Welcome to my guestbook and
thanx for visiting Amy's Angels!
If you have not signed my guestbook
please do so before you leave.
Blessings ~ Amy

12/08/00 11:37:47
Name: vasudhasomani My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: can't decide which one?
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: dogs. Your Favorite Food Type: pizzas, pastas, chinese Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: all kinds of cute ones

damn cool page. please keep on sending me pictures on teddy bears at my given e-mail address. thanx!!!!!!!!

11/04/00 02:08:57
Name: Richard My URL: Visit Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http://

Just stumbled onto your site. Good stuff... Thanks

11/03/00 17:00:02
My URL: Visit Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://
Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http://

Dear Amy, I love animals.When I have a chance to get one I get one.Do you like animals too?I have a dog named MOLLY.I also have a siamese fighting fish.My fish does not have a name. YOUR WRITER, COOL_88

10/30/00 16:45:12
Name: wendy Busbee My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: face 0ff
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: teddy bears Your Favorite Food Type: pizza Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: winnie the pooh

You have a great site keep up the good work. I love visiting. I'll visit more every day that I can. Your webpage was on the computer when I got here. I started browsing and enjoyedall I had to see. Thanks, Wendy.

10/09/00 11:09:30
My URL: Visit Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://
Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http://

Hi angelwink, Thank you for discovering this new world, the angel that make me fell happy that ease my burdened for the whole day activities. Through this website may you have many more angel who will entertained.

08/29/00 10:47:11
Name: Abdul Rafey My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: the sixth sense
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: cat Your Favorite Food Type: meat of any type Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: papa bear

i really love this site and i will recomend others to visit it too

08/04/00 12:58:20
Name: Barbara Taylor My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: Jesus
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: dog Your Favorite Food Type: sweets


07/27/00 19:40:20
Name: Angel Kimberly My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: gone with the wind
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: cat Your Favorite Food Type: lasagna Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: love all teddy bears

Hello, I have visited your lovely site and would like to invite you to come join us at the Divine Angels. We are a fairly new group of women united to bring joy to others, share stories and offer support, just to name a few. We also have a webring if your interested. Please visit and consider joining we would love to have you! Thanks for the tour of you web home, and have a blessed day,Angel Kimberly http://welcome.to/DivineAngels

06/20/00 20:49:05
My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http://


06/07/00 13:56:29
Name: Nicole Martinson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: The Cutting Edge
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Kitten Your Favorite Food Type: Mexican/Mild spices :)

This is such a good web page. My sister would really enjoy this one for she is an angel believer. Bless ya! Nic

05/23/00 15:41:44
Name: Charline Maillet My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: City of angels
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Bobine&Kiwi (dogs) Your Favorite Food Type: pasta or stir fry Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: none

Loved visiting your site. Your family looks enchanting and your pets adorable. My family has my husband Royal and my two grown up boys, Stephane (24) and Christian (20), also my two babies, Bobine a 2 year old American esqui and Kiwi a 7 month old blonde omeranian. I believe in angels, I love collecting pictures of so called angels, they are always nice to look at. no one knows what our Lord's angels really look like, but I enjoy looking at man's rendition. I'm 44 years old (age never bothered me, every d y just brings you closer to heaven I say) and live in Canada, I'm of Acadian descent and french is my primary language, so when you read my family's names, you have to say them with a french accent!! Ha ha!! May God bless.

04/02/00 02:05:23
Name: Linda B. My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: Titanic
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Horse Your Favorite Food Type: Mexican Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Pooh

Wonderful site. I will be back to visit it often. God Bless.

04/02/00 02:01:17
Name: Linda B. My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://Web Graphics Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http://Web-Building Your Favorite Movie: Titanic
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Horse Your Favorite Food Type: Mexican Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Pooh

Welcome site. I will be back to visit it often. God Bless.

03/06/00 19:09:13
Name: Tami Billingsley My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: Terms of Endearment
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: My dog, Missy Your Favorite Food Type: mexican Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Pooh

What a great site! Credit given to our God and Savior while at the same time attention to the wonder of angels sent to us by Heaven. I am a collector, believer, and dreamer. This page satisfyied all my varied ideas and beliefs. Thank you. Keep up the work. Blessings, Tami

02/01/00 17:50:26
Name: carlea My URL: Visit Me Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://
Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: Ransom Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: cat
Your Favorite Food Type: stromboli Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: paddington or Pooh

I love your site. It's wonderful to have joyful sites like this.

