My URL:http://www.alaweb.com
My Email:hawsboys@alaweb.com
from: surfed in
fav person: wife
pet peeve: liars
hobby: softball
how long have you been online: 2 years

Cool Site

Emre Bardak - 02/18/99 22:07:41
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/de/dosya
My Email:ebardak@hotmail.com
from: Turkey-Istanbul
hobby: Internet,music,cinema

What a professional page ! I spend an hour on your page. Also I thank you for visiting my page and signing my homepage. see you ...

Joshua Spencer - 02/18/99 06:32:54
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sk/bizgood
My Email:joshua.spencer@accglobal.net
from: Toronto,Canada
how long have you been online: November 1998 since my site has been. i have been for awhile.

I had a good time visiting and I enjoyed all I had the time to partake. I will return at a future date.Keep up the good works.

Choctaw - 02/18/99 05:58:59
My URL:http://www.alaweb.com/~jbcaton/news/news.html
My Email:choctaw@alaweb.com
from: Alabama
your pet?: My first wife of 40 years
fav person: same as above
pet peeve: People who ask questions, but don't listen!
hobby: Buckskinning & "Puters"
how long have you been online: 4 years

Hi Luann, Thanks for signing my guestbook way down in LA, (that is Lower Alabama)

The Good Witch - 02/17/99 20:12:23
My URL:http://fly.to/thegoodwitch
My Email:goodwitch_1@yahoo.com
from: Excalibur
your pet?: 3 dogs, 2 cats, & a parakeet
fav person: my kids
pet peeve: people who are rotten to my kids
hobby: the computer
how long have you been online: 5 years

Thank you for visiting my fantasy website, which is part of Excalibur http://travel.to/excalibur. I am so sorry that it was not finished yet when you arrived and would hope that you will return in a shile to see the entire thing once it is together. I have lots of work to do with Excalibur which is a safe-surf site developed for children and adults. I help members of our community with HTML, graphics etc...anything they need to update or start their own websites, so have been busy in the extreme. I enjoyed my visit to your site and will be back again when I can spend more time here. Thanks again for checking my new site. Glenda TGW

Lori - 02/17/99 16:37:36
My URL:http://homepage.dave-world.net/~xpertree/lorihome.html
My Email:2burnt4u@dave-world.net
from: Lori's Backgrounds

You have done a wonderful job here!Lots for all to see and enjoy. Thank-You for the visit to my place, and signing the Guestbook. Come back anytime.

Grandpa Chuck - 02/17/99 16:29:17
My URL:http://grandpachuck.iscool.net
My Email:grandpachuck@usa.net
from: Holland Michigan
fav person: My wife
pet peeve: none
hobby: Grandchildren
how long have you been online: Since Vic20's had 330 baud modems

Luann, Very nice site. Enjoyed my visit. Grandpa

Edward Kleiner - 02/17/99 15:30:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/8622
My Email:72437.2367@compuserve.com
from: New Haven CT
hobby: TV video taping on VCR & surfing the Internet
how long have you been online: More than a year

Hi Luann Thank You for finding my site & signing my guestbook. You have a super great site too. I like your photo. You look super great in it. You must like working as a nurse. I can tell you are a big time chatter kindof like me. I enjoy chatting in Talk City, the Geocities Chat & even Yahoo some of the time. You have great links in your Cool Pages area. I like your link to the Windough Instant Ticket Computer Game. Maybe I have a chance of winning just as much as on the slot machines on a cruise I am goi g on this coming summer. So good luck in things with your website & yes Thank You Very Very Much for the signature you left me in my guestbook. I was happy to see your website. Sincerely Edward Kleiner

laurie - 02/17/99 14:57:17
My URL:http://www.inergy.com/silverrabbit
My Email:mysilverrabbit@uswest.net
from: colorado
your pet?: he is dog heaven now, Chewbacca
fav person: too many to have just one
pet peeve: people who don't sign guestbooks when surfing a site
hobby: web pages
how long have you been online: 2 months

Wow, cool stuff! Thanks for visiting my guestbook, too! How did you think of these questions? Cool! Will be back soon. Love and hugz yours Laurie

Chavie Fiszer - 02/17/99 08:56:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/7178
My Email:chavie@bigfoot.com
from: Paris/New York
your pet?: 2 budgies
fav person: I love too many people!
pet peeve: why is chocolate fattening?
hobby: belly dancing, knitting, scuba diving
how long have you been online: forever

I loved you site! Fabulous links! I bookmarked you, of course!

Jennifer Brown - 02/17/99 03:31:53
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ky/jennbob/index.html
My Email:jennbob@yahoo.com
from: Jennifer
your pet?: Skipper
fav person: Clint Brown
how long have you been online: 1 year

You have a great web page. If you get a chance come by and check out mine and sign my guestbook

Albert/Kathy - 02/17/99 02:56:48
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~fire_kat/
My Email:Al_E_Kats_Page@webtv.net
from: Lousiana
your pet?: "Lady"-Lab and Spaniel
fav person: George Carlin
pet peeve: hate dirty counters
hobby: chatting
how long have you been online: 3 months

Just stopped in to check out your page. W will come back to contiue looking. You have also put a lot of time into yours. It is very good! Thanks again for stopping by ours.

Bob Shea - 02/17/99 01:44:52
My Email:theretheygo@mindspring.com
your pet?: Dogs Sheila and Hootch, cat Joseph
fav person: Chris, of course, :)
pet peeve: Chain mail, off the top of my head
hobby: golf
how long have you been online: 3 and 1/2 years

Great Homepage, hope you win LU. Looks like it took alot of work. Bob

Bob Shea - 02/17/99 01:41:09
My Email:theretheygo@mindspring.com
your pet?: Dogs Sheila and Hootch, cat Joseph
fav person: Chris, of course, :)


rakan...from Jordan Mall - 02/16/99 21:22:19
My URL:http://www.jordanmall.com
My Email:rmehyar@jordanmall.com
from: amman, jordan
your pet?: none
fav person: im not sure...
hobby: flying, socializing and psycology
how long have you been online: 2 or 3 hours

dear luann... i loved ur site, i thing it is cute, fun, usefull and very interesting... i invite you to mirror your wonderful site at jordanmall.com (just go there and request a free commercial site)..... you are more than wellcome. i wish you all the best...hope to here from you soon... good luck :)

- 02/16/99 21:11:54


B.W. Holmes - 02/16/99 20:47:55
My URL:http://www.telusplanet.net/public/bwholmes/reaspir.htm
My Email:bwholmes@telusplanet.net

I'm here to sign your guestbook, as you requested. You have a nice homepage. I've had a pleasant time browsing through it.

Reasoned Spirituality

Jackie - 02/16/99 17:51:50
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ky/misspeach
My Email:misspeach@hotmail.com
from: Kentucky
your pet?: Suager, a terrier-spitz mix
fav person: hubby Gerald
pet peeve: don't really have any
hobby: cooking & crafting
how long have you been online: couple of years

I enjoyed your site. Come and visit with me when time allows you. Have a great day and God Bless!

Just Me - 02/16/99 14:57:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Bistro/2691
My Email:justme_g@geocities.com
from: NY State
your pet?: 3 cats 1 dog
fav person: my husband
hobby: computers
how long have you been online: 4 years

Hi, great homepage! You have done a great job! Thanks for signing my guestbook. Stop in again, coffee is always on!

