Smokey ~ 1999


Smokey was bought in the summer of 1997 for my husband after he began to get involved in horses. He is half-arab and half-quarter horse but we were never able to get any papers or find any information on his bloodlines.

Smokey had many issues that needed someone who was better qualified with horses and was sold in September of 1999. I'll never forget the day he left and how devistated Sandman was to see him go. They were the best of "buddies"! The picture above was one of the last pictures taken of him.

We sold Smokey (they changed his name) to some local people (they were running a riding stable that went under very quickly because of legal issues)...with the stipulation that we would have first option to buy back. I guess with these people...I should have gotten it in writing as they sold him and will not give me any information as to where he went. I do know that he was sold to a couple and they bought two our farrier did the horse just before he left the stable. I just wanted to keep tabs on his whereabouts as I don't want any horse to end up going to auction. If you have any information about this gelding... he was sold from southern WI in a town called Prairie du Sac from River's Edge Stables....please contact me. I am sure that he is no longer this color and had greyed out very much. Smokey also had a scar across his back right leg(see arrow in photo below) from an injury prior to our purchase of him. Also in the picture below you can see his actual markings on his nose which would identify him more. Please let us know if you have him and he is in a loving home.

Smokey and Em