Cami's LinksGardening, Indoors and Out I love gardening, but living in an apartment I'm a bit limited in what I can do. I have quite a few houseplants (though not nearly as many as I once did thanks to the cats), and some containers out on our front and back patios. I also have a wonderful 7' lighted plant stand that I received as a gift in Christmas of '97. Home and Garden Television Cross Stitching Cross stitch is a wonderful, relaxing, addictive hobby. Unfortunately it takes me forever to complete a project and I have to resist the urge to buy more charts. As you can probably guess I'm not always successful at resisting that urge. The stash keeps growing! Pets Oinkernet Our family has some great pets. The one we've had longest is my budgie Cecil, whom I've had since 1996. (He lost his beloved mate Buttercup in October of 1998.) Next to join our family was our black guinea pig Stubby, whom we had for four years; he passed away in late fall of 2000, and he has been dearly missed. Next was our older male cat Satchmo, the black and white stray who showed up on our doorstep in May 1997. He's a godawful brat sometimes but I can't remember what life was like without him. The next addition to our family was my olive yellowfaced budgie Agatha. She and Cecil are always pestering each other but they're inseparable. Next was our little princess Pumpkin, a female shorthair tortoiseshell cat we got as a kitten in August of 1999. Last but not least in any way is our beloved (and often despised) Prince of Darkness, a pure black cat named Franklin Peabody Jones that showed up at our back door as a small kitten in the summer of 2002. Fun Miscellaneous Sites Graphics and Backgrounds Click your heels twice and it will take you This page hosted by |