
Amanda Quinto

This site was started on Sat., Sept. 20, 1997.  I uploaded it to the internet on Wed., Sept. 24 - one week after Mandi died.

This is my very, very first web site.  I will admit it's got a lot of work to go, but my main goal was to get this up and running as quickly as possible. 

It will be under construction for the next few months.  I will fix text alignment, objects, add pictures, etc., etc.  Please don't be alarmed by the layout and design.  It will all be cohesive in the end.

It is very likely that some links won't work properly at first.  Try to move around as best you can with the arrows, side index, and bottom index.  If you find links that do not work, please email the author.

This site will be kept alive to the best ability of the author, keeping in mind the availability of the server site.  If the server should ever discontinue service, this entire site will be archive on an FTP server for eternity.  A reference will then be made at the discontinued site and all guests who signed Amanda's Memory book (Leave your Memories
) will be notified.  This doesn't happen often. 

This message is to let you know that within all power of the author, this site will never be lost.

Also, this site is not in anyway associated with Amanda's family, school, or any legal entities.  This was simply an act by someone who was touched by Mandi and felt this was a little bit that could be done in her memory. 

It is also dedicated to her family, friends, and to the students at Bristol Eastern High School,.  It is with sincere hope that her friends in school and in the community will find their way to this site to voice their opinions, feelings,and more.  In this day and age, sometimes there simply are not enough venues and opportunities for our youth to express themselves freely. 

Visit here and you CAN say how you're feeling...you can cry, get angry, ask "why"...and then hopefully smile, laugh, and remember with a light heart.  It is the treasured hope that her friends will find comfort and continued connection with Amanda through this website.

----- Note added July 6, 2000.

Some changes have been made to this site per GeoCities and Yahoo (such as advertisements, etc). The site's address was changed
from http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/6882
to http://www.geocities.com/foramanda.geo
However, you can still access the site using the original address. Yahoo may or may not redirect in the future.

As for content, pretty much, what is here is from the original few months. There haven't been any major changes, nor will there be any unless the family asks to do so. I will periodically make changes according to Yahoo's request.
From this point forward, the site will remain intact as a memorial to Mandi. Please continue to visit and sign the Guestbook. The Guestbook will always remain a place where we can all talk to Mandi, and to each other.

God bless to all. Mandi we love you.

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