For those of you new to this pageWELCOME!! And for those of you who have been here before you will notice a big difference. While working on my index.html page, i accidently deleted all the imformation i had collected over the last couple of years, meaning that i will now have to start from scratch rebuilding this site. I have learnt a valuable lesson, always keep a back-up copy of your index.html page, because if you lose this you lose you web page. Although this will be a long process, i will gradually add back all the information i had here, and alot more. I know that alot of visitors to this site like to see the covers of all the old annuals, so i have added these back first. The rest will follow over the next few months. Thanks for your patiience, and check back often for updates.

THE ANNUALS 1936-2000

This page has been viewed since 14th January, 2001.

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