12/13/99 05:35:10
Name: angie ubaldo My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: city of angels
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: cat Your Favorite Food Type: mexican Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: pooh

i liked your page

11/26/99 01:01:47
Name: linda My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: ghost
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: dogs Your Favorite Food Type: waffle Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: pooh

pray for my sister

11/20/99 05:33:01
Name: ~*Lovehaze*~ My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://
Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: The Matrix, the mummy, the cure, little women

Hi, Great page!

11/18/99 19:15:59
Name: Sara Barkdoll My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: titanic
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: dog Your Favorite Food Type: pizza Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: pooh

cool site

11/18/99 15:20:07
Name: RONALD ACKERMAN My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: ghost
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: my dogs Your Favorite Food Type: ham Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: pooh

this is really helpful we lost our niece when someone she didnt even know shot her 6 times in the head for no reason at all and then shot himself if you want you may email to talk thanks god loves us all

11/18/99 04:23:09
Name: linda ackerman My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: ghost
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: our dogs Your Favorite Food Type: waffles

i pray you are able to help me help my sister

11/15/99 19:26:07
Name: yaneidy naranjo My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://
Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: the princess bride


11/14/99 14:10:32
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Niza. Gracias por dejarme firmar su guestbook

11/07/99 00:26:00
Name: Joy Copeland My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://geocities.com
Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http://

Love this site, can spend hours just looking around. Thanks

10/27/99 13:15:11
Name: Chelsea Springer My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: The 6th Sense
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: puppies Your Favorite Food Type: mashed potatoes Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: pooh


10/27/99 13:14:58
Name: Chelsea Springer My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: The 6th Sense
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: puppies Your Favorite Food Type: mashed potatoes Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: pooh


10/20/99 00:59:50
Name: Paula J Perry My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: Angel in my pocket
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: poodles Your Favorite Food Type: sweets Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: angel teddys

I am really enjoying your web site. We lost our daughter Tara to a murderer's bullet on december 26, 1991 when she was 19 years old. We feel that we have our own angel watching over us from the heavens above. I have my own angel collection. I enjoy all an els!!!!! Thank you.

07/29/99 20:43:36
Name: Dominica Rogers My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: Sleeping Beauty
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: My dog Montgomery Your Favorite Food Type: Ice cream Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Winnie the Pooh(actually Tigger, but he isn't a bear)

I have looked everywhere for the story of the Teddy Bear! You are the first one to have it posted on your page! Thank you, Thank you!

07/25/99 02:55:40
Name: Keta Grabner My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: My 11 cats
Your Favorite Food Type: hispanic

continue doing an excellent job

06/20/99 03:46:40
Name: runtell My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://www.xmissions.com/~emailbox/catstuff.htm Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: what's new pussycat?
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: cat Your Favorite Food Type: cat food-i'm a cat

Four Paws Up! What a great site! I deffinatly will be coming back again soon!

06/14/99 17:33:16
Name: Sharon My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: variety
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: All God's creations Your Favorite Food Type: pasta and white sauce Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Pooh

This is so inspirtional. I love it keep up the great work!

06/12/99 07:51:42
Name: GOOD NEWS, Inc. My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://
Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http://

