

Viewed With A Bunny.
Summertime !
Hi, I'm Mittens and I'm a loved and well cared for
bunny along with the other bunnies in my household. I even sleep with my eyes
closed, and on my side, too! I feel safe because my daddy loves and
protects me. I'm in a special class with other bunnies
I am considered a houserabbit:
Spoiled ,proud, and beautiful .
I love my Salad:Carefully washed and selected greens that are good for me like:
Romaine, Endive, Parsley, Cilantro, kale, Bok Choy and crunchy length cut
carrots. Also I get to eat unlimited amounts
of Timothy hay because by eating hay all the time I get to pass all the hairs
that go inside my belly every time I clean myself up, because I'm a very
clean little bunny girl. The other rabbits that share My place in CyberSpace are:
Ms. Rosie Rosebud, Preston Pee Rabbit, Emile Dewlap Lagamorph, Wee Willy
Wonka,Charky-Charcoal, Bundles also known as Little Brown Bunny, and our newest
and spunkiest addition: Ms Maria Bunny who lived in an outdoor hutch before
moving in with us:( . I am the only planned bunny, all the rest of THEM, are
what my dad calls rescues, that’s where some human didn't want them, and
them out to fend for themselves That wasn't nice, and if I find out who
they are, I'll bite them on the butt Grrrrr I get sooo mad at Hoomins!
On a very
sad note, Last Year,between Thanksgiving and Christmas,The Black Rabbit came to our house and took with him 5 of our members: Willy and Emile left first,then Preston who couldn't be without his brothers,then Mittens and Maria who couldn't do without their companions:They all crossed to the Rainbow Bridge to be with Lilly Churchbunny ,who lost her battle to cancer in July 2002!
You will
always be with us Preston,Emile,Willy,Maria,Mittens and Lilly
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friends have visited BunniesAreUs! Since January 1,1998.
Photographs and text © 2004 Robert Bonanno.
Page design and additional
graphics © 2004 Tanya