Welcome to The Morency Family Genealogy Page.

Morency Coat of arms

This page is just in its beginning stages.  As more information is gathered, additional pages will be added.

Acknowledgments:  None of this information would be possible without the generous help of J. Marcel Morency, Michel Morency and The Association of Morency Families, in Canada.

Listing of a small sampling of the Morency Family Tree: Now with over 1500 records and more than 3300 children. Selection of any name in this listing will provide view of that persons lineage and a way to start navigating through the other 1500 or so names.

OUR ROOTS A little history about our origins.

About The Association of Morency Families:

The association of Morency Families was founded in Quebec, Canada. It was a non-profit organization dedicated to tracing and documenting the history of the Morency family name. The association lists over 5000 Morency names in Canada and the United States. The association published a quarterly news letter with many interesting articles and historical facts involving the Morency heritage. Presently, these publications are in French. Efforts are under way to begin publishing some articles in English. Efforts are also under way to create an on-line database to be published on the Internet providing a genealogical listing for any Morency that is listed and verified within the database. There is no charge for having your name listed within that database.  The association was disbanded in late 2001.

An Invitation! If your last name is Morency or if your maiden name was Morency, and you are not sure that your name has been registered in the archives of the Association of Morency Families, please E-Mail Richard P. Morency.

Links to Other Morency Pages of Importance:

The Association of Morency Families. This is a very important site in Canada for gathering information on the Morency family. There is text in both French and English.
Home page for Michel MorencyThis page presented in both French and English provides interesting history and other important facts.

The family web page of Lionel and Rita Morency This page has Historical information on the Morency family branch that Lionel is part of.

The Morency Family Reading Room This page has interesting reading provided by Donald, as well as back issues of the Bulletin.

Other pages will be added as links are verified.

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