Apparatus Photos

Central Florida Fire and Rescue Vehicles

Here we have photos of fire apparatus by Dick Camnitz, a Florida fire buff. It's a display of shots of fire apparatus, informal fire department related and buff shots for people who enjoy that sort of thing (like me!)

It is divided into Orlando Fire Department pictures as well as Orlando photos of days gone by , some vintage fire apparatus photos , local Factory Photos, and Orange County Fire and Rescue photos, and an accident with injuries and FD shapshots. Various fire department related photos.

If you have something from the old Orange County, Florida district volunteer era you would like to share with the visitors to this page, let me know.

I am also a collector of mostly Central Florida fire memorabilia, helmets, helmet fronts, badges, etc. especially (you may have guessed) the old Orange County district volunteer fire departments. I need a patch from Christmas FD, Zellwood, Lake Sue (if there was one), and Holden Heights to complete my district collection. I have other Central Florida volunteer patches to trade just for them.

By the way, as a member, director and historian of The Florida Antique Bucket Brigade I'd like to invite you to check out their homepage. FABB is a non-profit organization made up of fire apparatus buffs from all walks of life who enjoy being around, preserving, photographing,and even owning fire apparatus and preserving the history and traditions of the fire service. If you like, you can join the club online. There are more Florida Apparatus photos and information about Florida Fire Musters and events.
But first explore the Central Florida Fire and Rescue Page.
© Dick Camnitz 1997

Even more Florida Apparatus
Fire Station 3 Museum info page

Any comments, questions or corrections? Let me know.
email to:
Dick Camnitz
Orlando, Fl.
OFD Apparatus
OFD of the past
Factory Photos
Orange County
Auto extrication

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