About your Host!
My name is Cheryl, my nick is Chey
(pronounced shy) as you will come to know. I am a mother of three wonderful
children. My oldest girl,Chawna age 10, My son Dylan, age 8, and my youngest daughter
Tabitha, age 7. They all do wonderfully in school and I am very proud of all 3.
They may not think so all the time but I love them all dearly.
I have many interests and hobbies.
Reading would have to be number one on my list. My dogs and my love for them and
animals run a very close second. I have spent most of my life working with
animals. Horses and dogs to be more exact. Working with horses and dogs
is when I am at my happiest. I have learned many things in this field. I've
taken classes to keep me up to date and increase my knowledge of various areas of working
with them as well.
Finally, I must add my love of computers
and building web pages as well.I am now working on learning as much as possible about
computers. While it is a bit more stressful than working with my beloved animals, I
still find a great peace doing this. I am learning about various things involving
computers. I would have to say my absolute favorite thing is learning. I
have found computers and the internet to be an invaluable resource in my quest.You will
find many of my interests right here in my little corner of cyberspace.
I have recently come accross many money
making opportunities on the web. I have listed many of these opportunities as well
as free information I have located that can lead you to more work at home with your
computer opportunities.
I hope you will find these pages
informative, enjoyable and even profitable.

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Last Update: April 2,2000
Web Author: CheyLynn Design Copyright
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