NOCTORNO - 02/16/99 08:31:41
My URL:http://noctorno.cjb.net
My Email:noctorno@shellyeah.org
how long have you been online: 1 year

Peace Be Upon You. Speaking from the tongue of a simpleton netizen who obviously need more guidance from an expert. This note should be pretty easy to understand. Don't be afraid to be paranoid (expecially you when explore something). It doesn't hurt to store something encrypt on your hard disk. Don't ive excuses, put in your effort because there is no harm in trying. You also must note that no one starts as an expert. If you want to do something, just follow your heart. It's your life. Lastly, please take note that whatever will happen in the coming uture wether it is good or bad, you as the webmaster of this website must remember that ... .. .

-[{( Noctorno Was Here )}]-

Glory, Majesty, Unity, Peace, Love,Emphaty,

Gary & Joyce - 02/16/99 02:09:50
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/morecoins
My Email:oscartee@ruralnet.org
from: West Virginia
your pet?: Cat
fav person: God
pet peeve: Fake People
hobby: Golf/Being outside in nature
how long have you been online: 1 year

We enjoyed our visit very much. You have done a lot of work on your site. Keep up the good work. Please come by and visit us sometime, the welcome mat is always out at our site. God Bless.

Glenda - 02/15/99 17:18:09
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~jayne077/
My Email:jayne077@earthlink.net
from: Arlington,Texas
your pet?: None right now
pet peeve: rude people
hobby: bowling
how long have you been online: March 96

Luann, I wanted to thank you for visiting my page and giving me the opportunity to visit yours.I'm sure I will visit often because you have so many fun links and to see how your situation with Anders turns out. Keep the faith, It will work out.

Megan aka Julietta - 02/15/99 05:00:27
My URL:http://wwww.angelfire.com/ms/julietta/index.html
My Email:julietta@start.com.au
from: Perth...Western Australia
your pet?: German Shepherd named Simba...*S*
fav person: My daughter..and my boyfriend...*S*
pet peeve: people who candy coat things...or dishonesty
hobby: the net, sport, music...
how long have you been online: too long!*LOL*

Hiya Luann!!
Thank you so much for visiting my site and for your lovely comments in my guestbook..very much appreciated!*S*
I really enjoyed looking at your site..and checking out your links..you've done a great job..and I'll be sure to come back!
Take care!

Morren P - 02/15/99 04:56:04
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ny/pagangirl/index.html
My Email:galugood@webtv.net
from: New York
your pet?: N/A
fav person: Whitney Houston
pet peeve: N/A
hobby: Sewing
how long have you been online: 9 mths.

Very niceweb page, Luann. Keep up the good work. God bless. GOOD LUCK!

Marge & Marty - 02/15/99 03:01:15
My URL:http://yourpage.blazenet.net/mmstines/
My Email:mmstines@blazenet.net
from: PA USA
your pet?: 2 Cats
fav person: ME!!! Do ya need to ask
pet peeve: People who don't listen
hobby: Internet is there any other place
how long have you been online: What today???

Hey Thanks for the visit to our home.... Really enjoyed visting your page to.... You have a really nice page and lots of good info here will enjoy an other visit back here.... Thanks, Marge & Marty

Nita - 02/15/99 02:23:48
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Fl_Nita/index-3.html
My Email:nnb@webtv.net
from: Fl by way of NC
your pet?: Pom. named Chewie, & Tigger, cater
fav person: friends met on the net
pet peeve: people putting other people down
hobby: webtv,painting,camping,fishing,beach,reading
how long have you been online: almost 2 years

What an awesome site you have. I love the way it is laid out, decorated, user friendly, & all the neat things you have. You have put a lot of hard work into your page for some many people to enjoy. Thank you for all your hard work that created such an awesome homepage!! Thanks also for visiting my homepage & your comments are appreciated. Keep up the great work!! :-) Nita

Ayla - 02/15/99 00:54:41
My URL:http://www.warrior-woman.org/ayla/
My Email:ayla@warrior-woman.org
from: Texas
your pet?: Ana' and Abby
fav person: My Husband
pet peeve: Questions
hobby: Art, Poetry, Web Design, Beading, Just Stuff
how long have you been online: "I was online when online wasn't cool"


Thnx for dropping by my site...
I enjoyed all your links

(sorry, forgot to close that tag
please delete the previous entry)

Ayla - 02/15/99 00:34:38
My Email:ayla@warrior-woman.org
from: Texas
your pet?: Ana' and Abby
fav person: My Husband
pet peeve: Questions
hobby: Art, Poetry, Web Design, Beading, Just Stuff
how long have you been online: "I was online when online wasn't cool"


Thnx for dropping by my site...
I enjoyed all your links
< r>
Feelgood Falls - 02/14/99 16:07:41
My Email:yankee@harborside.com
from: Vicki
your pet?: Chunker the Amazing Cat

Luanne, Your page is wonderful and romantic. I read your love story and smiled. You have many interesting pages and I have visited them all. Happy Valentine's Day and Thanks, Vicki

BLUE BEAGLE - 02/14/99 14:46:29
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~BlueBeagle/
My Email:capone@kansascity.com
from: Cross Roads,USA
your pet?: Dog,Cat,And Bird
fav person: Ken Starr
pet peeve: Presidents That Lie
hobby: Internet,Fishing
how long have you been online: 8 mo.


Nice page. Glad I surfed upon it!!

BLUE BEAGLE - 02/14/99 14:40:33
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~BlueBeagle/
My Email:capone@kansascity.com
from: Cross Roads,USA
your pet?: Dog,Cat,And Bird
fav person: Ken Starr
pet peeve: Presidents That Lie
hobby: Internet,Fishing
how long have you been online: 8 mo.


Nice page. Glad I surfed upon it!!

LOGGER - 02/14/99 12:50:00
My URL:http://LoggerK.webjump.com/BeerWarp.html
from: US
your pet?: ever growing beer mold
fav person: my kid
pet peeve: schizophrenics, why you so nosy? Your not posting this, are you?! I gotta get out of here!!!!!!!!!
hobby: psychoanalyzing......uh.......nevermind
how long have you been online: oh,,,,,'bout two minutes

You came to my page http://www.angelfire.com/mi/LoggerK somehow, (the link above is for another of mine, different host, but give it time to load) anyway, I loved your sight, I really get a kick out of things like the "weird sites" Thanx for st pping by.....LOGGER

kk - 02/14/99 08:11:37
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sk/KnuclearKnuckles/index.html
My Email:knuclear_knuckles_98@angelfire.com
from: phils
your pet?: nun
fav person: nun
pet peeve: a lot
hobby: surfing
how long have you been online: since i got internet

thanx for signimg my gbook

Snookums - 02/14/99 06:50:05
My URL:http://www.snook.com
from: Way down yonder in New Orleans USA
your pet?: Horses & Dogs
fav person: why, hubby of course!
pet peeve: Rude Drivers
hobby: The InterNet
how long have you been online: Since 1992 as a BBS SysOp

Best wishes for your romance! Isn't love GRAND!

Twinkie - 02/14/99 06:24:05
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/TwinkieProject00
My Email:TwinkieProject@webtv.net
from: CT
your pet?: Brutis (dobie/beagal)
fav person: My Boyfriend & Son
hobby: webtv (LOL)
how long have you been online: 1 1/2 yrs

Just stopped by to check out your site. Very nice !! Thanks for signing my guest book. Keep in touch ok? Twinkie

Twinkie - 02/14/99 06:23:17
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/TwinkieProject@webtv.net
My Email:TwinkieProject@webtv.net
from: CT
your pet?: Brutis (dobie/beagal)
fav person: My Boyfriend & Son
hobby: webtv (LOL)
how long have you been online: 1 1/2 yrs

Just stopped by to check out your site. Very nice !! Thanks for signing my guest book. Keep in touch ok? Twinkie

Pharoh - 02/14/99 05:41:31
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/GasolineAlley/pharoh/
My Email:Pharoh@startrekmail.com
from: Escondido, Ca.
your pet?: Pongo
fav person: Me, of course!!
pet peeve: folks who ask too many questions!!
hobby: lots!!
how long have you been online: about a year!!