Hello! I am here at your page because I like angels too. God created ALL MEN as "second angels" in the beginning BEFORE He rested from His labors. All of us were nursery mates at that point. Look up the name El Shaddai. She is God's Wife and the Mother of all sp rits. She gave birth to us in the beginning. You can find Mom in Revelation 12. She is called Mother Wisdom in Proverbs 8:12-32 and Mother Jerusalem in Galatians 4:26, Isaiah 54:5,6,13, and Psalm 87. You were told to honor God and Mom in the 5th Commandme t. Go by and say, "Hello" at http://goodnewsinc.org. As for us the females made in Her image and likeness are properly called "virtues" and virgins. Males are called angels. Our glory is to shine with the brightness of the sun. One angel in his full glo y could light up the whole earth. You wouldn't need the sun! As glorified spirits we can change into any form we desire from beauty to loveliness and from light to the splendor of glory. We will sing in 8 octaves or more. We can move through solid matter s if it was not there and by taking thought we can be (fly) where we want to go in an instant. The image and likeness of God is not the glory of birds, wings and feathers. God showed men these images in visions to inform men that they have the power of fl ght. At Jesus' tomb those who looked for Jesus saw the angels in their "proper" form, as men. We do not wear halos. Our sun brilliance is too great for the concept of babes. Forget about the milk bottle. You are grown-ups. Come and feast with us at my hou e called Heaven at http://goodnewsinc.org/heaven. To learn the "good will toward men" and the excellent END for all humanity step into the END zone and I will take you there at http://goodnewsinc.org/omega. See you soon! "GOOD NEWS"

05/27/99 05:29:14
Name: Angela My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://
Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Pooh

keep up the good work

05/20/99 19:11:04
Name: Debbie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://
Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: pooh


05/06/99 17:29:04
Name: rocio My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://www.animfactory.com Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http://www.htmlgoodies.com Your Favorite Movie: armageddon
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: horses, penguins, all animals Your Favorite Food Type: oriental Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: pooh

hi, i am 16 years old and i am currently writting a play for my high school american play class, it is about angels, i need information, so if you have it, email me..

04/23/99 17:24:43
Name: Kathy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Cats and dogs
Your Favorite Food Type: Chicken Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Cute

I am having so much fun in checking out your wonderful sites. I am new at this and have not gotten into doing web pages. Maybe one day I will. Right now I am trying to get an e-mail so I can too chat with other people and meet them and have them e-mail me back. It's lonely without one.

04/02/99 05:05:38
Name: Dannii My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://??? Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http://???? Your Favorite Movie: Dr.Dolittle
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: dogs/parrots Your Favorite Food Type: I'm a vegeterian Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Winnie The Pooh!

Kool site it's has heaps to look at! Good layout & design Dannii

02/08/99 01:56:34
Name: Angel-baby My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: city of angels
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: purshain cat named angel Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: paddinfton

i enjoyed being here you have a very nice site

01/22/99 02:27:30
Name: MELISSA My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: CAT/DOGS
Your Favorite Food Type: TACOS/PIZZA Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: ANY TEDDY BEARS


01/13/99 21:05:38
Name: Joyce My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://Angels Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: Heidi
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Terry my dog Your Favorite Food Type: Mexican Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Winnie the Pooh

I love this angel web site. I have always loved angels and there are so many beautiful ones here to visit.

01/13/99 07:27:45
Name: patience gathoni My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://
Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http://

God bles you

10/27/98 22:23:37
Name: Lou My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://
Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http://

Beautiful site.

10/20/98 01:58:05
Name: cindy morris My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: titanic
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: cat/dog Your Favorite Food Type: pizza Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: pooh

loved your background for the guestbook. can you email me a copy?

10/19/98 15:20:06
Name: Connie Schuh My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://
Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http://

Your pages are delightful!! What a pleasant place to visit. Blessings!!!

10/15/98 06:49:00
Name: angel_of_mercy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://
Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http://

You have a beautiful family,thankyou for sharing!

10/04/98 20:35:27
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

09/29/98 20:29:54
Name: Angel ^i^ My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Cats
Your Favorite Food Type: Pasta Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Pooh

Very beautiful and inspirational site, keep up the good work... Angel ^i^

09/24/98 22:18:40
Name: Barbara My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://www.mysticpc.com/jewels Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: Titanic
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Cats Your Favorite Food Type: Chinese, Italian Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Pooh

Your pages are really pretty, I love angels too. I had a wonderful time here *smile*. I love the atmosphere on your pages. Your graphics are lovely, I especially like the background on your sign guestbook page, that little angel is so cute!!! Have a nice ay, *angel smiles* Barbara

09/02/98 01:59:56
Name: MamaHawk & Rosie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: chihuahua
Your Favorite Food Type: pizza Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Pooh Bear (of course)


Great site! I really enjoyed visiting with Boomer and Andy, they sure are cute little sweeties. :o)
If ya get a chance stop in and visit my little Rosie at
Rosie's Page
She has a new webring Rosie's Doggy Friends. All dog breeds "WELCOME." She also has alot more things to see.
Keep up the great work on your pages!
"WOOF WOOF" Rosie also sends her greetings with this award, she hopes you like it!

