<font size="8" font color= "#c6e7de" face="monotype corsiva"> More about me

Hi, so you want to know more about me? Ok here goes.lol

I was born, not hatched like my dad said (I have proof I have a birth certificate.) some time on Dec 1st 1961. I came into this world with the name Karen Sue George. The youngest of 4 children. I do not know any more of my past than that until after I was three years old.

At age three my mother abandoned me at a small second hand shop in Kittaning PA. I take it that she had people watching it, because in two weeks when I was still there she brought my one older brother there also and asked if they wanted him, too. As the story goes they took my brother Leeland also and we were adopted by our new parents in the fall of 67.
That was the beginning of the end for my childhood. We were very happy at first. There was myself, now named Karen Sarahsue, my brother now named Walter Leeland, mom Sarah, and Dad Walter Edward .

We lived in a small farm area in west PA. I had my new dad to tell me all sorts of stories and have me believing in everything from unicorns to leprechauns.

In the spring of 1968 our farm house burned to the ground. Dad was a sickly man, he had black lung, and the standing out in the air made him deathly ill. He was taken to the hospital that day. I was never to see him alive again.

It took three weeks of suffering to take my father out of this world. He was so sick, I tried everything in those 3 weeks. He had told me of the luck of a 4 leaf clover, I searched for days till I found 4 of them and sent them pressed in wax paper so he would get better. I prayed a little girls prayer to god . I was crushed when my father died.

Life with my mother was far from kind. She was an American Indian medicine woman. She had no use for my brother or I after my father died. She tryed to teach us but was not a friendly sort so we didnt learn anything more than to fear her.
Life continued this way till I was 13 years old. Mom went on vacation and left me to run the farm with my brother. Walt had other ideas and left with the money a few hours after mom did. I stayed on till the food ran out and then I decided to go look for mom. I knew she was in Dallas so I packed a nap sack and headed off down the road.
I was not a bad kid just hopelessly lost. Not that anyone could have been a better help to me than what I found along the way. I made my way to Tenn. first and spent some time working for food and a new outfit on a horse ranch. This was my first real experience in life, it was a commune setting and I felt so loved and cared about there. More than I ever had at home. They offered to let me stay forever, but I had lied about my wonderful family and how I was meeting my mom, so I left after a few days. I will never forget them or their kindness to me.

I kept going southwest only stopping to rest, eat and work until I reached Dallas. I didnt remember exactly where mom was staying so I wandered around dallas for a few days. I ended up in a town callen North Garland. I met some kids here that took me in and helped me get clothes and food. I could have stayed there but again decided I needed to find mom so I set back to Dallas. I got to Dallas and wandered around for a while. I ended up hanging at a park looking for someone that might get me some food. I met a new friend there sitting on a park bench looking as ordinary as you could ask for.
He was open and friendly to me. We sat there and talked for hours. This was so nice. He took me under his wing so to speak and got me some food and talked me into going home to wait for my mom. I spent the rest of the day with him while he decided the safest and fastest way to get me home. That evening he had to work, so I went with him. There were all sorts of people with us, and I started to get shuved out of the picture. I didnt mind for we were at a big stadium of some sort and I had a big black man with me(I have figured out since it was to keep me from running away but at the time I thought it was because my friend wanted me safe). It all turned out to be a concert. I was in my glory to see my friend on the stage making all the fans crazy. It was a wild show and I never thought it would end.

After the concert was over, I was taken back to a little room where I thought my friend would be, instead I found two police officers. I was taken to the police station and they tried to find my mom, they called my home, no one was there of course. I gave them the name of the people mom had came to visit. They did find them the next day but mom had already left for home. They decided to send me to the Pittsburgh police to get me home. I was placed on a huge airplane, and flew at night home to PA. I had a nice escort from the Dallas office till I was picked up here in PA.