Just surfing by, and saw your site!! I enjoyed my visit!! Come be treated Royally in my Royal Palace, but Choose Wisely!!

mary - 02/14/99 03:33:01
from: rfamily
your pet?: cat
fav person: husban
hobby: beanie babys


Shirley - 02/14/99 00:56:15
My URL:http://home.att.net/~scorh
My Email:scorh@att.net
from: Texas
how long have you been online: 3 years

nice page

ldwmom - 02/13/99 23:34:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/7556/
My Email:ldwmom@oio.net
from: Oklahoma
your pet?: dog, named cookie
fav person: have 4, dh and my kids
pet peeve: liars!!
hobby: surfing the net
how long have you been online: 5 mo.

nice page!! thank you for visiting mine and signing my book!!

Sylvia - 02/13/99 22:40:03
My URL:http://members.aol.com/sylcrea
My Email:knowme68@aol.com
from: TN originally germany
fav person: my son
pet peeve: cheating men
hobby: the good ole net ;-)
how long have you been online: 9 month

you have a wonderful story to tell, maybe one day the lord will make a way for you all to be together. I myself left my country for love and evenso after 9 years it fell apart it was wonderful while we had it;)

Tom Chatterton - 02/13/99 21:08:44
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/tchatterton/
My Email:jackanape@bigfoot.com
from: Columbus, Ohio USA
your pet?: Tropical Fish & a Cat
fav person: Ivan Awfullitch
pet peeve: Telemarketers
hobby: Oil Painting, Aquatic Plants & Fish, Internet
how long have you been online: 2+ years

Good luck in your rumble!.....Tom.

Jennifer - 02/13/99 20:30:55
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/yt/JWard
My Email:Jenny_Ward@excite.com
from: Louisiana
your pet?: Mare named Fancy
fav person: Brad Pitt
pet peeve: porely maintained Web pages and People who leave midi or wav files in your guest book that you can not turn off.
hobby: Web page building and web awards
how long have you been online: 3 years


Visit Jenny and apply for her awards

Elizabeth - 02/13/99 20:25:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lane/8849/index.html
My Email:OKLAHOMA-ANGEL@webtv.net
your pet?: dog named termite
fav person: my husband
pet peeve: slow drivers
hobby: surfing the net
how long have you been online: 1 year

Thank you for all of your wonderful comments on my site. You also have a fantastic site. keep up the great work.

Ali - 02/13/99 12:12:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dreamworld/6505/
My Email:ali1000@zdnetmail.com
from: Over The Rainbow *smiles*
your pet?: My Brother?
fav person: My True Love
pet peeve: Hmmm...
hobby: Anything Different.
addictions?: I have ennough, thanks.


Hey Luann!
I'm not sure rether you remember me or not, but you had visted me a couple of days ago. Thanks! I love to meet new people :0)
well, let me see, what can I say about your site...
It's great!
I love your work here and you sure had put a lot of effort into it...It pays off!
Most off all I LOVED your Helpful, Indians, Music, Horoscope, Romance and Our feelings pages. But tha is only if I had to pick cause they are just sooo great. Keep up the beautiful job girl!

Christina - 02/13/99 11:51:36
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca2/sweetheart76/index.html
your pet?: Black Lab
fav person: Myself *lol*
pet peeve: Slow drivers
hobby: Working on my webpage and anything that is athletic
addictions?: Knowledge

Thanks for signing my guestbook the other day! So i came by to see your site and sign your guestbook as well. Your page is so diverse and that is great. Because you appeal to a wide spectrum of tastes that people may have. Keep up the good work and i must say that this is definately one of the best guestbooks i've ever seen! *lol* Take care, Christina

TAKANO Isao - 02/13/99 06:26:27
My URL:http://www02.so-net.ne.jp/~fusho/
My Email:fusho-ti@ka2.so-net.ne.jp
from: Osaka,Japan
your pet?: Macintosh Ho-Ho-Ho
fav person: Marina Sirtis (Deanna Troi)
hobby: Going abroad
addictions?: Guestbook surfing

Hello Luann! Thanks for visiting my site. How did you find mine? Please visit again. Stay in touch. p.s. Where is your town "Missouri"? In America or Sweden?

Derek - 02/13/99 04:48:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Den/3205/index.html
My Email:dhaines@katisha.com.au
from: Australia
your pet?: My laptop
fav person: John Lee Hooker
pet peeve: Any woman!!!!
hobby: Music and writing
addictions?: Life

Hi Luann, your site was a welcome relief to working on a Saturday afternoon. Thanks for dropping by on my site too. I shall return!

Bobby Mountain - 02/13/99 02:24:33
My URL:http://www.gepcities.com/Nashville/Stage/7992
My Email:bmm@ellijay.com
from: Ga.
your pet?: big dog,,old stallion
hobby: motorcycles
addictions?: country music

Hey Lu, glad you came by..you have a very interesting page yourself..how'd you find me?..come back anytime the door is always open..so is the mailbox

Michelle Wavrick - 02/12/99 22:30:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~mjw-1
My Email:spaz!@usa.net
from: Montana
your pet?: Cat...Snoopy:) He looks just like the Charlie Brown Snoopy, except he be a cat!
fav person: Zach McIntosh
pet peeve: When people say not to so something, and then turn around and do it themselves.
hobby: HTML design...Writing.
addictions?: INTERNET!!! And...driving. *G* Just got me lisence.

Thanks for signing my guestbook! I looked through yours and you have a very nice Home! :) I appreciate you bookmarking and forwarding my page, it makes me feel like I am making a difference somewhere. Good luck in the future and give you puppy a pat on th head for me!!!

Athens CL

Donna - 02/12/99 19:23:35
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members5/patchez/index.html
My Email:always@intrstar.net
from: North Carolina
your pet?: 5 dogs 1 cat ;)
fav person: too many to choose
hobby: computers,reading
addictions?: surfing the web

Great Site;)) I enjoyed my visit very much.You have something for everyone! Its Nice to see how inlove you are too;)) Thanks for visting my site..come back anytime..apply for an award;) Always, Donna....
Tom and Diane Jones - 02/12/99 15:14:57
My URL:http://www3.stratos.net/diatom
My Email:diatom@stratos.net
from: Auburn Twp., Ohio
your pet?: 7 horses and 3 cats
fav person: Roy Rogers
hobby: making more horses


Hi! We had some time to surf today, and we really enjoyed visiting your page. Keep up the great work.

Rita S. - 02/12/99 14:56:00
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la/ritascozycorner/
from: Louisiana
your pet?: cats & 1 dog

Nice to meet you!! Thanks for the visit to my page! I have bookmarked your place..I'm esp. interested in checking out your links! Cooool!!!!

