Tidbits from the history of our ancestors. #17
List of the Crew of Jacques Cartier
Second Voyage, Spring 1535
Last revision:31 December 1999

On March 31, 1535, in the port city of Saint-Malo, Brittanny, Jehan Poulet, an assistant of Cartier, filed a roll of the people who were to accompany Jacques Cartier on his second official exploration voyage to North America, on a commission from Francis the First, king of France. The roll was registered by Jehan Leveillé, registrar at the Abbey of Saint Jehan. A large group of citizen witnessed the event. The full text of the registration is given below, including the roll. The original document is still at the Archives communales de Saint-Malo, serie BB.4, folio 17-20.
Some historians are quick to point out, rightly so, that there is no guarantee that all these people actually were on the expedition, since the roll was taken a few weeks before the departure which took place on May 19, and that 25 to 30 of them might have been replaced. Cartier's journal of the expedition also mentions that 110 persons took part, a number also mentioned in the royal commission, and this roll lists 110 persons, not counting the officials witnessing the registration of the document.

In any event, there is a high probability that a majority of people on this roll were of the voyage. A dozen or so are known to have been on the trip, being named by Cartier in his journal of the expedition.

Many persons were related to Cartier either directly or through marriages and family alliance. They are listed either in the body of the document or at the end of it.