Mom was still not home so I was placed in children and youth services till she was found. I moved from foster parent to foster parent for 3 weeks. All the while waiting for mom to show up. One day I was picked up and taken to the Childrens Home in Bradford. I asked why and they said it was for neglect from my parent.

I never understood why I got locked in a childrens home, I felt I could take care of myself by then. But thats where I stayed till Aug.23,1978. I was then relieced to my mom again. I got home to find I was not allowed to live in the house. I was given an 8X50 trailer in the field by the house to live in. It had no water or sewerage, but it had a wood burner to keep warm so I didnt mind. Mom had remarried by now and I was not able to get along with her new husband .

I was not given any guidance from mom. Fact was she never even spoke to me. I just lived my life there in the trailer as if I were a grownup. I met up with some of the kids I had known years before and spent most of my time with them. I was a lost person always looking for someone to care about me. The kids seemed to for a while. Two weeks before I turned 17 I met a boy that I thought would be the man of my life. As you can guess, me having no guidance I did what I thought was the way to show my love.

I found out I was pregnant a few weeks later and when I told the boy his answer was abortion. This told me fast that he was not for me so I continued on my own. I new that if I told my mom and her husband they would force me to marry him. I at that time couldn't admit to anyone that I had loved someone who would ask for the death of his child. I felt I had oopsed, I didnt want to turn it into a full mistake. I told my mom I had no idea who the father was. She didnt like me anyway so it was not a big deal.
At this point moms husband became excited, he had never had children and he thought it would only be right that they take my child and raise it. I was moved into a trailer that had a furnace and running water. I was so happy I couldnt tell you. I felt like it was a palace. It was a 14 X 70, 2 bedroom. It was old and dirty but it was a hell of a lot better than where I had been.
The first night in my new home I couldnt sleep, there were bugs everywhere. I spent the whole night stomping on them and hitting them with my book. I couldn't wait till morning to go get something to kill them all. I went to the agway with my needs and they gave me a blue powder to put all around the trailer to kill the bugs. It did for in the next week I saw less and less of them till I had gotten rid of them all.
I was so happy in my home. I was making clothes for my baby and working everyday on the farm. I found out fast that none of my friends wanted around a pregnant girl, but I was happy, I knew I would finally have someone to love, who would love me for the rest of our lives.
The time went fast. It was in the early summer that I started to hear what my family was up to. My half brother Walt came to try to get me to sign into the hospital under his wifes name so he could have my child. When I told my mom she had a fit and said he couldn't raise it, she and her husband would. I couldnt believe that everyone was wanting to take my child from me. I decided fast that no one was taking my child and I have fought ever since to keep her.
At a little past 6 pm on Augest 17th I started labor. It came fast and hard. I got a ride to the hospital with my moms husband and I was not there long. At 8:31 pm Sarah was born 7.3 lbs 21 inches long, with long curly hair. I got the birth certifacate papers fast and filled them out, I talked to the nurses to let them know my problems with my family. And they were very kind in helping me get the papers filled out and put a way long before anyone even realized I had the baby.
I had stopped them from taking her that way and felt I had gotten it all under control. Boy was I wrong. For over a year I was always being reported to Children and Youth by my family trying to get Sarah taken from me. I was turned in for everything from supposedly chopping up a dog, to starving my child. That time it turned out sort of funny. I answered the door to a man I had never met. He was a big man and was looking over my shoulder into my trailer like he couldn't figure it out. He asked me if I was me and I said yes. He started reading a paper in his hands. He then said he had a report and asked if he could come in and talk with me. I had gotten used to this by then and opened the door and invited him in.