Hippie - 02/12/99 14:51:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/strand/2346
My Email:hippie@megsinet.net
from: Michigan
your pet?: Iguana

Well done. Drop by if you get the chance. Have fun, be safe, and above all else ENJOY!!!! :) --------The Ole Hippie--------

An it's yer life - Do it - don talk it - Forget about the talkers - They'll always be around - You won't ...... Bob Dylan

Pinkie D'Cruz - 02/12/99 09:08:28
My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/5257/
My Email:halka@bigfoot.com
from: Malaysia
your pet?: i dog.2 rabbits and fish
fav person: my hubby
pet peeve: nothing
hobby: scrabble, cooking, reading
addictions?: crawling on the I'net...

your pages are great ! Thanks for signing my guestbook and the nice comments :)


Walter Westfall - 02/12/99 05:33:18
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wa/omegasun/index.html
My Email:walterwestfall@webtv.net
from: Illinois

Hi Luann: Thank you for visiting my site and signing my guestbook. You have a really nice site. Your site is very informative with a lot of interesting topics and links to explore. Thank you for inviting me. Best wishes.

Walter Westfall - 02/12/99 05:32:07
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wa/omegasun/index.html
My Email:walterwestfall@webtv.net
from: Illinois

Hi Luann: Thank you for visiting my site and signing my guestbook. You have a really nice site. Your site is very informative with a lot of interesting topics and links to explore. Thank you for inviting me. Best wishes.

Andrea - 02/10/99 23:16:58
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/il/ANB/index.html
My Email:juli@iwc.net
from: Illinois

Hi! You have a very nice home page. It shows that you put a lot of work into it, that is great. Thanks for visiting my page and signing my guestbook. I don't have anymore room to write, because I don't know how to make separate pages. I want to make a sep rate page for my poetry and other things, but I have no idea where to start. Do you think you could help me out? If you could, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks. Take care. Bye! *~Andrea~*

Kevin Meredith ( Aussieman ) - 02/10/99 08:47:28
My URL:http://www.ozemail.com.au/~plusone
My Email:plusone@ozemail.com.au
from: Bundaberg Queensland Australia
your pet?: Bright Eyes ( Puss Cat )
fav person: My Wife
pet peeve: Mobile Phones in Restraunts
hobby: Ham Radio And Computers Electronics
addictions?: Computers and the Net

Hi glad to meet you...and thanks for the visit to my site...You have a great site here..Lots to look at I have enjoyed the stay...Cheers Kevin

Samantha - 02/07/99 23:46:35
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ms/MsSamantha
My Email:mottsee@hotmail.com
from: Mississippi
your pet?: cat
fav person: my husband
pet peeve: people who smoke
hobby: surfin the net :)
addictions?: Netaholic

You have a great homepage...keep up the good work!

SheCat aka dil - 02/06/99 04:13:41
My URL:http://victorian.fortunecity.com/verona/514/index.html
My Email:SheCat@fcmail.com
from: Boston
your pet?: Dog / Nina
fav person: NOT Bill Gates
pet peeve: Backstabbers
hobby: Tons of them
addictions?: Working out and the puter

Hi Luann, I just wanted to stop by and tell you I have my fingers crossed for the fight. I am hoping you win:):):) I also wanted to wish you a Happy Valentine's:):):) SheCat:):):)

SheCatPROductions logo

Valentine day plate

Wiking - 02/05/99 22:21:05
My URL:http://home8.swipnet.se/~w-80983/wiking.htm
from: Sweden
your pet?: Rottweiler
hobby: Computers

Hi....*S*...Just passing by on my cyber-tour... Have a great life (with Anders??)and take care!

Storm - 02/05/99 03:18:29
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/il/stormforce
My Email:junker@midwest.net
from: Illinois
your pet?: Spots
hobby: Weather
addictions?: puter

I loved the page. Very nicely done. I would like to add a link from my site to yours if that would be ok. Drop me a line and let me kniw.

Lisa Ferstadt - 02/04/99 08:13:30
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Vocalvibes/index.html
My Email:ferstadt@u.arizona.edu
from: Tucson, AZ
your pet?: in a dorm no pets allowed
fav person: Manhattan Transfer...group of people:-)
pet peeve: Rudeness
hobby: Singing, dancing, acting, Karaoke
addictions?: singing, dancing, acting, Karaoke

Hello! Nice job. I like your site. Come and see my website if you get a free moment. I am a vocalist:-)Take care and God Bless. Vocalvibes

Lisa Ferstadt - 02/04/99 08:13:03
My URL:http://members,tripod.com/~Vocalvibes/index.html
My Email:ferstadt@u.arizona.edu
from: Tucson, AZ
your pet?: in a dorm no pets allowed
fav person: Manhattan Transfer...group of people:-)
pet peeve: Rudeness
hobby: Singing, dancing, acting, Karaoke
addictions?: singing, dancing, acting, Karaoke

Hello! Nice job. I like your site. Come and see my website if you get a free moment. I am a vocalist:-)Take care and God Bless. Vocalvibes

June - 02/01/99 18:29:03
My URL:http://www.brooksdata.net/personal/junes/
My Email:
from: Texas
your pet?: two toy fox terriers
fav person: my husband
pet peeve: mine (Smitty and Mary have their own page)
hobby: My Homepage
addictions?: My Computer

I really like your site and put it in my favorites folder. I just voted for you. June

Danny - 01/31/99 17:53:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Motorcity/Speedway/4201
My Email:dannyl@netins.net
from: Iowa
your pet?: I have a dog and two cats
hobby: pc for one and Nascar racing
addictions?: The NET

Thanks for checking up on me. I see you have been very busy on your page and I may add you do very good work. Hope I get to chat to you some time!!!!!! See ya later

Cindy & Aaron Taylor - 01/30/99 02:12:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi/AaronCindy/index.html
from: Michigan
your pet?: cat
fav person: each other
pet peeve: slow drivers
hobby: vacationing in Key West

Nice web page...returning the favor of you signing our guest book! Good luck with your "love", hope you have it as great as we do!!!

Kathy - 01/28/99 21:47:28
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mo/jeffkat/index.html
My Email:kwyatt@excite.com
from: Missouri, USA
your pet?: 2 cats
fav person: my husband
hobby: quilting

Hello, I'm from Missouri too. You have a interesting site, I haven't seen it all. I always stop to sign the guest book before I forget and possibly move on through a link. So now I'm off to see the rest of your site. From what I've seen so far I like. Tak care.

Thunder In Texas - 01/28/99 14:15:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/6545
My Email:thunder1@tvec.net
from: Payne Springs, Texas
your pet?: Himalayan cat named Molly.
fav person: My Loving wife of 44yrs, Pat (STORMi).
pet peeve: Someone lying to me or stealing from me.
hobby: Camping, fishing & hunting.
addictions?: Working on & updating mine & Pat's home pages.

Howdy, Dropped in to check out the updated site. Looks great. Keep up the good work. You will have to check out my added page(s), there is one on Nursing + some added links dealin with missing children. Thanks, Thunder In Texas (Dirk)

Karen Lyster - 01/27/99 21:36:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Congress/2301/
My Email:zblue@ihug.co.nz
from: New Zealand
your pet?: Ohhh Sasha but she died last year :(
fav person: ME LOL!
pet peeve: People with the brains of a crushed chippie
hobby: UFO Researcher
addictions?: The Internet & Chocolate Chippie Biscuits

Hi, thanks for inviting me to you site. Your opening statements just about have my in tears - it's really lovely as is the rest of your wonderful site. Karen New Zealand

Ray Arcement - 01/27/99 12:12:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/7106
My Email:ray.arcement@usa.net
from: Waldorf, MD
hobby: genealogy - numismatics
addictions?: the net

Nice pages.

Nice pages....Continue to have fun and love life!

