
For a special memorial to Trouble
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Welcome! My name is Julene. My husband Bob and I are from Minnesota. In the begining of our life together, about  14 years ago, we did not plan on having any cats in our household. But I guess since we both grew up with cats it was inevitable that we would eventually end up with at least one. Little did we know that we would have twelve. Now that we have them, I can't imagine life without them. I would like to tell you about them and how each of them came to be at our house.  Most of them are feral cats, except for Trouble. Over the years we have rescued at least sixty other feral cats and found permanent homes for all of them. Living in a mobile home park, we have found many people who don't think like we do. We believe that having a cat is a big responsibility and a lifetime commitment. Alot of people, when they move, leave their cats behind, assuming that they can take care of themselves. The sad truth of the matter is that these cats are more dependent on their owners than they realize. Some of these abandoned and starving cats are fortunate enough to find their way to our doorstep where they are fed and at least given a fighting chance. It is very hard to gain the trust of a cat who has been abandoned. Whenever possible we try to win their trust and find them a loving home or take them into ours, which is how we ended up with twelve cats. It takes alot of time and effort, but the love and affection we receive makes it all worthwhile. I hope you enjoy our cats as much as we do.


Thanks for checking out my site. When I originally started my website I only had eight cats. Since then our family of feline kids has grown to twelve, so I have added a page called "Who's New At Jasper's Place?". I will be updating and adding stories and pictures, so please stop back again.


Check out my kids

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