He looked around like he was confused and asked where my baby was. I said in her room and I went to get her. He followed and looked confused when he saw her, too. I took her back to the living room and placed a blanket on the floor and layed her down. He sat down and told me that he had a report that I had rotten food all over my home and I was starving my child. Now, I wish I had a pic to show you what he saw, Sarah was 8 months old and already over 30 lbs. The last thing that child was, was starved.lol
We talked about how they have to investigate every report, but how he felt that it was unjust to bother me anymore. I thanked him and walked him to his car. He said just before pulling out that if all the homes he checked were like mine he would gladly look for a new job.
My life went fairly smooth for a while after that. I was happy with my girl. We had a big old lab for protection, and were with what we had. I grew a lot of our veggies in a garden so we had plenty that winter to eat. After I turned 18 my mother was determined I should be married. She was ashamed of me having a child and not a husband and told me so often.
The funny part was her husband. Dick mellowed by me after Sarah came into our lives. He was always wanting to play with her and take her places, but he ws also happy to drop her off after he was through playing. Dick spoiled sarah, giving her everything he could think of. At 6 months old he brought her a rocking horse big enough I could ride it.lol
In the x-mas season just after I turned 18 my mom told me of a marriage she had arranged for me with the grandson of a dear friend of hers. I was to marry John. He seemed nice enough and he was good looking, sort of. I didn't think much about it, he seemed to love me. I agreed and we were married. The morning after, we were to move to Carlsbad, New Mexico to live. Mom heard there were a lot of jobs out there and thought it was a good idea.
Mom acted so different when I was willing to do whatever she wished. I felt that I was finally the daughter she had wanted and I was happy about that. It didnt last tho.
On the drive to New Mexico, my new husband started showing his wierd side. The first instance was when I was driving down the highway, Sarah was sitting, not in a seatbelt, between us in the front seat. John opened the car door and jumped out when I was going 60 miles an hour. He got torn up fairly good. I had a hard time holding onto Sarah and getting the car stopped as fast as I could. A man driving the other way had seen it all and was with John when I got back to him. The guy was going nuts.
I took John to the hospital in the next town. He was ok, just his knees were chewed up and he had minor cuts all over him. We continued on our way and arrived in Carlsbad the next evening. We went to my aunts home to spend the night. I was very happy to go looking for an appartment the next day.
The next morning I was off looking, I had never had any problems with making a home so when I found a cheap appartment, I took it and we moved in that day. My aunt was upset, it was in the hispanic part of town. I was just in love with the beauty of the old building. I got paint, made curtains, and had it looking good in just a couple days. My new husband was a lazy man. He did have a problem with his knees so I overlooked his not wanting to look for work yet. I did have a problem when he would not watch Sarah while I looked for work. It is hard to talk someone into hiring you if you have a baby on your hip when applying.
I kept looking for work. John got better but still was not interested in looking for work, he was only interested in hanging out at the army recruiters office. This made me angry and my redhead temper flew. I couldn't handle that we were almost broke, with no way to pay the rent and he was not even considering looking for work.
The last straw was when he said dont worry just call your mother to send money. I had not relied on my mother for years and I was not going to now. I went out again and hit every business again. I didnt get in till late that night and John freaked out on me, saying that I was with another man. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I called him a paranoid jackass and he started slapping me. Sarah was screaming because she was frightend and he did the one thing I will never permit.
He struck my small child on the face. The way he caught her it cut her lip on her only two teeth. She was covered in blood as I ran out of the appartment and headed to the hospital. The neighbors had called the cops and they were pulling up as I got to the car. Seeing the blood, they put us in their car and ran us to the hospital. After we were treated, and I had talked it all over with the cops they took me back to the appartment.
John and the car were gone. The police said they would stop back and check on us, and if there was any more problems call. I didn't have any more problems with John. He was gone I have never seen his face again. Or my car for that matter. I was all alone in a new state without a car, or any friends. My aunt was not much help, she just said go home. I gave in after another week and took my child on a bus back to PA.
When I got home I found out I was pregnant. Great timing. I talked over everything with my family, about why I didnt want John in my life and we never bothered to tell him. As it worked out it didnt matter. My son died 2 days after he was born. Out of all that has happened to, me this is the hardest of all. I am not able to talk of the pain of losing a child yet and may never be able to.
I was amazed how my mom took it so well that I had come home. Dick had a lot to do with it I'm sure for he had missed Sarah a lot. Mom stood by me, and so did Johns family, about getting a divorce. I had only lived with John for 3 months, but it took 3 years to get the divorce. Don't figure does it?lol
During this time I was given anouther trailer to live in, I got a used car, and found work. Sarah was growing fast and keeping me happy with her silly ways. We were happy.

