Music playing - "Wind Beneath My Wings"

Last update: April 20, 2005
A Page Never Forgotten

These are a few poems I didn't know if I'd ever post or not, but today the Lord impressed upon my heart to display them. *kleenex alert*

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"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers:
for there by some have entertained angels unawares."
Hebrews 13:2

On February 1,1999, we lost someone so very dear to us in a horrible car wreck, my sister-in-law, Stephanie. Steph was only 28 years "young" & has been married to my brother, Steven, for 6 1/2 years. My heart just breaks as I have to do this page, but I wanted to make something very special dedicated to her so that we could go back & reminisce on the good times we all had together.

To Steven, my "little" brother, I'd give anything to be able to take on some of the hurt you're feeling. I know you don't understand why Stephanie has been taken from you... none of us do... but just know that God must've needed her elsewhere. Nothing any of us say or do can take away your pain, but if you'll lean on the Lord, He'll be there for you in a way none of us can. You should feel very blessed that you had some of the most wonderful years you had with Stephanie. She was a very special girl... one that loved you with all her heart. She would have layed down her life for you because she loved you so much & wanted you to get your life in order with the Lord. That way, you two could be together once again one day. You are very blessed to have had a wife like her. I can only hope & pray that you will stay close to God & let Him heal your hurt. And don't forget I'm always here for you when you need me.

To Judy (mom), Roger (dad), Mary Helen (step-mom), Paul (brother) & Emily (sister).... my heart goes out to you. I know this is so very hard because you had Stephanie a lot longer than we did. My family & I want to say, "Thank You." It's because of you (& the Lord) that Stephanie turned out to be the beautiful, sweet, caring, loving young lady she was. God knew what He was doing when he gave her to you to raise & love. She made such an impact on MY life & everyone else's life that she came into contact with. We also want to thank you for loving my brother & showing him such love & support throughout the years & now. We all loved Stephanie more than words can express.

To Mama & Daddy, my prayers are with you also because I know how very much you loved Stephanie. So many times Steph told me how much she loved you & how blessed she felt to be a part of our family. You both made her feel like a daughter... not a daughter-in-law. Life isn't the same without her, but to you two, it must be very difficult because you saw or spoke to her every day. Those kinds of ties are so hard to break but just remember that God is holding on to you. He will somehow fill that void that you feel in your lives. And He will uphold you & sustain you during the road ahead while you're trying to comfort Steven. I love you both with all my heart...

This web page contains lots of wonderful memories of her. As I find more pictures, they will be added as the days go by. Please enjoy your look around & if you will, please take the time to sign her Memory Book. Especially those of you who knew her & would like to leave a message for Steven or any of the family. We would love to hear from each of you.

Steph loved Dreamsicles so I just had to add these cute little guys!

To me, Steph was an angel. I can still remember when I first met her almost 8 years ago. What a sweet girl she was, but boy was she a "wild-looking" one! Dark eye-liner, long, curly, blonde hair hanging down in her eyes & acting like most young kids do these days!

But something changed in her one day. We had a revival & she gave her heart to Jesus. From that moment on, her whole life changed! She stayed on-fire for God from that point on & did everything she could to be involved in church (Steph taught Sunday School & Rainbows). She hardly ever missed a service.

I always loved watching her during Praise & Worship... arms outstretched to Heaven singing her praises. I can still see her running around, jumping up & down, dancing, too! She sure loved the Lord! And you should've seen how much the kids loved her! God gave her a special love in her heart for children, although she & Steven didn't have any of their own. I sure will miss going to my parent's house when we come to town & watching Steph take Michael (my oldest son) walking through the house looking for "lions, tigers & bears... OH NO!" I wish my little one, Seth - born 11/12/98, would've had more time to get to know his Aunt Steph. He would've loved her, too. I will always make sure my boys remember what a wonderful aunt they had. Who knows? Michael always said that he could see angels... maybe he will see her again one day! I like to think she could be their guardian angel now!

If you don't know Jesus, please click here for some valuable information!! You can't overlook this chance... PLEASE CLICK HERE!! It could be a matter of life.... or death. Don't miss this opportunity!!!

John 3:16

Many people will walk in and out or your life,
but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.

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Angel graphics were found at Pansys Place.
Personalization was done by me!


Most of the graphics used on Stephanie's pages (unless specified on each page) were not created or owned by me, but were downloaded from sites where I believed them to be public domain. If they belong to you or someone you know, please contact me as soon as possible so proper credit can be given or they will be removed if need be.