Sujets | Révision |
No | Date |
 | 1 - Navires arrivés en Nouvelle-France de 1633 à 1662, durant la période de la Compagnie des Cent Associés. | 3 | 03-01-1998 |
 | 2 - Rolle de la compagnie de Sorel, une compagnie canadienne, pris en 1760 durant la Guerre de Sept Ans. En construction. |
 | 3 - Rolle du régiment de Carignan-Salières en 1668, avant sa démobilisation. En construction. |
 | 4 - Monument de Louis Hébert à Québec.Liste des familles fondatrices de la ville de Québec. | 1 | 17-01-1998 |
5 | |
6 | |
 | 7 - Liste des passagers du Saint-André, 1659. | 1 | 10-01-1998 |
8 | |
9 | |
10 | |
11 | |
 | 12 - Vétérans de 1812. Liste de 63 vétérans gratifiés en 1875. | 1 | 12-06-1998 |
 | 13 - Capitaines durant l'invasion de 1776. Liste des 59 capitaines de milice du district de Québec. | 1 | 29-06-1998 |
 | 14 - Navires au Canada de 1666 à 1754. Liste de 81 entrées de navires durant la période. | 1 | 19-12-1998 |
 | 15 - Navire le Christophe, 1535. Rôle de l'équipage en partance pour l'Amérique du Nord. | 1 | 19-12-1998 |
 | 16 - Prévôté de Trois-Rivières. Causes entendues entre 1655 et 1662. | 1 | 06-03-1999 |
 | 17 - Équipages de Cartier en 1535. Liste des membres des trois équipages. | 1 | 31-12-1999 |
 | 18 - Déserteurs irlandais. 55 déserteurs à Québec en 1757. | 1 | 31-12-1999 |
Subjects | Revision |
No | Date |
 | 1 - Ships landed in New France from 1633 to 1662. | 3 | Jan 03, 98 |
 | 2 - Roll of the Sorel company, a canadian unit, taken in 1760 during the Seven Years War. | 2 | Oct 10, 97 |
 | 3 - Roll of the Carignan-Salières Regiment in 1668 at the demobilization. | 2 | Dec 27, 97 |
 | 4 - Monument to Louis Hébert in Québec,with list of founding families. | 1 | Oct 14, 97 |
 | 5 - Jetté Dictionary. Explanations of the entries and abbreviations. | 2 | Nov 07, 97 |
 | 6 - Census of Montréal, 1731.Far east area of walled city. | 1 | Jan 02, 98 |
 | 7 - Passengers List of the Saint-André, 1659. | 1 | Jan 10, 98 |
 | 8 - Census of Montréal, 1731. Second eastern section within the walled city. | 1 | Jan 15, 98 |
 | 9 - Ships of the Carignan Regiment. The 7 ships that transported the regiment. Pictures. | 2 | Mar 15, 99 |
 | 10 - 1681 Census of Saurel. Reproduction of the Census document for the Seigneurie of Saurel (Sorel).118 persons listed. | 1 | Feb 28, 98 |
 | 11 - 1681 Census of Berthier. Reproduction of the Census document for the Seigneuries of Villemur and d'Autray (Berthier). | 1 | Mar 25, 98 |
 | 12 - Veterans of the War of 1812. List of 63 militia veterans still living in 1875. | 1 | June 12, 1998 |
 | 13 - Captains during the invasion of 1776. List of 59 militia captains of the district of Québec. | 1 | June 29, 1998 |
 | 14 - Ships in Canada from 1666 to 1754. 81 entries of ships known to be in Canada during the period. | 1 | Dec 19, 1998 |
 | 15 - Ship Le Christophe 1535. List of crewmembers, leaving for North America. | 1 | Dec 28, 1998 |
 | 16 - Court of Trois-Rivières. Cases tried at the Court between 1655 and 1662. | 1 | Mar 06, 1999 |
 | 17 - List of Crews of Cartier in 1535. List of the three crews. | 1 | Dec 31 1999 |
 | 18 - Irish deserters. 55 deserters at Québec in 1757. | 1 | Dec 31 1999 |
 | 20 - Ships at Québec in 1757. Notes on 25 ships from the personal journal of Bougainville. | 1 | Oct 03, 1999 |