When Sarah was 5 mom decided I needed to marry again. I also new it would be much easier to have a man to care for us, I had no real training and could only find part time jobs. Mom started having a man from her trailer court come up to the house to work more and more often. I lived in the back yard, so this put us together a lot. He was a good man and very handsome. I was always tickled to see him come to work for it gave me someone to talk to. Living in my parents yard was hard, I was not allowed to have visitors.
Joe started attending my moms church, and was getting along great with mom. Then Dick passed away. Joe became moms right hand. He was a strong man and helped to arrange everything, and took care of the whole farm on top. It wasnt long that mom came to me and told me that she and Joe had decided that Joe and I were to be married. I was happy again. He seemed to be everything I could ever ask for in a man. He was gentle and kind to me and Sarah.
Joe, Mom, Sarah, and I went to Belair, Maryland and Joe and I were married. We went home to live in the trailer and seemed to be happy. Then Sarah refused to live in the trailer, she moved into the house with mom, and Joe and I stayed in the trailer. Sarah would spend the day with me but was afraid to sleep in the trailer. I never did find out why.
After a while Joe started to do odd things, like going to a motorcycle race and not take his motorcycle. Money was not a problem at first, but then Joe started to not find jobs close to home, He would go and stay at job sites building bridges for weeks on end. When he would come home he would have spent most of his pay on a place to stay. It was not bad at first, but slowly I started to doubt him.
At this time i made a new friend and i told her every thing i felt . Her name is Darla. I loved her with all my heart she was my only link to outside of the house. She new Joe threw a club they both attended and i had met her there at a x-mas party for the kids. We were always talking to each other. She never told me about what she knew Joe was doing but she listened and encuraged me threw all.

