Don't take her milk bones!


There's a lot to say about my Mitzie...Her favorite thing in the whole world is a milkbone...She loves them and hides them all over the house...There are 2 ways I find her hiding places...One is when I'm using the vacuum cleaner and I get too close to a hiding place and here she comes running to save it...The other is if Bubbba, the poor cat, happens to stroll too near to a hiding place...He doesn't know it's there but she comes out of no where and like a little battering ram, charges him and hits him with her head to get him away...This usually ends up in a scuffle that she ALWAYS wins...She has a little "bone bowl" and he does try to steal bones from from time to time...If she sees him too near, she walks over and stands very still looking at him out of the corner of her eye just waiting for him to try. He outweighs her by almost 12 pounds and she usually stays away from him except when it comes to her milkbones. He gets back by "staring" at her...She will whine and cry cause he "stares" at her. Mitzie also loves to "sunbathe" and will sit in the sun for as long as we let her. She also chases squirrles almost as big as her...She sounds so ferocious and not ONE squirrel has ever broken into our house! She's very loving and wants only her "Mommy" to hold her usually...But she loves us all! The only time we kind of growl at her is in the mornings...She's so glad to see us she jumps all over us while we're sleeping but it's too hard to be mad at her!


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