Is your pet cute?
Hi! Welcome to my homepage!
Doesn't everyone think their pet is the most special one
in the world? I'd like to share mine with you and hopefully, you will
share yours with me.

First, I'd like to introduce Barney!

We got Barney from the local Humane Society. We don't know if he was abandoned or just lost, but he doesn't go out of our sight now. He's the easiest one to take to the groomer's and just loves getting attention. Somebody learned a lesson!
Next, is Kelsey!

She's an adorable little Shih Tzu, but she's afraid of her own shadow. Actually, Barney scared her (almost) to death as soon as she arrived with his over anxious greeting (in loud barking words). Her favorite sport is chasing the cats (their pictures will come later). The cats are very lenient with her and actually like the exercise.
Last, but certainly not least, is Lacey!

Lacey is a White Schnauzer. She's the most free-spirted one of them all and I think the easiest to train too. She's dependable and she's alway's there by our side, but what a little pistol she is. You never know what she's going to do next. Maybe tease the cat or try to get into a waste can. She also likes to drag rugs from one end of the house to the other. Such a little dog, but plenty of strength.
Links to other sites on the Web
TJ Angels Shopping Page
Jann's Page
John WA3Z
Nick & Rudy's
Piper's Dog House
Glenn and Christine (my nephew)
Ki-ki's Page - Lost or abducted children.....take a look!
Harley's Page....Please come visit
Tigger's Page...all the way from Korea
Milo's Page...I'm a cute one too

Now for some Special Dog Guests:
Tee Jay
Mac and PC
Rebel and Rusty

Last updated May, 1999 jgnewman@ix.netcom.com
Blue ribbon award for Best Dogs, Love Your Web Site: from Jann

First Prize
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