That winter we found out my mom was dieing from cancer it was all threw her body. I moved into the house to care for my mom. I was with her 24 hours a day 7 days a week caring for her doing anything i could to make her happy. She would get bitter and say i was only there to torment her. I wasnt. My brother had tryed to have her placed in a nursing home and i am a firm believer that you should stay home with your family as long as you can.
I cared for mom for over a year. I took her to the docs, and the hospitals. I even took care of the tubes that came out of her side with out complaint. I was with my mom day and night for the whole time till at last she had gotten to the point of needing to be fed by an N.G. tube. I couldnt do that and so i had her placed in a nursing home close to my brothers home so we both would be able to be with her at the end. Mom lasted 8 days from when we put her in. Her mind never did clear from the pain. I dont think she ever knew she was in a home. If she did there was nothing else we could have done.
I took it really hard mom dieing. I couldnt eat or sleep. I smothered sarah and joe trying to take care of them . I was a basket case at the funeral home. To the point that i colapsed in the entry way. I lost track of Sarah there and she was tramatised by seeing the director closing the casket on her gramma.
I was to far gone to help sarah at this point she never told me till later what she had seen. Poor thing needed me and i was not able to help myself let alone her.
After about 2 months I guess i was coming around to normal for all at once Joe packed up and left me. I was devistated again. This time my body couldnt take it all. I had lost to much whieght and my heart said this is enough. I had two heart attacks in a few hours time. I had lost well over 30 lbs.br> I recovered changed my eating habits some due to Darla and her family taking it all on to remind me to eat every few hours. Dar and her sister Deb took on being there for sarah and i threw this all.Over the next few weeks i found out about all of Joes women . I already new about the drugs and the booze. Lord knows the abuse was finely over . I should have been happy he was gone. I wasnt. I really love Joe. I only wanted to make a good wife and mom to my family. I failed again.
The divorce was started and again took years to complete. I couldnt understand how i had ever loved this man that was cleaning me out so bad. In the end i lost the farm that had been in my family for 4 generations. And I was so far in dept i finely had to take bankrupsy.
At first Sarah and i lived with friends but that got more problems than you could think of. I tryed to stay with my step father but again the problems got bad. He thought i should never date or anything but stay home and raise sarah. I wanted more out of life.
I started working at a truck stop as a cook on midnight shift. I talked a friend into letting us live in the garage and i fixed it up nice. We could go into the house to shower and get hot water any time we needed. I had the garage looking great after a few months and we were again happy. Broke but happy.
Here is where i got my nic name Pahobo. I had worked all night at the truck stop and it became aparent that my ride never was going to show up. I knew Sarah was already gone for school and i was beat so i didnt feel like walking the 7 miles so i headed into a field behind the truck stop for a little shut eye.
That afternoon i woke up and headed back into the truck stop i figured to wash my face and start walking home. An old drivier that i knew was by his truck and seen me coming out of the brush. He was laughing at me and said. You look like a hobo with all that grass in your hair. He helped me to get some of it out and we walked in together.
As soon as we got threw the door he started telling everyone he found a hobo. Laughing and haveing fun with me. I can take a joke well and just laughed and went in to clean up. After he wanted to get me a cup of coffee, this i took. And was asking why i was out there. I explanned it all , drank the coffee, and started home.
That night when i got back to work the story was everywhere. Anyone who liked me was calling me the Pa hobo. Others were twisting what happened into a bad story. I was getting fed up with it all about a week later and I joked my way into a better job from the truck stop.
The waitress who worked night shift with me was lazy. So i ended up taking the food out a lot to the customers. I was getting razzed by the drivers still about being a hobo. And i was getting a bit angry. I over heard a driver start in on how much better a man was than a woman , and that was my last straw. I told him I could do anything he could but pee from 3 feet from the toilet. And after cleaning the bathrooms I didnt think most men could do that trick. Everyone laughed and I went on my way.
I later went back with coffee refills and he asked me If i thought I was as good as him why was i working there? I had calmed down and i just answered hell if i know.lol We talked a little bit more and again he got his additude. So i said to him name yor price. I bet I can go out there drive your truck around the lot and back it back into the same spot with out hitting a thing. He gotr chided by the men with him over this one.
Turned out he owned the company. The men were not going to let him out of this one so at the end of my shift I was led to a beautiful truck and told prove it. I was scared out of my witts, But as i grew up driving tracktors and pulling hay wagons i figured I can do this. He got in the passanger side and i asked a lot of questions on the gear pattern and where where the brakes and stuff. He kept laughing but told me all the answers.
I think the crowd of drivers were getting big at this point and said we had better do it fast befor i couldnt get threw the men. I got her moving and took it around the parking lot a few times. That was cool. I never picked up any speed but did go threw a lot of trucks and around the buildings.
Now i got the truck positioned and started backing it up. I had to stop and pull forward twice but i got it back into the same spot no problem. He was inpressed. I was glad it was over.lol As we stood in front of the truck He handed me the 20 we had agreed apon. The men were teasing him saying i should work for him. He turned this on one of the men by saying hell yes she drives better than you. We all laughed .
He then looked at me and said if i wanted to he would teach me to drive the truck. I told him thanks but i couldnt aford the time off work. He said he would pay me while i learned if i wanted a job. I was fed up with cooking, And figured I could earn a lot more doing this so I said sure. He got my phone number and i went home. I didnt expect to ever hear from him but if he did call well........
In a few days i got a call He wanted me at there yard for two weeks. I said Ok got the directions and made arangments for sarah to stay with a friend. I drove to the yard and was put to work drop and hooking trailers. Moving them from here to there. Simple stuff.on the following monday the boss had me fill out all the papers and took me out in the rig to learn more. I didnt have the permit yet but i was learning.
Things went well and soon i was driving teams over the road to CA and back. Wow what a wunderful feeling. I was making good money and enjoying what i did for once.
After driving for over a year i got to brave and forgot just how dangerous it can be on the road. I was taught a hard lesson by a co worker. I was teamed with a man that was on the edge of sanity. He fell off. I was then held captive in my own truck for 37 days. I was beaten, raped turned into a frightened animal. I never before thought i could kill a human being. After time with him If i could have gotten the gun I would have killed him.
I am not ready to go into that locked room in my mind yet i hope you can understand that. I will tell you a good friend who was my trainer for oveer the road new i was missing and when my truck was seen at a truck stop near him he came and was better than the lone ranger. He got me out and to the cops but the driver got away.
I came home to Pa. And got into counceling and rehab. I am diagnosed with Post tramatic stress syndrom. I have been fighting a long battle in my mind that it was not me but him. Im winning.
The biggest hard ship was the lack of funds since i wouldnt go back to work. I started picking fruits and selling them along the road to earn money for us. I loved being home with sarah and knew i was safe in my self here at home. Sarah was turning into a fine young lady. She got a job with me picking and selling fruits and vegies to help out with the bills. She never asked for anything. When i got any ahead i tryed to get her nice things and she was better than most kids she appreciated them.lol If i wouldnt have had sarah i might have crawled off and died somedays back then. But i would look at her and keep on trying. She was my strength and my shoulder. We always knew no matter what it would work out as long as we stood together.
I have had problems with depression since my son died. I guess you never heal over that one. But when i would get so down i thought i would die sarah would visit me in the hospital and show me just how much i had to live for. Many times she would walk 10 miles to visit me at the hospital. I could never tell you how much that ment to me.
In Franklin I made a friend i will cherish for ever. This is Linda She is the mother of 2 great kids Jessy and Tommy. Jess is now 7 and Tom 5 but i Dont get to see them much now im working in pittsburgh.

