Olivia is a funny funny young woman who loves to tell jokes
and sing. She always has a way of making my days brighter
and full. I am proud of the young woman that she has become and
pray that I am able to raise her to be a happy confident
human being. *S*
Update! O is in her sophomore year of high school
She is involved in Swing Choir *which she loves*
She is the editor of LCTV *the high school TV channel*
and as a result has decided to go into broadcast journalism for her career.
So many changes w/her over the past couple of years.
She is involved in her youth group at church
and is part of the drama team and the youth praise & worship team.
She spent some time in San Antonio, TX over the summer
competing in teen talent in two different categories.
She worked real hard along w/the rest of her team to do well.
It was quite an adventure for her.
We spend a lot of time in the car running here & there,
but that's ok, because I only have a little over two years before she is off to college.
Being Os mom has been such a wonderfully exciting adventure in my life.
There has been pain and frustration sometimes, but I love her w/all my heart & soul
and can't imagine my life w/out her.

Ok, I guess I'm done rambling for now.
I'm glad you stopped by to visit us.
Hope you'll come back again soon.
God Bless!!

So this is a little about us. I will add more here & there,
so come back often. *S*
Be sure to check out our other pages
Just keep on clicking on the next buttons
and you will see all our site has to offer. *S*
Thanks for stopping by!

My friend Bea gave me this
because I always seem to
get the last word in
in cyberspace! *LOL*
Thanks Bea! hugs!

~Page updated December 27, 2008
*Font used is Patrick*
~Background Set by Margo~