Suzi's World

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I am Suzi and I have 3 children.....Travis, Jeremy, and James. We are from a small southwestern community in Pennsylvania. Our lives are constantly in motion with basketall, baseball, bowling, and the everyday hectic schedule of raising 3 boys.

Travis is my 17 year old. He is in 12th grade and is incredibly intelligent. He is every mothers dream child. He maintains an above average grade average, has received an academic award for computer and math classes, is very popular with his classmates, has several trophies from his baseball and bowling seasons, and is a rather good basketball player. He enjoys playing golf, board games, doing scientific experiments, and surfing over to

Jeremy is my 16 year old. When he was 6 weeks old we found out that he was born with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. At age 4 he was diagnosed as Autistic also. To look at him you could never tell. He has a face and innocent air about him that could melt even the hardest of people. He tries so hard to be his best at school. He attends an Autistic Support Class in our school district. He started there when he was five. He was non-verbal and was easily frustrated. He has since those days been treated with an homeopathic protocol and along with diet and supplementations, he is reovering from the Autism. He has a 90% spelling grade, and is in an 11th grade equivalent reading level. He is a whiz on the computer and has a genuine photographic memory. He is quite the artist. He has been featured in our local newspaper quite often and in 2002 he helped raise part of the $3,500 donation to Make A Wish by selling a christmas card he designed and having his classmates assist him in his sales. His drawings contain so much detail that he keeps in his head. He is quite amazing. Miss Sunny has devoted some of her homepage to him if you want to get to know Jeremy from her perspective. She has done a terrific job on it. Talk about a truly amazing woman, she and her family are the greatest!

James is my 12 year old with enough attitude and charisma to outshine the whole family. He is of Irish decent from his paternal grandfather. James has beautiful copper colored hair and big blue eyes. He is definitely one of a kind. Although he may be difficult, opinionated, and stubborn, he is a rare gem. He is outgoing, full of life, and extremely intelligent. He has been running our computer since he was 2, is a Nintendo fiend, incredibly silly, and so darn cute and snuggly that it takes a lot to stay angry with him. He has been playing baseball also, and I must say he is good at it. He is in 7th grade now.

Enough about them, I am the hostess of this page. My name is Suzi and my family means the world to me. I enjoy chatting with all of my Pixie friends, playing the games at Pogo, and healing my children natually. I have recently become certified in the the fields of Herbology and Reflexology. The quality of my children's lives and my own is very important to me. They deserve the best I can give them.

I have acted as regional representative for the cannister project for the Duchenne Parent Project in the past, and I am an activist in getting the word out on natural healing.

I am also slowly but surely getting our family history book out here. Seems like it is taking forever. It is the :


Chances are that if you have the name Dupke in your family somewhere, we are probably related. I would like to thank all of you for signing the guestbook there and giving us some interesting leads for other branches on the tree. It has been a real treat delving into them.

On a somber note, I have dedicated a few pages to my son Jeremy. If you would like to learn more about DMD or Autism, then this would be the page for you. I have your basic definitions, links, and the story of how it has affected my life.

I am a great listener and have become fast friends with other parents out here dealing with dmd at the DMD Forum. You all have been great support, inspiration, comfort, and have some of the best shoulders anyone could ask for. If you would like to write me, I respond to all email.

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