Grow with AJ

AJ trying to sit in his sissy's doll stroller when he was 1 year old.
Hi my name is Austin Joseph, but everyone calls me either AJ or Tigger, because I'm my mommy's little bouncy boy ;-) I'm going to be 3 years old in a month! March 28th is just around the bend!!! YEAH!
I am such a big boy now, I help my mommy take care of my baby brother Sean, I help mommy do lots of things. My favorite things in the WHOLE world are airplanes, trains, and FIRETRUCKS!!! And any other kind of cars, and trucks. Oh, and don't forget Pooh and Tigger!
I also like wrestling, mom doesn't like it, but Daddy got me hooked! I love to wrestle, I love to watch wrestling, and I love to play with my wrestling action figures. My favorite wrestlers are The Rock and Kurt Angle. I live not far from where Kurt Angle went to school, and he is my Daddy's favorite wrestler too. I like The Rock because of what he says (Can you smell, what The Rock, is cookin') I call him Rock Cookin, it makes Mommy laugh when I do that, I like to make Mom laugh. I also like Steve Austin, every time I hear his name I say,"Me!!! Me's a dubby-dubby!!!" Dubby-dubby is what I call my wrestlers, I couldn't say WWF when I started playing with them, so I called them dubby-dubbies, and it just stuck!

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