08/19/98 01:34:29
Name: Mary Mabe My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Cat
Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Winnie the Pooh

I really enjoyed your page...Keep up the wonderful work...

08/10/98 15:21:43
Name: savannah My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: THE LITTLE MERMAID .
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: MY DOG ASHLEY Your Favorite Food Type: MACARONI & CHEESE Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: ONE THAT MY MOM GOT ME


07/31/98 05:16:45
Name: Carroll L.Strong My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: our dog Wylie Your Favorite Food Type: Oriental Cuisine

Hi,I'm a newbie to the web and was just surfin' an found your site.The graphics are really lovely and heartwarming.....I especially like the one on this page of the sleeping child. I will check soon and see what else you've added. May your angels guard an keep you and yours safe in the Lord's hands. Serenity

07/08/98 04:46:50
Name: Linda My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: babys day out
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: dogs Your Favorite Food Type: steak Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: poo bear

I loved your page youve put a lot of work in it .You must have spent mounths to get such a good page like this

07/02/98 18:06:47
Name: Mary Storey My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://
Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: cats


06/18/98 15:55:16
Name: selina aka china-doll My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: Titanic
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: my cat- snowy

Hi you have a nice website keep it up God Bless You!

06/18/98 15:51:39
Name: selina aka china-doll My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: Titanic
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: my cat- snowy

Hi you have a nice website keep it up God Bless You!

06/15/98 00:05:02
Name: West Family My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: Slingblade
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Dog Your Favorite Food Type: Ice Cream Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Pooh


06/05/98 13:30:42
Name: Laura Perry My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: Beaches
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Cat Your Favorite Food Type: Chicken and dumplings

Your site inspired me, laura

06/05/98 13:27:02
Name: Laura Perry My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: Beaches
Your Favorite Food Type: Chicken and dumplings

i really enjoyed your site, laura

05/18/98 05:05:42
Name: Loralie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: Field of Dreams
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: my dog and birds Your Favorite Food Type: avacado

Love your web page! bravo.

05/06/98 09:17:37
Name: Mo My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://
Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http://

Hi...you were on the Heartland birthday list..thought I would stop by and leave wishes for a happy day....VERY nice page...*s*

04/30/98 03:46:55
Name: Pualei My URL: Visit Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http://
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Birds

Very nice page.

04/25/98 20:54:27
Name: GOOD NEWS, Inc. My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://
Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http://

Greetings to you! Come on now! Do you really think angels look like this? This is a kindergarten concept for babes who think, "nothing is better than milk"! God intends to make us all "grown-ups". Yes! You are a "heavenly being", an immortal piece of the Father's spirit material, whatever He is made of! As such YOU cannot perish. Your clay cocoon must go! You will fly away to your prepared place and your own personal mansion in Heaven! All males are "angels" and females are "properly" called "virtues" and virgins. Your t ue glory is so bright a human being would be frightened if God turned on your face. Moses had to put a veil over his face so the people would not be intimidated when God showed only a little of "our true glory"! Jesus glistened in the transfiguration scen . And YOU actually can and will shine with the brilliance of the sun! Angels seen at the tomb did not have the "glory of birds" ... feathers and wings. That concept is for children just to show them angels have the power of flight. Those announcing Jesus' resurrection were seen in "proper form" like men, for WE ARE the image and likeness of God, not birds! In proper form we can fly and go through solid matter and be "feelable" as Jesus was. "Doubting Thomas" is my witness. Heaven is our true Home. YOU MUST INHERIT YOUR MANSION! YOU WILL JOIN THE FEAST OF LOVE! ...even if you are a "prodigal son"! ALL MUST APPEAR THERE! Isaiah 25:6-8, 66:22,23, Revelation 5:13. I want to comment more. Please join me in Heaven at http://goodnewsinc.org/heaven. You have alread made a great start! Praise God! "GOOD NEWS"

04/21/98 01:19:32
Name: Chris Johnston My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: The Lion King
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Cats of all kinds Your Favorite Food Type: Seafood Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Any and All

What a beautiful site to visit. I am a true testimony to Angels amoung us. On June 28, 1996 my beautiful nineteen year old daugher, Stormi Daye, received her wings. My earthly treasure is now Heavens Angel. Please continue your work on this wonderful si e, it makes my heart full again.

