The Phillips Page

The Phillips Zone

Welcome to our area of the web. We are glad you could make it. I think it's cool to have a way to stay in touch 24 hrs. a day and not worry about busy signals or deal with answering machines. You can click around and view some picts,find out about our latest complaints, and see what we might be planing in the near future. This page was designed for family and friends but all are welcome. If you would like to make a comment or just pick a fight you can e-mail

Earl and Linda or you canSign Guestbook View Guestbook View my old guestbook

There is a section for each family member. As with most family sites they could stand a little updating. Check em' out.
  1. Linda's turn
  2. Stephanie's orbit
  3. Planet Doug
  4. Pictures
  5. Joy callring
We like to put something up front that is of importance to someone in the family. Linda is always mindful of the family's health and smoking is of particular concern. In order to save me a lot of typing and you a lot of preaching I have placed this image that she says "tells it all".Click on image for some of the Perils.

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