Mother's Day
Masel's Attic!
Jeff's Rainbow
"Mommy! Mommy!" Jeffrey
"Hurry! Hurry! Come
"It's raining, Jeff!"
(He was just four)
"And now you've tracked
mud on the floor!"
"Come see!" he said,
with sparkling eyes,
"The pretty colors
in the sky."
"Oh, that's a rainbow,
Jeff," I said,
"I'll come and look,"
but then instead,
Before I could relax,
I started wiping up
his tracks.
They were just little
feet, and yet,
He'd left a trail
there, soaking wet.
I wiped it up as I
could see,
My Jeffrey wait, impatiently.
Just then the phone--it
always rings,
When I'm involved
in special things.
"My recipe? Sure--just
a minute,
Yes, it does have
Swiss cheese in it."
How flattering! I
hardly knew her--
I had to stop and
give it to her.
I hung up the phone,
looked around,
And said to Jeff,
"What have you found?"
I took his hand--we
went outside,
He pointed up, with
childish pride.
I saw his disappearing
(I'd only been a little
"It was right there
not long ago,
What happened to my
bright rainbow?"
I held him close,
and as he cried,
I wept myself, deep
down inside.
All afternoon I realized
I missed something
that Jeff had prized.
And then that night,
my little son
Knelt at my feet,
when day was done,
And asked the Lord,
his heart in tune
"Dear God, please
send a rainbow soon,
Because my mommy didn't
The rainbow that you
made for me."
Please send another;
make her smile.
Brighten up her sky
for just a while.
I did my best to always
be the kind
of Mother who stopped and
at bugs, and frogs and puppy
dog toes....
rainbows, flowers and the
of discovery in my child's
I love them all and have
been blessed
with beautiful grandchildren
much love in return.
They are all special to
me and have
made a difference in my
Children and Grandchildren of love:
Vicki Lynn----Michael Lee
Mick Alden-- Valerie Diane
Kedri Richelle--Aaron
Crista Cecelia ----Joe
Casey Dean
Corey Joe

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Happy Mother's
From Masel's