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  • Arabian Horse Associations
  • Arabian Horse Breeders
  • Arabian Pedigree Research
  • Magazines, Newgroups, etc.
  • Personal Arabian Horse Pages
  • Miscellaneous Arabian Info

    Arabian Horse Associations

    Arabian Horse Legacy: The Arabian Horse Legacy's library contains Breaking news stories, information, history, biographies, research, photographs and video tape of the most significant Arabian horses and people in the Arabian horse breed.

    The Arabian Horse Registry of America: The Registry is a record keeping organization which maintains the official registration and ownership records for purebred Arabian horses in the United States and Mexico, as well as maintaining the purity of the Arabian breed through the many programs it coordinates.

    International Arabian Horse Association: Headquarter central for active Arabian, Anglo-Arabian and Half-Arabian Horse owners.

    THE PYRAMID SOCIETY: The Pyramid Society is a breeders' organization dedicated to the art of breeding Egyptian Arabian horses. Among many other promotional activities and member benefits, it hosts the annual Egyptian Event each June at the Kentucky Horse Park, in Lexington, KY, U.S.A.

    Arabian Horse Trust: The Arabian Horse Trust is comprised of members whose primary objective is the well being of the Arabian horse breed and community.

    Arabian Breeders Association: The ABA is the first organization to solely represent the collective interests of Arabian horse breeders.

    Arabian Horse America: Arabian Horse America is the promotional arm of the Arabian Horse Registry of America. Dedicated to promoting the Arabian horse and educating consumers about Arabian ownership. Includes information on horses for sale, Arabian breeding farms, breed history, Arabian activities, publications, event calendars and more.

    American Registry of Arab Bred Sporthorses {A.R.A.B.S.}: A.R.A.B.S. was founded to promote the Arabian horse and Arabian crossbreds to the larger sporting industry. Their major function is to offer Arabian/Open breed Sporthorse inspections, which occur nation wide.


    Arabian Horse Breeders & Farms

    Reesink Horses Holland: We own a farm in the Netherlands. We sell warmbloods for dressage, jumping, showhunting, equitation and breeding. We also sell ponies and provide training lessons. If you are looking for a horse that combines grace, harmony, elegance and a super temperament, then please contact us!


    Arabian Pedigree Research

    Arabian Horse Message Boards: These boards are for all aspects of owning these horses over theirs' and our lifetimes - that includes buying, selling, bragging, announcing babies, sharing losses, asking for help, asking for historical information, sharing historical information and most important making it easier for the next generation to get involved in horses and to become knowledgeable owners and breeders.


    Magazines, Newsgroups, etc.

    The Arabian Horse Times: The Arabian Horse Times is a monthly color magazine for Arabian horse breeders and owners, which covers Arabian horse industry news, major Arabian show events such as Scottsdale, the Egyptian Event, and the Youth Nationals, famous Arabian horses and leaders in the Arabian horse industry, and includes classified ads and equine health and training tips. The report of the Egyptian Arabian Pyramid Society is a quarterly feature of the magazine. The web site includes Times For Kids, a special subsite with a chat board and online forum. The Arabian Horse Times is read by Arabian horse breeders in over 60 countries throughout the world.

    Arabian Focus: Magazine promoting the Arabain Sport Horse in dressage, hunter-jumper and endurance.


    Personal Arabian Horse Pages

    info goes here


    Anjas Sales Barn: Model Horse Sales of all kinds.

    Equine Art by Jan Bullington: Exceptional Watercolor prints of any of beautiful Arabians and horses.