Tom was my boyfriend just ask him. That is if sarah isnt around then he cheats on me.lol The story of my life they love sarah more than me.lol Im joking of course .lol
I spent a year with Linda trying to keep me sane. We were two of a kind .

Tom and My new grandson became best buds. They were always to gether. If it wasnt pooring down rain they were in the sand box building things for me. If it was raining then i was brought fishing worms to keep for fishing.lol I miss Linda and the kids a lot. I still write her and when i get home to visit i see them.

I keep wanting to skip to the good part of my life. But i find i cant for with out the past the good just sounds so empty. If you dont know the hardships you dont see the beauty in the good. I have never had anything profound happen to change me just the strength of a friend talking to me telling me simple things like" the glass is half full" or " go sit in the woods and see what god gave you"
I found god but not in the bible thumping way but in the quite gentle waterfalls that were close to the house. It wasnt the bam in the face i expected just a gentle "im here" "lean on me" I started listening closer to the birds and the winds. I decided i cant be afraid any more i have to start living again for me.
I had left depression take away my adventure and fear remove my spirit. I had left my life stop but for work and for sarah. I was afraid to love anyone for they may turn me away. In simple words i had given up living, I just existed. I didnt make the change over night but i started the job. I call it a job for its the hardest work i have ever done.I started trusting people to talk open and say how i feel. I always remember to tell someone how i feel about them so it isnt a shock down the road. I started going out more and meeting new people. I have learned to love again and im not afraid anymore of the rejection. I enjoy life to its fullest now and i try to experiance as much as i can.
I have taken back to an old job calling as a nanny. I teach kids to see what is out here and try to show them if I can do it so can you. The most rewarding thing i have had happen in the last few years was i read a report the oldest boy i am caring for wrote for school.
The paper was on his summer vacation . He ended up writing more about me and how being with me was sure to be an adventure he would never forget. He talked of what we have done since i came in Feb. till now and how he was sure i would keep the summer full of surprises and chalanges for them.
This makes all i have done worth while. I can now show kids and others that life has so much to offer