Lucky's Picture


Lucky came to us in October of 1997 as a scrawny, scragly little kitten, hopping on three legs onto our deck. He looked so pathetic, that I had Bob trap him so I could take him to the vet. The vet told us he was about three months old, about 3 1/2 pounds and that his leg had been broken and had healed incorrectly. At that time the vet recommended removing the leg because he would never be able to use it. We were horrified to say the least! The poor little guy deserved better than that. We decided against it. We had the vet give him all his vaccinations and worm medicine and brought him home. Then we didn't know what to do with him. We didn't really need another kitty. The plan was to send him out to a farm where he would be safer than living under our mobilehome, but with an injured leg we didn't have any other choice but to add him to our already too large multicat household. We decided to call him Lucky because we thought he was lucky that he came to live with us. We fed him vitamins and good food hoping to make him heal. He now walks on all four legs with just a slight limp and weighs 17 pounds. He runs and plays just like the other cats. His love and appreciation that he gives us everyday makes us the lucky ones.

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