I created this page for Ian, with links to his favorite shows and interests.
Legos were once a big hit in our house, though that's changing as time goes on. Ian has a large collection of Legos and Bionicles.
I have to admit that Ian's totally addicted to video games. He has a Nintendo 64 and a Game Cube at his dad's house, and I can't even keep up with what his favorite game is. He can talk on and on about his favorite games, the characters, the different levels of the games, and what's in them, until you almost feel like you're there (and wish you weren't). We have a Sony Playstation and Playstation2, and I love playing it too when I've got the time to kill. Some of his most recent additions to his game collection for the PS2 are Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando, Terminator 3, Spyro: Year of the Dragonfly, Medal of Honor: Rising Sun, and Jak 2.
Like all kids, Ian loves cartoons, and thanks to the insidious Cartoon Network I never have the excuse "Sorry kis, there aren't any cartoons on right now." You can check them out at
But even I can't say no to Looney Tunes. Who doesn't love those old Bugs Bunny cartoons? If you want a dose of Looney Tunes, there's Warner Brother's kids' site.

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