Teri & Ron Wantuch - 01/25/99 22:12:09
My URL:/MotorCity/Garage/1605
My Email:teri_34@hotmail.com
from: Wisconsin

Cool page...well done. Come and visit our homepage.

Teri & Ron Wantuch - 01/25/99 22:08:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Garage/1605
My Email:teri_34@hotmail.com
from: Wisconsin

Cool page...well done. Come and visit our homepage.

honeyspider - 01/25/99 20:07:28
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~honeyspyder/index.html
My Email:honeyspider@bellsouth.net
from: gamecock central..THE usc
your pet?: pets aren't allowed in the dorms *S*
fav person: william patrick corgan jr.
pet peeve: drowning in a sea of people
hobby: running,performing and analyzing music, writing
addictions?: oh yes..kamel reds and caffiene


luan, i give you an A+ for passing life's cruel entrance/exit exam! apparently, you are one of the very few women that i have had the privilege of meeting that doesn't base their worth on people places or things. by the grace of God i have learned to have faith only in Him and it is through Him that i have faith in myself.
thank you for a lovely inspiring message. i am happy that i came here.
hasta luego!

amber - 01/25/99 16:46:07
My URL:http://buffs.moviething.com/buffs/amber/
My Email:eat@bellsouth.net
from: Southeastern U.S.A.
your pet?: 7 dogs,2 cats.(HUGE yard)
fav person: my daughter
pet peeve: cruelty
hobby: e-pals & web-page building
addictions?: If it were legal I would be able to talk about it; coffee.

Thanks for visiting Amber's Opinions. I like your Links list.

Diann - 01/23/99 03:58:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/5955
My Email:chipy@cwix.com
from: OH
your pet?: 2 dogs Chip and Rusty and a turtle


Flint Harrelson - 01/22/99 01:33:23
My URL:http://www.alaweb.com/users/~flint
My Email:flint@alaweb.com
from: Alabama
your pet?: Dog - Ginger
fav person: Vestal Goodman
pet peeve: 5 minute long gospel songs
hobby: Southern Gospel Artist

Hi, Thanks for your comments. You have a very cool site. I am going surfing on it when I finish here. Have a great day !!!! Jesus Saves! Flint

Edward - 01/21/99 16:18:32
My URL:http://welcome.to/e-zone
My Email:echong22@usa.net
from: CAlifornia

Hey Luann, I just dropped by because you signed my guestbook. You have a nice webpage. Maybe I'll see you in IRC some day. bye

Jo! - 01/20/99 19:55:24
My URL:http://mypage.goplay.com/Jo_Liggins/
My Email:Jo_Liggins@compuserve.com
from: Dundee, Scotland
your pet?: 3 cats - Misty, Ollie and Theo
fav person: Trent Reznor
pet peeve: People who use mobile phones on trains!!! Grrrrrrrrrrr!
hobby: Fave hobby? Reading probably
addictions?: Internet ;0) Coffee

Fab website! You'll have to give me some tips ;0). Thanks for signing my guestbook ;0).

xaviar - 01/20/99 05:46:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairire/3885
My Email:xaviar@dave-world.net
your pet?: White Shepard
fav person: My wife
pet peeve: The impeechment trials
hobby: cooking, web page design
addictions?: the internet and smoking

Thank You for signing our guestbook. We love your page, you have done a great job. We bookmarked it for future visits. :)

Rhonda Steele - 01/19/99 22:07:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Village/1321/index.html
My Email:rhonda5913@aol.com
from: West Virginia
your pet?: many
fav person: My fav people are my kids
hobby: writer, crafter
addictions?: the internet, of course

Thanks for visiting my page. I am returning favore. Cool page. I am working on mine. Looks better but have to redo everything. It will be a work in progress for a few days.

lVlr. 69 - 01/19/99 16:48:43
My URL:http://members.aol.com/OlVlr69/index.html
My Email:webmaster@ToddZillaMail.zzn.com
from: Me
your pet?: 1 cat and fish
fav person: Myself
pet peeve: People talking on a cell phone while driving slow in the fast lane! knock it OFF!
hobby: R/C Monster Trucks
addictions?: Can't tell

Great page thanks for stopping by mine,Stop by and get your free stuff today!! lVlr.69's Free Stuff.

Bev - 01/19/99 16:38:16
My Email:bev@foryou.net
from: ohio
your pet?: my hubby
fav person: Jesus
hobby: Dried flowers
addictions?: The Net

Very nice place. I found your guestbook as you see. I will tell my friends about your place. Keep up the good work.

- 01/19/99 16:32:58


Lisa (Mrs Tea) - 01/19/99 05:22:56
My URL:http://members.aol.com/kanga1/index.html
My Email:kanga1@aol.com
from: New York
your pet?: just fish
hobby: learning crafts for home decorating.....I love Christopher Lowell
addictions?: web page designing and surfing (web surfing that is)

You have a wonderful page. Very professional looking. Keep up the good work. Thanks for inviting me. I'll try to be back again soon.

Ann McGuire - 01/19/99 04:25:28
My Email:libertyann@juno.com
from: Pensacola, FL
fav person: My Best friend, Sheila
addictions?: Guess. . . yup, the internet!

Your site is great! Thanks for visiting mine, but yours puts mine to shame! Gotta start learning that HTML!

Charlie Gizzard - 01/19/99 01:00:23
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok/hotrocks
My Email:gizzard@webtv.net
from: Oklahoma
your pet?: dog
fav person: family
pet peeve: none
hobby: internet
addictions?: internet

I enjoyed looking at all the links on your page. You have a little bit for all interests. If you would like to join our western lit discussion group sign up on our page. Great collection of links.

Lodi - 01/18/99 13:25:17
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~uniquespace/index.html
My Email:lodi33@hotmail.com
from: RSA

Nice site!

ryan - 01/18/99 02:23:42
My Email:ryanw@hotpop.com
your pet?: Toni my dog
fav person: my girlfriend
pet peeve: people who say the same thing over and over
hobby: basketball and lifting weights
addictions?: chocolate and Dr Pepper

your page is good

ryan - 01/18/99 02:23:03
My Email:ryanw@hotpop.com
your pet?: Toni my dog
fav person: my girlfriend
pet peeve: people who say the same thing over and over
hobby: basketball and lifting weights


Christine - 01/18/99 01:33:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/3476
My Email:chrissyl@eisa.net.au
from: Adelaide... Australia
your pet?: Cleo my cat
pet peeve: Dishonesty
hobby: Tatting
addictions?: Intenet

Launn...Thank You for signing my Guestbook. Loved the pages that you have done. Great work lots of time and commitment. I also work as a nurse and was studying at University for a Bahelors degree in Nursing. I have just completed two years and am taking t is year off nursing studies. I am this year going to college to do computing, I am loking forward to this years studies. Take care Bye Chrissy....

Please Click Here To Visit My Home Page

Ruth Gallant - 01/18/99 00:39:25
My URL:/Wellesley/4728/index.html
My Email:mamasew@geocities.com
from: Ontario Canada
your pet?: none
fav person: My hubby
pet peeve: People who say one thing and yet do another
hobby: anything that takes two hands
addictions?: interenet of course :))

Thanks for stopping in and signing the guestbook for in doing so, it makes you special and leads me back to you.You have created a wonderful site..all the best in 1999!!

Sundrea - 01/17/99 16:11:39
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me/Sundrea/index.html
My Email:sunstress6@hotmail.com
from: arizona
your pet?: none
fav person: to many to put here :O)
pet peeve: smiles are to be given away.
hobby: oil painting & playing the guitar
addictions?: watching sunsets

thank you for signing my guest book and inviting me to come over and see your web page. You say you love to chat. If you have ICQ please e-mail me and we can swap numbers. I love to chat also.

