Hi, I'm Amy, I'm 23 and I'm from Australia. This is a pic taken when I was 17 at my parents place near Gippsland, VIC. I moved to Sydney a while back and I really miss home sometimes so this pic helps when I'm feeling homesick.
A little about me... I absolutely love sport. I've always been into jogging and love to watch my gorgeous boyfriend of 1 year Brenton play AFL. (He's the reason I took the plunge and moved to Sydney...)
Update 2006 - WE'RE MARRIED!! It's been a while since I've updated this page so I thought I'd jump on and tell you all the exciting news that Brenton and I got married last week! I am sorry to everyone that didn't hear - it was all organised pretty quickly.. we were so fortunate that my parents were able to take time out from the farm (lambing season!! bad, inconsiderate daughter me!) to join us on our special day. They only managed to spend a week with us before they had to fly back to VIC but we were so thankful they were there with us. We were also really happy that Brenton's mum Elsie and his step-dad Walter could make it too (the poor things only flew in from their home in Singapore the day before the wedding). They had a few days with us before heading back home. We are sure that Brenton's dad Paulus was there with us in spirit. Check back soon for some piccies!!!
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HREF="/MotorCity/Speedway/8726/index.htm">Crazy Crispy Chris' Page