04/11/98 19:05:27
Name: amy murray My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: steel magnolias
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: dog Your Favorite Food Type: chocolate Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: winnie the pooh

I belive that my deceased mother is my guardian angel!! That is why I am doing a research project on angels, that is how I found this.

03/19/98 04:47:07
Name: LadyAnne My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: Titanic
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: wolves Your Favorite Food Type: vegies Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: winnie the pooh

what a wonderful site; I will be back many times to visit;;I am thrilled you are homeschooling,I did that with my eldest he is now 21;;; but we lived in an area where the winters made gettin to school unpredictable so I just taught him at him and he came ut allright;;

03/06/98 16:15:35
Name: James&Ness My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: The Big Chill
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: dogs

Dearest Amy, You have a lovely site and a lovely family.. We enjoyed looking at your photo albums. Surely,we believe that there is an angel that always looking after James and I...Thanks for sharing these things about angels.. You are an angel yourself... James and Ness

03/05/98 19:40:22
Name: Barbara My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Kittens
Your Favorite Food Type: salad Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: I like all kinds

Hi, I really enjoyed looking through your site,it looks like you had a lot of fun putting it together.you and Ihave a lot of the the same interests I love teddy bears,kittens etc. God Bless

02/26/98 22:00:11
Name: Cutelittleangel My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://http://www.cs.odu.edu/~ruett_j/ Your Favorite Movie: Men in Tights Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: cats
Your Favorite Food Type: Italian

I really enjoyed your page. I love angels too!!! By the way, I really like the background in your guestbook. Visit my page too!!!

01/20/98 15:04:00
Name: Tobias My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: Jack
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Eagle Your Favorite Food Type: Pizza Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Pooh. :-)

Boy, you got a really kewl homepage. Guess I would never be able to make it that far as you. Really lovely HP. :-)

01/12/98 15:43:21
Name: Kelly My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: Pretty woman
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Lab Golden Retrievor Your Favorite Food Type: Italian Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Tigger

I've been reading alot about angels, It's been interested reading about angels.If you have any information, about angels, Please write me back.Thank you ,Kelly

01/04/98 13:49:57
Name: Karen Johnson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: Fried Green Tomatoes
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: small dogs & cats Your Favorite Food Type: ice cream

Beautiful graphics - I'm new at online -thanks

12/27/97 05:20:11
Name: Elaine My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: The Way We Were
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: My Doberman, Baron Your Favorite Food Type: Italian Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Winnie the Pooh

I really like your Web site. Love all the poems and pictures.Very Inspiring. Itoo believe that Angels play an important part in human life, as well as in heaven, but I'm kind of uncomfortable with the almost worship like way they are viewed.The Godhead ar the ONLY ones to be worshiped. How do you view their role ?

12/21/97 12:44:38
Name: misty My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Dogs
Your Favorite Food Type: Lobster Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Any of them

What a darling page, I am so glad I visited I needed this chearing up I hope you visit my site and tell me what you think of it. I saved your song to listen to. Thanks for sharing such a bright and thoughtful page with all of us.

12/08/97 23:21:08
Name: Cheryl Zalac My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Cocker Spaniel
Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: My Teddy Bear!

I love your angel page! We are preparing for Christmas and we have a son who lives in heaven. Angels have a very special job here on earth and it is very comforting to know that others hold angels very dear too! Thank you for sharing such a beatiful pa e with me.

11/07/97 12:54:46
Name: Sonja Gillespie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: na
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: dog Your Favorite Food Type: pizza Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: pooh

I loved your sight!

