Chinese Shar-Pei Enthusiasts, Incorporated


A little bit of History


Fun with the CSP

The Chinese Shar-Pei in the Phil.

Upcoming Events

CSP Connection: Club Links

Show Results

The CoB SHARPeis

The CoB | What You Should Know | CSPCA

A little bit of History

The Chinese Shar-Pei Enthusaists Incorporated

Coh and Bel's love for the Chinese Shar-Pei started with Cobi back in 1993. During the last quarter of 1993, they bought Roxy and bred her with Cobi. Both were unregistered dogs. Informed by Chinese Shar-Pei breeders, the CSP is not really a recognized breed. So, the two kept breeding Cobi with the other Chinese Shar-Pei that they have acquired. Well-known unregistered CSP breeders are as follows:

BOOM GATSBY KENNELS at Dagupan Veterinary Clinic

WONG KENNELS at 6 Sto. Tomas St., Q.C.

LANATAN KENN at 60 Constellation, Bel Air, Makati

SY KENNELS at Singalong, Manila

It was in 1995 that Coh saw an ad about an imported CSP registered with the AKC. Coh swapped one of her CSP puppies with the bitch, Oak Valley's Baby. It was only later that she found out that there was no registered stud with the PCCI that can be mated with AV. When Coh left for North America that same year, determined to bring home a stud for AV, she searched for the Tzo Wen Kennel, the breeder of the 1994 BOB Westminster Winner. Ms. Barbara LaVere moved and there was no forwarding address. Coh ended up with Mi-Tu, Ms. Patricia Mullarkey. She brought home Hapitails Mi-Tu Mugzy Malone a.k.a. MUGS, now a Philippine Grand Champion and soon to be ROM sire with 5 Philippine Champion offspring. As soon as he arrived, he was mated to AV and produced Philippine Champion Jai Fe Re of Cob's litter. Mugs' breeder kept offering Coh CSP puppies that she could not resist. From the original registered foundation stock of the CoB SHARP-Peis, there are now about 3 dozens of imported AKC registered CSP. With the knowledge that CSP breeders in the Philippines still think that the CSP is not yet a recognized breed, to get the breed on the right track, Coh and Bel put up the Official Breed Club, the Chinese Shar-Pei Enthusiasts Incorporated (CSPEI). Bel is president.

Fun With The Chinese Shar-Pei

The 1st and 2nd Chinese Shar-Pei Fun Match

CSPEI held its 1st and 2nd Special Breed Fun Match last April 6, 1997 at the CoB Farm, Bgy. Tabe, Guiguinto, Bulacan. Mr. Manuel de Guzman and Mr. Mario Panlilio judged and were able assisted by Dr. Elmer Pineda who acted as the Ring Steward. It was a successful start for the CSPEI and well attended by friends and comrades. The whole PCCI staff was present and a number of Dog Trainers/Handlers lend their helping hand. It was a fun day with ample food. A relaxing day out in the suburbs for a breath of fresh air leaves participants waiting for the next CSPEI Specialty Show.

The 1st and 2nd Breed Specialty Show under Mr. Robert Dawson and Ms. Mary Kemp was originally slated on the 24th of August, 1997. CSPEI decided to postpone in for the 21st of September. However, since there was no show scheduled for the month of August, show fanatics decided to put up a cluster of breed specialties. The 1st and 2nd CSPEI Breed Specialty went through last August 24 under Mr. Mario Magsaysay and Dr. Jun Mendiola.

Upcoming Events

Still to come is the postponed Specialty Shows under Mr. Bob Dawson and Mrs. Mary Kemp on September 21, 1997 as planned at the ART's Venue. Plans are underway with another back-to back Specialty on October 11, 1997.

CSPEI will also be holding its 1st All Breeds Dog Show on the 15th and 16 of November under AKC licensed judges. Further details on the said show shall be posted as soon as possible.

Official Show Results


The Chinese Shar-Pei In The Philippines

Club Connection: Club Links

The CoB SHARPeis



Email me at cobragrp@skyinet.net in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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