Evolution vs. Creation

  Links and Articles Archive: Evolution vs. Creation, God, religion, social issues, answers to life's problems, sex, money, gay and lesbian, alcoholism,
fossils, creation science, proof of God, domestic violence, spouse abuse,
family issues, cults, satan worship, life after death, end times, and many more. RealAudio broadcasts with today's hottest evangelist celebrities including: John Hagee, J. Vernon Mcgee, Chuck Swindoll, Charles Stanley, John MacArthur, Ken Ham, T.B.N. Live, 700 Club live, and more to be added. All your favorite links and articles are still here. If you have some celebrity evangelists you would like to see here just drop us an e-mail and we'll see what we can do. Also if you have articles or issues you would like to be addressed here let us know.

The Blue Letter Bible: An online bible with commentaries. Click Here

For listening to the RealAudio broadcasts you will need a RealAudio player. You can
down load the player for free by clicking here.
The RealAudio Broadcasts:

    Ken Ham             Ken Ham talks about evolution vs. creation. What schools and
                               the new age movement are teaching your children. Ken Ham has
                               the  answers to creation issues you have been wondering about.
      John Hagee              John Hagee Ministries: today's broadcast
    Charles Stanley         In Touch Ministries:  today's broadcast

    J. Vernon McGee     Through The Bible radio show: today's broadcast

    Chuck Swindoll         Insight for Living: today's broadcast

    John MacArthur       Grace to You: today's broadcast

    TBN Live               Trinity Broadcasting Network: Live broadcast full time

    The 700 Club           Today's broadcast

     Jack Van Impe    Bible Prophecy, daily news updates, overview of major
                                            future events, Middle East invasion map, much more.

     Carmon              Non broadcast site

     Bishop T.D. Jakes  Non broadcast site
    The Potters House

The Articles :

    The Basics of Creation vs. Evolution

    So how is it that some scientists are still trying to teach evolution? Why?

    If God is sovereign, does that make Him responsible for evil?

    How can I respect the wishes of my non-christian parents, while still following
   God's will?

    Can a gay person go to heaven?

    Article: Warning to families!

   Did dinosaurs and men walk the earth together?
   With so many religions and cults, how can I know which ones are false?

   How do Jehovah's Witnesses' teachings compare to the Scriptures?

   Remote Viewing, Channeling, ESP --and the Power of God

   EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE:  Analyzing a Mysterious Prospect

   The Overwhelming Evidence The  Importance of the End of this Millennium

   Roman Catholicism - Is it Christian?

   In what ways have the discoveries of archaeology verified the reliability of the
  Ok, here's what so many of you have been asking about...
  Do you really believe in evolution? Take this test to see how much...

  More Articles: The latest updates Articles Archive II

  The fossil record: What all those bones that were found really are Click here
 The Cults Section :

       The cults section is where you can find information on some of the cults of today.
        Click here

  Hot lines and other resources :


Crisis pregnancy centers online : click here
Trinity Broadcasting counseling and prayer hot line : 
The Boys Town National Hotline is the only national hotline that children (girls and boys) 
and parents can call with any problem at any time - children who are suffering physical or 
sexual abuse, depressed, thinking about suicide, on the run, taking drugs, hooked on 
alcohol, threatened by gangs, or just fighting with their parents; or parents frustrated by an 
out-of-control child, scared of an abusive, alcoholic spouse, dependent on drugs or 
alcohol, or seeking shelter for their homeless family.


 The Oasis : A wonderful christian resource site including :  Praise and worship, pastoral
                      and ministry tools,  home schooling, christian shareware, prayer requests,  search
                      tools, links and allot more. check it out!

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