Original documentTranslation
Le mercredy dernier jour de mars après Pasques mil Vcc XXXV à l'abaye sainct Jehan, davent mondict seigneur le Capitaine, presans Maistre Jehan Le Juiff, lieutenant de la court de Sainct Malo, le connestable, Jehan Billard, procureur desdictz bourgeoys, Jn. Cronier, Jac. Chenu, Jehan Grout le jeune, Bertrand Beauboys, Pierres May, Françoys Gaillard, Jehan Maingard Huperie, Jacques Martinet, Robin boullain, Estienne Richomme, Guillaume Boulain Villauroux, Pierres Ancelin, Guillaume Maingard, Guillaume Pepin, Jehan Brisard l'esné, Jehan boulain Belestre, Thomas de La Bouille, Robin Gaultier le jeune, Thomas Maingard, Françoys Martin, Guillaume Grout, Roullet Souchart, Yrlet Morel, Guillaume Le Breton Bastille, Georges Boulain, Guillaume Sainct Mains, Pierres Gosselin, Jehan Grout l'esné, Charles Cheville, Guillaume Gaillard, Pierres Jonchée, Pierres Gaillard, Jehan de May, Pierres Colin.
Et plusieurs aultres desdictz bourgeoys assemblez, etc.
Sur ce que a esté par ledict procureur remonstré touchant vne bannye qui fuct hyer faicte par Pierres Gaultier, sergend, a esté ledict sergent presant, quel a confessez avoir faicte ladicte bannye quelle il a aparu; et a dict vng nommé Jehan Poulet presant la luy a faict faire et non aultres, de laquelle bannye a esté ordonnée estre incereré en ce papier; et ledict Bastille presant, quel a desavoué avoir faict faire ladicte bannie; et ledict Poulet presant quel a dict en vertu de la charge luy baillée ledict Cartier avoir faict faire ladicte bannie.
Et lesdictz de La Bouille et Maingard presant quelz, o la charge que Jacques Cartier a baillé audict Jehan Poulet, ont advoué ladicte bannie et non aultrement.
Et a celuy Poulet aparu le rolle et numbre des compaignons que ledict Cartier a prins pour ladicte navigation : & a esté mis entre mes mains pour incerez cy dessous, & a celuy Poulet protesté de en dymyez du nombre de XXV à trante & d'en prandre d'aultres à son chouaix.
L'incertion desdicts maistres, compaignon mariniers & pillotes s'ensuyvent:
Jacques Cartier, capitaine.
Thomas Fourmont, maistre de la nef.
Guillaume Le Breton Bastille, capitaine et pilote du galion.
Jacques Maingard, maistre du galion.
Macé Jalobert, capitaine et pillote du Corrlieu
Guillaume Le Marié, maistre du Courlieu
Laurens Boulain.
Estienne Nouel.
Pierres Esmery, dict Talbot.
Michel Hervé.
Estienne Pommerel.
Michel Audiepvre.
Brand Sauboscq.
Richard Cobaz.
Lucas Saumur.
Françoys Guitault, apoticaire.
Georget Mabille.
Guillaume Sequart, cherpentier.
Robin Le Tort.
Sanson Ripault, barbier.
Françoys Guillot.
Guillaume Esnault, charpentier.
Jehan Dabin, cherpentier.
Jehan du Nort, cherpentier.
Jullien Golet.
Thomas Boulain.
Michel Philipot.
Jehan Hamel.
Jehan Fleury.
Guillaume Guilbert.
Colas Barbé.
Laurens Guillot.
Guillaume Bochier.
Michel Eon.
Jehan Anthoine.
Michel Maingard.
Jehan Maryen.
Bertrand Apvril.
Gilles Ruffin.
Geoffroy Ollivier.
Guillaume De Guernezé.
Eustache Grossin.
Guillaume Alliecte.
Jehan Raby.
Pierres Marquier, trompecte.
Guillaume Le Gentilhomme.
Raoullet Maingard.
Françoys Duault.
Hervé Henry.
Yvon Le Gal.
Anthoine Aliecte.
Jehan Colas.
Jacques Prinsault.
Dom Guillaume Le Breton.
Dom Anthoine.
Phelippes Thomas, cherpentier.
Jacques Du Bog.
Jullien Plancouet.
Jehan Go.
Jehan Le Gentilhomme.
Michel Donquan, cherpentier.
Jehan Aismery, cherpentier.
Pierres Maingart.
Lucas Clavier.
Goulhet Riou.
Jehan Jac, de Morbihen.
Pierres Nyel.
Le Gendre Estienne le Blanc.
Jehan Pierres.
Jehan Coumyn.
Anthoine Des Granches.
Louys Douayran.
Pierres Coupeaulx.
Pierres Jonchée, etc.
On Wednesday the last day of March before Easter 1535 at the abbey of Saint-Jean, in the presence of my said lord the Captain, being present Master Jehan Le Juiff, lieutenant of the court of Saint-Malo, the constable, Jehan Billard, attorney of the said bourgeois, Jn. Cronier, Jac. Chenu, Jehan Grout the younger, Bertrand Beauboys, Pierres May, Françoys Gaillard, Jehan Maingard Huperie, Jacques Martinet, Robin boullain, Estienne Richomme, Guillaume Boulain Villauroux, Pierres Ancelin, Guillaume Maingard, Guillaume Pepin, Jehan Brisard the elder, Jehan boulain Belestre, Thomas de La Bouille, Robin Gaultier the younger, Thomas Maingard, Françoys Martin, Guillaume Grout, Roullet Souchart, Yrlet Morel, Guillaume Le Breton Bastille, Georges Boulain, Guillaume Sainct Mains, Pierres Gosselin, Jehan Grout the elder, Charles Cheville, Guillaume Gaillard, Pierres Jonchée, Pierres Gaillard, Jehan de May, Pierres Colin. And several others of the said bourgeois assembled, etc.
After what was stated by the said attorney concerning the proclamation that was made yesterday by Pierres Gaultier, sergeant, the said sergeant was present, who admitted to having made the said proclamation, which he showed; and said that a certain Jehan Poulet, present, had him do it, and no one else, which proclamation was ordered to be inserted in this document; and the said Bastille, present, who denied having had the said proclamation made; and the said Poulet, present, who said that by virtue of the charge that had given him the said Cartier had had the said proclamation made.
And the said La Bouille and Maingard, present, who, the charge that Jacques Cartier gave the said Poulet having been heard, took entire responsibility for the said proclamation. And this Poulet presented the roll and number of the companions whom the said Cartier has taken for the said navigation: & it was handed over to me to insert it hereunder, & this Poulet protested that the number be reduced by 25 to 30 & that others be taken at his choice.
The insertion of the said masters, companions mariners & pilots follows:
Jacques Cartier, captain.
Thomas Fourmont, master of the nef.
Guillaume Le Breton Bastille, captain and pilot of the galleon.
Jacques Maingard, master of the galleon.
Macé Jalobert, captain and pilot of the Corrlieu
Guillaume Le Marié, master of the Courlieu
Laurens Boulain.
Estienne Nouel.
Pierres Esmery, dit Talbot.
Michel Hervé.
Estienne Pommerel.
Michel Audiepvre.
Brand Sauboscq.
Richard Cobaz.
Lucas Saumur.
Françoys Guitault, apothecary.
Georget Mabille.
Guillaume Sequart, carpenter.
Robin Le Tort.
Sanson Ripault, barber.
Françoys Guillot.
Guillaume Esnault, carpenter.
Jehan Dabin, carpenter.
Jehan du Nort, carpenter.
Jullien Golet.
Thomas Boulain.
Michel Philipot.
Jehan Hamel.
Jehan Fleury.
Guillaume Guilbert.
Colas Barbé.
Laurens Guillot.
Guillaume Bochier.
Michel Eon.
Jehan Anthoine.
Michel Maingard.
Jehan Maryen.
Bertrand Apvril.
Gilles Ruffin.
Geoffroy Ollivier.
Guillaume De Guernezé.
Eustache Grossin.
Guillaume Alliecte.
Jehan Raby.
Pierres Marquier, trumpeter.
Guillaume Le Gentilhomme.
Raoullet Maingard.
Françoys Duault.
Hervé Henry.
Yvon Le Gal.
Anthoine Aliecte.
Jehan Colas.
Jacques Prinsault.
Dom Guillaume Le Breton.
Dom Anthoine.
Phelippes Thomas, carpenter.
Jacques Du Bog.
Jullien Plancouet.
Jehan Go.
Jehan Le Gentilhomme.
Michel Donquan, carpenter.
Jehan Aismery, carpenter.
Piweew Maingart.
Lucas Clavier.
Goulhet Riou.
Jehan Jac, de Morbihen.
Pierres Nyel.
Le Gendre Estienne le Blanc.
Jehan Pierres.
Jehan coumyn.
Anthoine Des Granches.
Louys Douayran.
Pierres Coupeaulx.
Pierres Jonchée,

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