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Awesome Christian Sites

Backgrounds and accessories by Gentle Dove

Submitt your prayer requests to:
Ascending Power Prayer Chain

We serve a Mighty God Who hears and answers prayer.
I know from experience that God wants to meet all your needs.So please, feel free to submitt your prayer request!

Take this logo and make a stand agaist animal abuse!

[Gentle Doves Backgrounds and Accessories]NEWTwo

[Gentle Doves Snowglobes]NEW
Snowglobes for all occasions.

[Gentle Doves GraphicsNEW]

[The Graphics Farm]NEW
Oops..I ran out of room on this site!
Check out my new site
The Graphics Farm
for more graphics!

[Let it snow, let it snow....]NEW
My Christmas page(s). I think you'll like them...

[The Heavens Declare The Glory Of God...]NEW
Take my hand and we will go where few have gone to see the Glory of God and His handiwork...

[Extreme In Body Piercing!]
I did not write this article, (but I wish I had),
You will never look at what the Lord did on the cross in same light again!

Want to[See]what love is...? NEW

Try this tested and true
[Stain Remover]
Its's 100% gauranteed to do what it claims to do, and...
it's free...NEW

[Learning to Like The Man/Woman In The Mirror] NEW
["Give God the Glory" Testamony's ]
[Sometimes God's gift may be missed]
[I Said A Prayer For You Today]
[The Cry Of The Unborn]
[5 Minute Devotions] NEW
[Recipe For Life]
[The Hiding Place] NEW
Come and be refreshed at the Hiding Place. Be patient while the page loads, you'll be glad you did!

[ Meet the gang.]
[My Testamony]
My computer kitten! You'll love him.
[My Sign Language Page] NEW

[Can you find the Pearl of Great Price?????]clam NEW
[Come see who has found the Pearl of Great Price!]

A merry heart does good like a medicine....
I heard a doctor say once that when you laugh, the internal organs vibrate against the liver.In doing so, the liver stays healthy. Sort of a "liver massage" I guess. It kinda makes your "liver quiver".... So visit my
[Liver Quiver]
page, and have a giggle.
[Send a virtual greeting card to someone]
[New Creations Christian Pen Pals] NEW
Submit your name to the
["New Creations Christian Pen Pals"] NEW

Do you need some spiritual uplifting?
Then you should check out "Involved Christian Radio Network".
You'll find such fine people as:

Beverly LaHaye
Chuck Colson
John McArthur
Josh Mcdowel
700 Club...
and much more!
But you'll need "Real Player". Don't have it you say? No problem! You can get it right here.



Do you have a Testamony of God's saving power in your life? Or maybe a testamony of God's healing power, or a miracle that God did on your behalf? If you do, and you would like to share it with others to Give God the Glory, then you could send me your testamony, and I might put it on the Give God the Glory Testamony's page..

You are the person to visit my page...