10/30/97 21:57:41
Name: Cindy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://Lady DJ{I have a link on my page} Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: While you were sleeping
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Sassy, my cat Your Favorite Food Type: Pizza Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Pooh

Hi Amy, Just wanted to take a minute and say Hi, you have a great page! I am very impressed, I'll put a link on my page to yours. Stop by and visit some time. May the Lord Bless You! Cindy

10/25/97 03:23:54
Name: Jessica Lyons My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://www.geocities.com/SOHO/Lofts/4328/index.html Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: 101 Dalmatians
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Dalmatian Your Favorite Food Type: Pizza, Taco-Bell Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Winnie the Pooh(classic)

Your site ROCKS!!!!! The graphics are great and the site is really special. Drop by my site anytime. This background is lovely!!!!!

10/22/97 04:14:18
Name: sherry reutlinger My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://none Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: chances are
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: all animals Your Favorite Food Type: angel food cake Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: pooh

Thank you, for letting me read your page. I started collecting angels a few years ago. I can't seemto get enough information or stories. Early 1997,there were angel sites on the web, and then they went away. I'm sure glad your back. You're the angel. Bye

10/09/97 23:28:45
Name: PERSEUS, The Spirit Fairy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: dog
Your Favorite Food Type: All of it

Here he is, That peskie Spirit Fairy Perseus. He is here to SuperSize Your Spirit. With The wave of his wand and the swish of his wings He spreads his Fairy dust all over this site.

~~***~~ Sprinkle,sprinkle~~**~~ O Mighty Champion You have been fairy dusted by THE SPIRIT FAIRY PERSEUS from The Site Fights.I'm here to wish you good luck in The Fights and to give your site a "Spirit Check". May your experience in The Site Fights competition be the most enjoyable time you spend on the World Wide Web and may the wealth of friendships made while in the fights Be the most rewarding part of it all. Don't forget to post a cheer in SHOUT IT OUT!!! And Let the Cheers Begin!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please feel free to visit the Dfairy page at anytime and Please sign our guest book.
Visit the Dfairy Page in the sitefights
Remember to post those cheers in Shout It Out. The spirit here is magnificient. Don't forget to visit our team representatives that are currently doing battle in the Warzone and the Dome. They need our support in order to bring the SiteFights championship home to the Cherub's Champions. At present we need to support The Rickert Homepage in the Warzone This side. Goooooooo Champions. Vote Vote Vote.

10/07/97 20:55:57
Name: kelsark My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: cutting edge
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: cats and dogs. Your Favorite Food Type: all Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: pooh

You have a wonderful web site. Thank you for letting others view your world.

10/06/97 23:35:30
Name: Sparkle Fairy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://members.aol.com/MKirchh512/index.htm Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http://members.aol.com/wkgn272/np/helphtml.html Your Favorite Movie: Legends of the Fall
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Shih Tzu Your Favorite Food Type: Fruit Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Winnie the Pooh


~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Sparkle Sprinkle~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

You have been fairy dusted by the *Sparkle* Fairy for The Site Fights! Good Luck in The Fights. Just giving you a spirit check! Remeber to post those cheers in Shout it Out! Cheers, Cheers, and more Cheers! I wish you luck, spirit, and joy through out the fights.


10/06/97 22:29:45
Name: Neil Sinclair My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http://netobject fusion Your Favorite Movie: BEAVIS AND BUTTHEAD DO AMERICA
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Dog Your Favorite Food Type: eatable

Excellent page. Good luck in the sitefights. Can you visit my page and sign my guestbook

10/06/97 13:01:02
Name: Bev My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: South Pacific (I like the old ones best)
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: My Jack Russell Terrier - Missy Your Favorite Food Type: Hamburgers! Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Pooh

Great Page! Great Guestbook! I really like that Geocities Logo, is it your's? Can I use it? I'll tell the whole world where I found it! Come visit me sometime. Bev, your Community Leader

10/05/97 18:34:36
My URL: Visit Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://
Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http://


10/04/97 20:14:33
Name: Judith, of Williamsholler My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://www.oakchase.com/ladyart/ Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: Camelot
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: My Goldfish - "Fido" Your Favorite Food Type: Vegetarian Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Pooh Bear!