Ginny - 01/17/99 15:07:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Bayou/9785/
My Email:mitres@webtv.net
from: Wi
your pet?: PEK. Oreo
fav person: my Mother
pet peeve: People who mistreat "Others"
hobby: web surfing crafting
addictions?: the web

Great web site!! You have created a very nice Home on the Web Thanks for visiting mine and taking the time to sign my Guestbook Best Wishes with your Romance!

US Millennium Project - 01/17/99 12:41:48
My URL:http://www.ustimecapsule.com
My Email:info@ustimecapsule.com
from: Lane Baumgardner
your pet?: 2 Rotts a Shepard and a sheltie
fav person: My Girl Friend
pet peeve: People driving Slow in the fast lane
hobby: Watching NASCAR, NFL, Indy Racing and fixing my childrens gocarts
addictions?: cigerettes

Thank You for visiting Our Business site and enjoyed yours

Dream30 - 01/17/99 09:29:33
My URL:http://idsn.com.au/~dream30
My Email:dream30@idsn.com.au
from: Adelaide South Australia
your pet?: Dog
fav person: My Hubby :)
hobby: The Internet
addictions?: The Internet

Thanks for stopping by my homepage and signing my guestbook :)

Justa Billy - 01/17/99 09:19:05
My URL:http://www.bigfoot.com/~billnbilly
My Email:billnbilly@bigfoot.com
from: Iowa
your pet?: my hubby =)
fav person: my hubby =)=)
pet peeve: assholes
hobby: netsurfing
addictions?: um... see above =)

Great page! Thanx for visiting ours! We are proof that net love CAN HAPPEN, AND CAN BECOME REAL!! Take care, and don't give up hope!

James Watson - 01/17/99 02:06:40
My URL:http://truth.findhere.com/
My Email:jdw@i.am
from: Celina, TN
your pet?: None
fav person: Jesus

Nice site!!!! Thanks very much for signing my dreambook.

Jesus Saves

Gustav Stenmark - 01/17/99 00:25:20
My URL:http://w1.243.telia.com/~u24302222
from: Sweden

Hallo!!Thanks for your visiting. This is a very nice homepage. My complements to the creator

Sandy - 01/16/99 22:35:15
My Email:smansfie@hotmail.com
from: New York
your pet?: Black Lab,and a cat
hobby: angels. making angels, crafts, reading
addictions?: internet???

I really enjoyed your site. Thank you for sharing it with us. May you be surrounded and Blessed by Angels. If you get a chance drop by for a visit, I would love the company. {\O/}

Tina Jove - 01/16/99 20:22:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/1510/
My Email:Angel_2929@email.com
from: 29 Palms CA
your pet?: Cocker, Dusty
fav person: Jesus
hobby: Angels, Plants, Surffing the Web
addictions?: Jesus!!!

Thank you so much for dropping in and visiting me. You have a really great place here. I have enjoyed my stay and it was nice to met you and your family. God Bless, Take Care, See ya! Angel_29

Extreme - 01/16/99 16:29:47
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/extreme14u
from: Canada
your pet?: 2 dogs
fav person: Me
pet peeve: Not enough room to put them all
hobby: updating my web page
addictions?: The net

Thanks for entering my world and signing my guestbook. I am returning the favour and checking you out and I like what I see.

Wayne - 01/16/99 15:42:16
My URL:http://homepage.netspaceonline.com/~wayne
from: Kansas
your pet?: cat
addictions?: internet & icq

Thank you for signing our guestbook. Sure injoyed your web page and all the links. You have a great looking page. if you like want you see tell your friends Wayne


Amethyst - 01/16/99 12:31:42
My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/6243
My Email:eileenlowe@pagosasprings.net

Thanks for stopping by and signing my guestbook and for the invitation to visit your page. I enjoyed the many interesting things you have here.

Omar - 01/15/99 17:34:43
My URL:http://www.jordanmall.com
My Email:omark@jordanmall.com
from: Jordan
your pet?: A tiger!
fav person: Jim Morrison
hobby: Internet
addictions?: Internet

I really like your homepage, espeacilly the cute baby and the tiger!

Laith Zraikat - 01/15/99 11:03:58
My URL:http://www.jordanmall.com
My Email:laithz@jordanmall.com
from: Jordan
your pet?: my computer
fav person: My love
pet peeve: ----
hobby: computers
addictions?: My love & computers

Hi, i want to thank you for visiting my website, and invite you to visit more often in the fututre . we have lots of new stuf coming up about jordan especially with the New Mellinium and all . take care ,

Anders - 01/09/99 22:11:44
My Email:a.abrams@telia.com
from: Anders
fav person: Luann
hobby: puters
addictions?: Luann

I love you

Judy**S** - 01/08/99 11:20:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/3165
My Email:jcreech@bigfoot.com
from: Virginia
your pet?: To many to list.
fav person: My Mom-in-Law and Hubby
pet peeve: Cussing/swearing
hobby: Paint Shop Pro/reading/needlework
addictions?: ICQ/smoking

Hi Luann Repaying a visit here, and what a lovely site you have too. I do so hope things in your life blossom as you foresee. **S** We live in the country and have a near by small town USA too. **S** Judy**S**

Clay D. Wixom - 01/07/99 07:08:28
My URL:http://home.att.net/~iae5c020/
My Email:iae5c020@worldnet.att.net
from: Ut.
your pet?: Dog(black lab mix); cat(persian mix)
addictions?: internet :Ð

Love the site,,,ty for signing my guestbook,you have an awesome site here, and I would love to hear any suggestions you have on makin' mine better,,,,new to html. Ty again and the best that this year has to offer. Clay (Jibline9 in PowWow)<<<<
Alberto Vassena - 01/04/99 23:38:07
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/avx
My Email:avx@lycosmail.com
from: Milano, Italy
your pet?: Micione
fav person: two: H.Hesse and E.Hemingway
hobby: home paging
addictions?: toons, oses and the net

Thanks for the many great links, Luann! It's been nice to discover a new friend!

Mick White - 01/04/99 01:47:23
My URL:http://home.jps.net/hdwhite/index.htm
My Email:hdwhite@jps.net
from: Kent, Washington
your pet?: None
fav person: My Family
pet peeve: The current NFL ref's..
hobby: Computers, keyboard...
addictions?: Chocolate

Luann, very nice page you have. I found your page from a guest book you had signed. Take care & Happy New Year.....

Mick White - 01/04/99 01:45:52
My URL:http://home.jps.net/hdwhite/index.net
My Email:hdwhite@jps.net
from: Kent, Washington
your pet?: None
fav person: My Family
pet peeve: The current NFL ref's..
hobby: Computers, keyboard...
addictions?: Chocolate

Luann, very nice page you have. I found your page from a guest book you had signed. Take care & Happy New Year.....

- 12/31/98 17:33:50
My URL:http://members.aol.com/beardog632/
from: CT
your pet?: Bear
pet peeve: Lines
hobby: Sailing
addictions?: Surfin' the web

Surfed in from Marla's book. Nicely done!

Happy New Year.


Sam - 12/31/98 07:45:29
My URL:http://bennyhills.fortunecity.com/tenuda/154
My Email:sam@cybercomm.net
from: Mystic Island, NJ
your pet?: St. Bernard, "Brandy"
fav person: People that sign my guestbook!
pet peeve: People who DON'T sign my guestbook :)
hobby: Graphic/web design, Canoeing, camping, lighthouses, many more!
addictions?: IRC Chat, web/graphic design, and all other hobbies stated in the above!

