These first two pictures are a little grainy, but we'll try to get some new ones up soon! The second photo is a a few years old of Nicky and I.
This is a poem I wrote earlier this year. It started as my instruction page to the vet. I always typed up
things he liked and such and the top of the page always said "This is Nicky"
and I'd tape it to the cage. So, I expanded and wrote a poem with the
A bundle of bright yellow feathers
Just a small smidgen of pearl gray
cheeks as orange as a tangerine
sweet songs carry in his throat
along with words taught to him through the years
bringing our house to life
So lovable and sweet
This cherished member of our family
This bright little joy in our life
So happy to see us when we return home in the evening
So sad to see us leave in the morning
Looking into those tiny black bright eyes
There is wisdom and unconditional love.
This one I wrote when the grief of his passing was at it's worst.
On a warm summer's day
The sun shines through my window
Cicada's buzz in the distance
A feather gently floats down from the sky
With shades of yellow, gray and white,
it catches my eye as it flickers and twinkles
Echoes of bird song fill the house
Days of laughter as bright as the sun
Days when you were our only one
Memories of happiness and joy
Now bring a sad tear to my eye
Sometimes music has no meaning
Without your input to the song
Your little feather falls from the sky
A sign telling me you have not forgotten us
In our hearts forever
In our hearts your soul is alive.
My life with Nicky has always been fun and interesting. He has been so
outspoken in helping me make decisions. For instance, before I met Bruce
and had been dating he would make it known if he approved of someone or not.
One time calls to mind when a gentleman caller had been talking to me while
his back was to Nicky's cage. Nicky proceeded to pellet the man with
sunflower seeds. As this man talked to me it was hard to keep a straight
face as seeds bounced off the back of his head!!
Nicky always voiced his opinion. I recall another time when I was not
feeling well and decided to take a nap on the couch by the cage. Apparently
Nicky did not want me to nap as he proceeded to splash me with his drinking
Another instance of voicing his opinion was the time when I was to do a
poetry reading at a local book store. Friends of ours couldn't make the
reading and asked for a private one in our home. Half way through a rather
serious poem Nicky shouted, "Nick's a good boy!" Well, it was hard to get
through the poem after that since everyone was laughing so hard!
Nicky has always been such a character and such a joy. When Bruce and I
were married, Bruce adopted Nicky and they had been great buddies through
the whole time. It was nice that Nicky took to him also and both Bruce and
I were always part of his flock.
The following cartoon reminds me so much of him. He picked up the phrase
"poopy bird" and used it quite often especially when company was around.
Nicky will be dearly missed but he is in our hearts always and we know that
he will be waiting for us at Rainbow bridge when our time comes.
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Most recent revision October 2nd, 2000.