Please take this logo and place it on your site as a stand against animal abuse!
Please add this link to the image:
It is a link to my other site
Rainbow Bridge Cyber Pets Adoption Agency
Go there and read the story No Voice Reader Beware: It is not a pleasant story!!
This is my cyber pet "Two".
You'll see "Two" on many of my pages.
You can have your own "Cyber Pet".
Just go to my Webring page and sign up with the "Cyber Pets On The Net" Webring.
You can also adopt a "Cyber Pet" from my other site:
Rainbow Bridge Cyber Pets Adoption Agency
Thanks to all who have joined my webrings that I created and maintain!
I moved them to another page on this site, because it made this page so slow in loading.
If you are into webrings and you would like to check out my webrings I have created, then go to
My Webring Page
The list of them are as follows in alphabetical order:
Ascending Power But As For Me and My House Bread Of Life Cyber Pets On The Net Faith Hope and Love Jesus is Alive and Well on the Internet Living Water
As well as creating my own webrings, I am also a memeber of many other excellent webrings.
If you want to see the webrings I belong to, or you came here threw a webring,go to my
Lots Of Webrings Page.
Of course, if you're not interested in webrings at all, bypass them and enter the rest of my site threw the snowglobe below.
Be as wise as a serpent, and as gentle as a dove...