This is a parrot that tried to pry its way into my parents' attic to nest. There is a group of four or five that have lived in my parents' area for at least the last twenty years. I remember gardening in the back yard when I was 15 and hearing them calling out as they flew overhead. I've shown this picture to a group of email friends, and the consensus seems to be that they are blue-crowned conures or a hybrid thereof. There also are wild Quaker parrots in our area, nesting near the airport, and a group of unidentified parrots nesting in the parking lot billboard of the Burger King near our house.

These are my budgies, Cecil and Buttercup. Here Cecil is preening his sweetheart, who unfortunately had to be euthanized on October 30th, 1998. Neither of my budgies were tame, but they are much friendlier than when I first brought them home. Cecil now scoots over to look at me when I approach him, and he enjoys playing the "bell game" with me. I ring the bell, then Cecil rings it and looks up at me and waits, and back and forth. This is a lot of progress from the first year I had him when he would shiver whenever I even looked at him. In late 1998 he gained a new bride named Agatha.
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