My Dreams
I am a hopeless romantic at Heart. I want to have a man to love and care for who loves me and wants me for who I am not what he could make me.
I want a life where I am working with my partner to make a future for us. It doesn't have to be a castle in the sky, maybe just a shack in the woods. But it would be ours and we would love and care for it.
It would be nice for Sir Lancealot to ride up on his white stalion, but a beat up Chevy pickup is more my style.
I want my grandkids to know who I am inside and understand that even with all the bad in the world you can come out loving and gentle.
I want to find my peace in nature and god. To build my faith in him and man.
I have only one life so I wont waste it on these dreams. But I will work to earn them.
Be safe my friend