Photo Archives

This is me taken in Nov 96

This is Sarah in 9th grade.

Sarah was active in track at this time.

Sarah with a child we helped raise for a while. Brittany Castner.

Me during hard times.

Josh at 4 months.

John and Sarah with Josh before the marriage.

the sadest but also happyest day this is me giving my baby to her husband.

She sure was beautiful in her gown

Josh at three years old.

Josh at 4 years old.

Josh took a Sibling class to learn about babys.

Sarah, 7 months pregnant with Cheyenne.

Josh with his baby chey chey.(she is 9 days old)

Cheyenne at three months.

Cheyanne chrismas of 97

Josh christmas of 97

both kids cristmas of 97

Aj's anouncement.

Aj at two months old

This is chance and lacy .Lacy is the kids i care fors dog.

and by now you reconize

The anouncment was wrote out wrong by me before I scanned it he was born on Mar 28th not the 8th.
Soon I will have more scanned of Cheyanne for on here. When I visited Josh was out with his other grandma, so i couldnt get any more of him. And with the new baby coming well..................LOL