Loved your site! A lot of useful info, and resources. Keep up the great work!

Sundrea - 12/27/98 08:04:28
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me/Sundrea/index.html
My Email:sunstress6@hotmail.com
from: United States AZ
your pet?: none at the time
fav person: MY 'grandmother tha tis no longer with me.
pet peeve: keep smiling, its contagious
hobby: painting in oils,playing the guitar, learing new thing on the web ,etc
addictions?: Power walking

thank you for stopping by my web page and signing my book.. I really like yours page too . I am very new at al of this so I am pleased when I get someone to take the time to sign my book ..thanks :O)

Donna - 12/21/98 13:55:24
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/kitty36/index.html
My Email:dandg1@hotmail.com
from: Texas
your pet?: Kitten and Dog
fav person: My Kids
hobby: Writing poems,music,and lyrics.
addictions?: car racing and computers

I think you have a wonderful page and I am glad I got to visit it.Thank you for the beautiful things that you said about my page.People like you is what keeps giving me confidence to write.I hope to get to know you better.E-mail me anytime.

~DesertBreeze~ - 12/20/98 22:23:06
My URL:http://fly.to/breeze
My Email:loscielo@infowest.com
from: southern utah
your pet?: 2 spoiled rotten Labs *s*
fav person: too many to list
pet peeve: crashing my system
hobby: doing web sites
addictions?: the Net of course !!

Hi Luann.. Great homepage! I especially loved the pages about you and your Net hubby. Thanks for visiting my site too. Happy Holidays to you and your family.. keep smiling ! ~DesertBreeze~

Karen & Jasper Faulkner - 12/20/98 20:50:40
My URL:http://www.midmaine.com/~tuffcat/index.html
My Email:tuffcat@telplus.net
from: Winn, Maine
your pet?: % horses, 2 cats and a dog
fav person: I enjoy each and every person I meet
hobby: riding horses

I enjoyed my visit with you very much. you have a great web page, Keep up the good work. Please stop by and visit us some time

Penny Parker - 12/20/98 06:28:21
My URL:http://members.aol.com/mempenny/index.html
My Email:mempenny@aol.com
from: Denver, Colorado
your pet?: Too Many!!!
fav person: My grandchildren
pet peeve: AOL
hobby: Too Many!!!
addictions?: Right now, the internet

Luann, you have a very nice website. I enjoyed myself a lot while I was here. You've done a good job. Keep it up. I also wish you much happiness with your new love. I'll be back to see your site again. Thanks for sharing.

Ellie - 12/17/98 19:19:15
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/MinivanAve/doll-lady35/
My Email:dolllady@v-town.com
from: Oregon
your pet?: None
fav person: My Husband
pet peeve: people who are not truthful
hobby: Computer
addictions?: The Net

Hello Luann, I wanted to thank you for visiting my site and signing my guestbook..and also for the invitation to visit you. I have enjoyed my stay here.. Also wanted to wish you a "Happy Holiday" and my best to you and Anders ! Ellie..

Whenever you feel lonely a special Angel drops in for tea.

Jennifer - 12/17/98 17:08:23
My URL:http://www.cyberteddy.freeservers.com
My Email:CybrTeddy@aol.com
from: Central Florida
your pet?: Kitty Cat
fav person: Tom cruise and my hubby =)
pet peeve: people that know it all
hobby: computer graphics and my kids
addictions?: caffinee and internet

Hello and thankyou for signing my guestbook and sending me email about ~The Cyber Teddy Homepage!!~
Thankyou for stopping by my site.. i am looking over you site and i am really liking what i see... i like how you have things organized... really n ce touch!!!
~Happy Holidays~
And God bless our troops oversea's
Jennifer (cyber teddy webmaster)

cookie - 12/16/98 02:03:36
My URL:/nashville/2586/
My Email:thecookiejar@geocities.com
from: Alabama
your pet?: KittyKitty (cat), Sandy (dog)
fav person: my hubby! and George Strait
pet peeve: prejudice and bigotry
hobby: computers
addictions?: web pages, midis, chocolate

Hi..~! WOW...You have a terrific page! I really enjoyed my visit here. Thanks for your visit and inviting me. Best of luck with your Sweden true love. Isn't it wonderful how you can meet that special person these days? If it wasn't for chatting nd the internet, I wouldn't have my hubby! Keep up the good work! :) Take care and Happy Holidays~!
~ cookie ~

Come on....Click it! You won't be disappointed....PROMISE!

Pammi :) - 12/14/98 04:04:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/4524
your pet?: Jack Russell Terrier
fav person: Jesus Christ
pet peeve: lyers
hobby: computer graphics
addictions?: Telling others about Christ :)

Hi, I LOVE your webpages, they are great! I like your graphics too. Congrats on finding your soulmate. God Bless!

Princess Natalie - 12/13/98 16:00:47
My URL:http://egomania.nu
My Email:natalie@ded.com
from: Planet EgoMania
your pet?: marshall
fav person: myself
pet peeve: traffic & spam
addictions?: smoking


you have a lot to offer on your site....

Princess Natalie

Carol - 12/12/98 23:05:36
My URL:http://dreamartists.xoom.com
addictions?: The Net of course! :)

Hi Luann, Thanks for visiting, I had a nice time visiting your site. Carol

Diana (Dee) - 12/12/98 14:27:57
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wa/novahome
My Email:djw@bright.net
from: Ohio
your pet?: Dog His name is Bear

Thanks for stopping by my page. I really enjoyed your site. Hope you have a Merry Christmas :)

Arlene a.k.a. DabL - 12/12/98 13:53:52
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/TheDabbleDiner/
My Email:DabL@excite.com
from: St. Catharines, Ontario, CaNaDa
your pet?: English Springer Spaniel

"Hi" ~
I have visited all of your pages and you have a wonderful collection of links. It was great of Anders to add some words to your page. I wish the world of happiness to the two of you. Thank you so mu h for visiting my site and for taking the time to sign my Guestbook. I really appreciate it. I'd like to see a page about your dog (with pics **smile**). DabL

The Dabble Diner

Andrea - 12/12/98 04:10:58
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/AndreaAnne_2
My Email:merry@txol.net
from: Texas
your pet?: Duchess the calico cat
fav person: too many to name
pet peeve: mean people
hobby: web pages
addictions?: the net of course

Hi...I really enjoyed my visit to your page! Have a great day!

Tom Chatterton - 12/12/98 03:52:53
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/tchatterton/
My Email:jackanape@bigfoot.com
from: Columbus, Ohio USA
your pet?: Tropical Fish & a Cat
fav person: Theopholus Punnuvall
pet peeve: Birds that find my windshield a toilet
hobby: Oil Painting, Aquatic Plants & Fish, Internet
addictions?: See Above.....the others I best not mention publicly

Thanks for stopping by my homepage, fellow night owl! If I wasn't so lazy I'd work at night, too, like you. You have a nice place here with san astounding amount of good links. Good luck with your *very* long distance relationship!....Tom.

Semi-Sweetie - 12/11/98 07:01:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Paradise/4808
My Email:semi_sweetie@hotmail.com
from: somewhere over the rainbow ;oþ
your pet?: does a Chia Pet counts??
fav person: my grandma
pet peeve: racism, rude people, liars, and people who thinks that they're "all-that"
hobby: singing, dancing, webpage making, chatting and chillin' with my friends
addictions?: Internet .....*lol*

Hello! Thanks for signing my guestbook. I like your page. It's pretty cool. Keep up the good work! Take Care....bye =)

jigsz - 12/11/98 05:02:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/7786
My Email:ubujericho@geocities.com
from: Thailand
your pet?: 2 dogs (Sandy & Patchy)

Thanks for dropping by. Pls come again! Good effort on your page!! How old is your pet (lab)? Is he a handful?