Hi Amy! You have such a darling site. Thank you so much for the gracious links to my graphics and to Williamsholler. *blush* I will return often! This place just leave you feeling so good inside. Thank you. Blessings, Judith

10/01/97 03:14:50
Name: Barby My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://home4.swipnet.se/~w-41692/cattery.htm Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: To Kill a Mockingbird
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: My kitty Boo Your Favorite Food Type: Veggies Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Pooh, of course!

What a sweet page (esp. the baby angels on this page!)--I really enjoyed it. I came in through the Pampered Pet Ring. Drop by my "house" for a visit when you get a chance!

09/29/97 19:29:52
Name: Cheryl My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: Grease
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: All Your Favorite Food Type: Oriental

Welcome to the Site Fights!

I pass this "Spirit "Stick" along to you, for I'm a Champion Cherub, who's pride is true and I've come along to v sit you.
"Twinkle Twinkle Cherub Star. Do you wonder "Where I Are?"
I'm in Dman Dome, that's "Where I are", I'm the current Champ, that is thus far.
So come on by and visit my site, and if you like..I mean REALLY LIKE, then head over to Dman Dome and cast your vote for "My Secret Garden", for it is your vote that will help to keep me afloat! =)


09/29/97 02:48:01
Name: Debbie Patterson My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://
Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Winnie the Pooh

Just dropped in to wish you well in the Site Fights. Please drop by my site and sign the guest book. If you like my site, I'd love to have your support in the Cherub Circle.

09/29/97 02:47:16
My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http://

Spirit Fairy Angel from the site fights Dear This is such a nice site but to win and stay in the fights you need a cherb Banner. I think you can find a banner at http://www.thesitefights.com/cherubs.htm If you need help e- mail me i amm here to help I will be back Monday after noon to see how you are doing

09/29/97 01:43:31
Name: rene' johnson reynolds My URL: Visit Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http://


09/29/97 01:43:29
Name: rene' johnson reynolds My URL: Visit Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http://


09/28/97 22:50:27
Name: Perseus, The Spirit Fairy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: The Greatest Story ever told
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Dog Your Favorite Food Type: All of it

Here he is, That peskie Spirit Fairy Perseus. He is here to SuperSize Your Spirit. With The wave of his wand and the swish of his wings He spreads his Fairy dust all over this site.

~~***~~ Sprinkle,sprinkle~~**~~ O Mighty Champion You have been fairy dusted by THE SPIRIT FAIRY PERSEUS from The Site Fights.I'm here to wish you good luck in The Fights and to give your site a "Spirit Check". May your experience in The Site Fights competition be the most enjoyable time you spend on the World Wide Web and may the wealth of friendships made while in the fights Be the most rewarding part of it all. Don't forget to post a cheer in SHOUT IT OUT!!! And Let the Cheers Begin!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please feel free to visit the Dfairy page at anytime and Please sign our guest book.
Visit the Dfairy Page in the sitefights
Remember to post those cheers in Shout It Out. The spirit here is magnificient. Don't forget to visit our team representatives that are currently doing battle in the Warzone and the Dome. They need our support in order to bring the SiteFights championship home to the Cherub's Champions. At present we need to support "My Secret Garden" In the Dome. Cheryl has a great page and she has taken it all the to the Championship. Now lets keep her there For the next week. And Support CAITLIN'S WORLD in the Warzone This side. Goooooooo Champions. Vote Vote Vote.

09/23/97 13:39:20
Name: Kimmey My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://www.w-link.net/~montserrat/bkgrnds.html Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: Romeo and Juliet
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Cats Your Favorite Food Type: Italian Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Pooh!

Your page is great. I loved all your angel pics!! Please join my ring. You can find it through my homepage.

09/21/97 18:37:21
Name: Jennifer My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: Homeward Bound
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: dogs Your Favorite Food Type: pizza Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Winnie The Pooh

Your page is really cool!! I love teddybears!!

09/17/97 20:37:52
Name: Susan Helene My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: "Somewhere in Time"
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: POOSETTE Your Favorite Food Type: Fruit Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: "Smokie"

BEAUTIFUL AND Precious. I'll be returning as you are bookmarked! :)

09/14/97 10:32:53
Name: Chris Sforza My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: Major League
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Shih Tsu Your Favorite Food Type: Pizza Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Winnie the Pooh

Nice page. Thanks for visiting mine.

