to Blue Rat's

TalkBigEyesCHEESE!GrinBlinkNosePTHPTH!GrrrHave a HAPPY one!GrrrPTHPTH!SchnozBlinkGrinSay Cheese again!Wow!Yack Yack Yack

UPDATED!!!!! June 21, 2003!!!

I am still at Office Depot. I'm still married. I'm still alive. Nothing is new. Except for some pictures of my nephew.

Still a bunch of things I want to accomplish, but I don't really feel like doing anything. I'm in a rut right now, and I don't feel like looking for a way to get out. My life is sad.

Heya!! I want to say thanks for visiting my webpage. Please let me know what YOU think!! Sign my guestbook. Thanks!

GoofyGoofyGoofyGoofy?Yes...GoofyGoofy again?You guessed it...Goofy

These pages are kinda graphic intensive...so they may take awhile to load. I apologize for this in advance.

Check it out!!!

2)My SI Eclectus "Kakui"
3)My Mexican Green Conure "Pickle"
5)My Nephew Hendrix
6)The Last Unicorn
7)Dragons Pics and such
8)Fraggle Rock
9)Winnie The Pooh
10)James Waterhouse Paintings
12)The Art of Wyland
13)Christian Riese Lassen
14)My Funny Page
15)My Links Page
16)A Little About Me

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Please email me!! If you want to that is!
Mail: Blue_Rat@cheerful.com

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Copyright © February 1997. This site is owned and operated by Blue Rat. If you have a problem with that, I apologize in advance. I have used graphics from my own computer and from other websites. If you find one that is from yours, and you do not want me to use it or want credit/link, contact me and I will correct the situation appropriately. Thank you.