Ariane |
Hi everyone! I am thrilled to welcome you in my homepage. My name is Ariane, I am 20 and definitely a globe trotter. I am majoring in English at the University Blaise Pascal in Clermont Ferrand and I intend on getting a PHD in American Civilisation. I enjoy being with my family, and my sweetheart Jean, I love travelling all over the world, meeting people from different cultures, I like reading and above all, I enjoy Music, my favorite instrument is Piano, and it goes without saying that my favorite movie is the Palme d'or in Cannes 1993 "The Piano" by Jane Campion. |
Yahoo! http://www.geocities.com/rianou/My_page.html http://www.geocities.com/rianou/index.html
ganecha@aol.com musariane@aol/com |
My main interests in life are being with my family and my boyfriend Jean that I met 18 months ago!!! I enjoy going to the theater, listening to music, hanging around with friends, travelling and playing tennis. My dreams are to go and travel the world again and again, I would love to go to Australia and New Zealand and the Maldives Island for my honeymoon. But I know... I am young and I have the whole life waiting for me... |
I consider Family as the most important thing in my life. I have the greatest parents on earth, I see them as showing the very example of the ideal couple, they are living as one person in two bodies,and Alain and Annick never argue, that's wonderful in my opinion. I also have one great sister Anna, she's preparing the exams for entering the Medical School in Clermont Ferrand, it's hard and she's been in a bad mood lately because of the stress of her examination. Grrr... but I love her, she is a great person. I have quite a small family, only two oncles and two aunts with one cousin, but don't think we are the perfect family! We do have problems within the family, as you probably do! |
I have a boyfriend called Jean,he is the sweetest person on earth, I met him in September 1998. And since then, we are living the greatest love story ever existed on earth! I love him so much!!! But I won't tell you more because this is my own business. ok?... My bestfriend lives in South Carolina, USA. She is called Emily. I met her there as she saved my life in November 1997 hosting me in her family for the eight following months. We had the greatest moments of friendship, she is definitely my soul sister and I know that's she is here for me and that I am here for her at anytime, at anyday forever. Eventhough we are separated by distance, we are close thanks to emails and phonecalls. "Friendship is in our soul for eternity". And of course, I would never forget my coolest schoolmates, Karine and Sabine. Hi girls if you happen to visit this homepage! |