09/10/97 05:51:12
Name: Janette My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: Sleepless in Seattle
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: All of them Your Favorite Food Type: I like everything

This is great Amy... Hope you are doing great... We miss you and your great wisdom... God Bless you and your family... This is so cool. We are a home schooling family of 3 years. We are also Christians. We are also military and stationed in Hawaii.

09/09/97 20:32:59
Name: Suzanne My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Gizmo, my ugly dog Your Favorite Food Type: Mexican or Chinese Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Cuddles.. my Steiff Bear.. a real character!!!

Thank you for the page... I don't know how to do all this stuff.. but I am trying.. we homeschool, Danielle is 10 and Jeff is 8 and he is autistic. Have you seen Jill Bond's page? She also homeschools an autistic child. This is our first year of homesc ooling.

09/09/97 13:19:15
Name: Chris My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: grease
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: kittys Your Favorite Food Type: anything with garlic and pasta! or chocolate oatmeal cookies! Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: winnie of course!

I really like your page! I am interested in the schooloing at home program. I have a 5 yo and would like to start teacing her. Not fully at home, but I would like to know what they are teaching the kids these days! Anyways Please email me and give me a lil info! ohh, are you in the site fights? If so where? I would love to vote for your page!

09/08/97 10:55:59
Name: Hope My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://n/a Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http://n/a Your Favorite Movie: Peggy Sue got Married
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: cat Your Favorite Food Type: Pasta Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Paddington bear

Dear Amy, Great Job, keep it up. your friend hope

09/06/97 14:25:20
Name: Jennifer My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Movie: Neverending Story Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Dog Your Favorite Food Type: Pizza
Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Rupert or little bear

Hi, Thanks for stopping by my page, I think yours is really neat !!! I like everything you like!

09/06/97 09:26:39
Name: Jenny Van Dillen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Movie: The Breakfast Club Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: pig Your Favorite Food Type: chocolate
Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: pooky

Your page is very nice!!! I like it!!! Come visit my page sometime!

09/05/97 21:59:15
Name: Susan Cooper My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/gifs.html Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: any
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: our basset, Otis Your Favorite Food Type: SALADSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Boyd's Bears

Hello from Florida, home of the Jacksonville JAGUARS. Whew, I was worried you wanted my social security number ;þ What a delightful site:) So much to see....your photos are wonderful:) and so are your ba kgrounds... It's a delight to meet such a nice person, thanks for stopping by The Coop, and introducing yourself to me:)

09/05/97 05:18:43
Name: Larry UB My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http:// Your Favorite Movie: Ransom
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: your dogs, those little devils Your Favorite Food Type: Pizza Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: POOH, thats who

Cool page it was good seeing Justin. Everything looked great once again.

09/05/97 02:51:37
Name: lori norfleet My URL: Visit Me
Favorite Graphics Web Site: http:// Favorite Web-Building Tutorial Site: http://


09/04/97 17:40:39
Name: Michael Newhouse My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Web Building Tutorial Site: none Your Favorite Movie: "Michael" Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Dog, (Yorkie)
Your Favorite Food Type: spegettie Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Winnie the Pooh

Awsome page!!!!! I think the pictures of the Angels are cool!!!!!

09/04/97 05:15:27
Name: Amy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite: The Art Connection Your Favorite Web Building Tutorial Site: Create It 101 Your Favorite Movie: Michael
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: My Yorkie - Boomer Your Favorite Food Type: Chinese Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Little Bear on Nickelodeon

I love my web site!

09/04/97 04:17:06
Name: LARRY WHITE SR My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite: GRAND CHILDS PIC Your Favorite Movie: STAR WARS Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: EWOKS
Your Favorite Food Type: PIZZA Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: W-T-P


09/04/97 00:54:21
Name: Renae My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite: http://www.ist.net/clipart/index.html Your Favorite Web Building Tutorial Site: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/6658/ Your Favorite Movie: Michael
Your Favorite Pet and/or Animal: Yorkie Dog Your Favorite Food Type: Chocolate Your Favorite Teddy Bear Character: Winnie the Pooh

I love your page because I love teddy bears!

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