The Protector - 12/11/98 04:12:14
My URL:/Athens/Oracle/7132
My Email:echosofea@hotmail.com

Sorry, =1>
The Protector - 12/11/98 03:56:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/7132
My Email:echosofea@hotmail.com
from: A much higher Plane
your pet?: a panther named Ea, a dog named Enki, a cat named Isis, and a Ferrit named Nox
fav person: Sliver Raven Wolf, Laurie Cabot, Brother Moloch, Enki,
pet peeve: Bigotism, hypocrites, racism, religous predjedice, inane comments, people that talk about things they know nothing about.
hobby: don't have the time,
addictions?: Ascension, meditation, Magick, Witchcraft,

wio - 12/11/98 01:40:01
My URL:/SunsetStrip/Arena/1414
My Email:wio_ophelia@hotmail.com
from: jakarta
hobby: sleeping, eating
addictions?: my computer

hello! pretty nice page you have. loved the pix on yr front page :) please keep it up! see ya....!

Terry(niteowl56)mir - 12/09/98 22:54:03
My URL:http://mirabilis.com/16069538
My Email:tharrelson@infoave.net
your pet?: 2 many to name.
fav person: everybody
pet peeve: O shittttt.com
hobby: many
addictions?: The net......lol

I did not have time to see all,so for its GREAT. I will be back to see more. Thanks for comming to my place. I will have lots more.

Riri - 12/09/98 20:55:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Stadium/3494
My Email:kickme9986@aol.com
from: Boston
your pet?: Luigi
fav person: Dave Navarro
pet peeve: the sound of styrofoam
hobby: my web page
addictions?: Chocolate chip cookies!!!

Thanks for signing my guestbook.i know it seemed kinda pathetic but I'm new to HTML.You have such a cute page.I will link it back as soon as possible okay? Thanks! ~RiRi~

Kansas Belle - 12/09/98 07:23:48
My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/4694
My Email:ksbelle@geocities.com
from: Kansas
hobby: web design
addictions?: web design


Hi! I really enjoyed my visit to your web site. Congrats to you and Anders!

Lisa - 12/09/98 05:02:52
My URL:http://wwww.whittington.org/users/cmecu2
My Email:trath@midwest.net
from: Illinois
your pet?: 3 cats (Baby, Sammy & Tigger)
fav person: Jesus
pet peeve: not listening to me
hobby: the computer
addictions?: the internet!

Hi there! Where in Missouri are you? You have a nice home here! Thank you for visiting my site. God Bless you!

MizBee - 12/09/98 01:43:31
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~MizBee/index.html
from: Tx
your pet?: 3 cats 4 birds
fav person: God
pet peeve: 'cow'puter that gets used parts instead of new
hobby: web pages
addictions?: web pages- lol

I sure wish I had found your win95 links sometime ago! When I bought this junky thing they had 95b old release, when they sent 2nd cpu they put an even older version of 95--a! Spent yesterday downloading patch after patch!

Theresa - 12/08/98 20:11:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/7952/
My Email:tess@ismi.net
from: Michigan
your pet?: Bandit, he is our little baby now that the kids have all left home.
fav person: I have no favorite, I love them all
pet peeve: Having a bad day
hobby: I have a few hobbies
addictions?: The web

Hi Luann, I have been looking at your site, It is a fine site to see. A little humor there. Oh well forget I said that. I do like your site you have many places to see and explore, keep up the good work. and thanks for stopping by for the visit and signing my gues book. God Bless You and Yours. Theresa ô¿~

Psyche - 12/08/98 15:24:08
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/cutelittleangel/
My Email:bfrolik@hotmail.com
from: Switzerland
your pet?: none =(
fav person: my cutie =)
hobby: music =)
addictions?: internet =)

Hello =) Thank you very much stopping by my site and taking the time to sign my guestbook =) I really enjoyed your homepage too. Thanks for inviting me =) Have a nice time, ~Psyche

Patty - 12/08/98 06:14:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/1049
My Email:pray@inforum.net
from: Placerville, California
your pet?: Pokie my extremely spoiled 10 yr.old cat (female)
fav person: My Dad
pet peeve: Density
hobby: Photo scrapbooks
addictions?: Treasure Hunting on Web Sites

Hi Luann. Thanx for your nice comments about my home on the web & for signing my guestbook. Thought I'd return the favor and wish you the best of everything! Nice site you have created. Happy Holidays to You and Yours.

Julia - 12/08/98 03:05:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~jam12
My Email:jam12@home.com
from: California
your pet?: Cats (Izzy and Spoofie) 4 toads (EC, Robin, Peewee, Laboe) and a rabbit (Floppsy)
hobby: Sports

Hi! Looks like you have a great page here! Thanks for stoping by my page and signing my guestbook! Keep up the great work! Julia PS Thanks for the kind comments about my page!

Anthrax - 12/08/98 02:30:54
My URL:http://www.shawnsworld.com/anthrax/Hack/
My Email:mdavis@vv.carleton.ca
from: Iraq
your pet?: A gecko named Climber
fav person: Sarah Michelle Gheller
hobby: Hacking
addictions?: Subspace, Drugs

Well, you signed my webpage a while ago, so now Iam returning the favor. Brothers In Arms rule the world. Welcome to the church of the holly cabage. Lettuce Pray.

duffus (jim) - 12/08/98 01:57:13
My Email:irs_me2@hotmail.com
from: South Carolina
hobby: fishin, travel and internetting...

neat site... keep up the good work. hope you are having fun doing it.

lyn aka lakana - 12/07/98 22:13:55
My URL:http://members.spree.com/sip/lakana
from: Jacksonville, Florida
your pet?: 2 parakees
fav person: hehe SOS
pet peeve: too many things to name
hobby: too many things
addictions?: sleeping, eating

hey hey =) I really like ur page and the holiday theme you have going on. I loved the horoscopes!!! hehe they are so funny and true sometimes =) well thanks for signing my guestbook. thought I'd just return the favor. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!! much love and eace to u and ur son =) btw ur son is soo adorable hehe. well buh-bye!! =)

Come visit me!!

Moose - 12/07/98 21:25:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/rainforest/vines/5080/
from: Canada
your pet?: Japanese Newts
fav person: My Wife
pet peeve: These surveys
hobby: You're looking at it
addictions?: You're looking at it

Nice page and some good links..... Sweden huh? And a romantic too I see. Good for you. Best of luck.

Jane - 12/07/98 02:39:36
My URL:http://home.att.net/~ejlinton
from: Atlanta, Ga
addictions?: computer

Hi. I've thoroughly enjoyed browsing your site... Found some interesting pages and helpful information. Thanks for your kind entry into my guest book and thanks for a pleasant visit here.... And best of luck with your wonderful love...Jane

Jane - 12/06/98 16:09:11
My Email:gran@internetwork.net
from: Marshall Texas
hobby: Collecting "Tender Tails"
addictions?: Grandkids & Homepages

Hello.....Why aren't you in Sweden or why is'nt Anders here?? Just teasing! But after I read your story I wanted yall together so much!! Be sure and keep us updated. I'll check back. I Really enjoyed your pages.

- 12/06/98 10:21:42


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