1. Treat against internal parasites.
2. Vaccinate horses according to the recommendations of your veterinarian, especially against a tetanus.
3. Have the Coggins' Test done for Equine Infectious Anemia if planning on traveling to events, trail rides or out-of-state.
4. Hooves should be trimmed.
5. Have teeth inspected by veterinarian
1. Clean and polish saddles, bridles, harness and carts.
2. Wash or clean saddle blankets and pads.
3. Repair broken equipment.
4. Replace or add necessary equipment.
1. Clean all watering equipment.
2. Check for worn electrical wiring.
3. Inspect locks and latches - replace or repair if needed.
4. Clean all other equipment.
5. Remove unnecessary accumulation of waste hay, used baling twine, dust and dirt.
6. Restock medical cabinet.
7. Clean brushes, towels and grooming clothes.
8. Organize tack room and tack boxes.
9. Refinish or paint any necessary items.
10. Clean and correctly roll leg wraps.
11. Inspect pastures and surrounding areas for harmful unnecessary litter.
12. Repair or replace damage fences and gates.
14. Examine horse trailer closely for faulty door latches, hitch, floor, floor mats, condition of tires and valve stems of tires.
14. Be sure your fire department, veterinarian and emergency unit phone numbers are posted large and clear near your phone and in at least one other prominent place.
You should not only check for these things in the spring...but once a month would be a better idea to catch things before they could get out of hand!