Mini-Lop Frequently Asked Questions
- How much does it cost to purchase a mini lop from a breeder?
Usually between $10 and $30.
- How much would you say it costs per month to maintain a mini lop?
We had 11 and it cost us about $20 a month, although we purchase feed in 50 lb. sacks.
- Does maintaining a mini lop involve anything more than feeding, providing with water, providing with bedding and changing that bedding, cutting toe nails if nessisary, exercising, and loving the bunny?
Not really, although they shed once or twice a year, and grooming will be required during that period.
- How many different colors do mini lops come in?
About 50, including brokens (mixed color/white) and tricolors. Most breeders only raise about 2 to 10 colors. We raise 5 colors (Broken Squirrel, black, steel (both silver and golden) and agouti.
- How long do they typically live?
3 to 4 years, although we had one that lived to about 12. On the other hand, some die early.
- They don't get bigger than 4-7 pounds, typically, right?
Correct. The lower limit for those over six months is 4 1/2 pounds, the upper 6 1/2.
- What would be the smallest size cage that could still make the bunny happy?
In the format height X width X depth, 18 X 24 X 24 for bucks, 18 X 30 X 30 for does.
- How old should my rabbit be when she or he is bred?
You should breed your rabbit before she is 1 year old, or he is 3 years old (If they haven't been bred before. If they have then does can be bred as late as 3 years and bucks as old as 4 to 5.)
- What time of year should I breed my rabbit?
It doesn't really matter what time of year you breed them. If you want the babies to have denser hair for fur classes breed them so that thier babies will be born in winter. Rabbit gestation periods are from 28 to 32 days, so you would want to breed in late November for rabbits suitable for fur classes. Rabbits born in summer will have longer ears than those born in winter.
- Is there anything else you think it's crucial I know before buying a mini lop?
Protect them from dogs. If you are keeping the rabbit inside, it shouldn't be too much of a problem, but if it's outside, it WILL. Many people think that "THEIR dog wouldn't hurt anything", but this has been proven wrong too many times. Also, strays ARE around. Either keep it inside an enclosed area or hang the cage from a wooden beam and hook up an electric fence charger to the cage. This will NOT hurt the rabbit, because the rabbit is not grounded. There would have to be a direct link from rabbit to ground for it to hurt the rabbit, but it's surprisingly effective on dogs. They never come back after they've been shocked.
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Last updated: 03/09/99
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(C) Daniel Remenak, 1998
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